Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Monday, September 19, 2022

Loofah Update and other chit chat


I took this updated photo on 9-15-2022.  It's definitely not very big yet, but with the heat this next week, I hope to see it grow more.

I'm now working on rotating out food in the freezer, and putting more back in.  The threat of a railroad strike prompted me to pay more attention.  I know I need to stock up on homemade cream soups, so that is currently on the list.

Daughter E came over and I of course fed her.  Both my husband and I could tell she was hurting for cash (she will never admit it to us, and has never ever asked for a dime from us).  She has to buy all her supplies to become a hair stylist who rents her own booth now.  She picked up several boxes and I gave her some clothes she might like for her job (that I needed to purge as well).  We also slipped some cash in her bag (he he).  We really want to see her succeed, with her being her own boss.

She inspired me to create a new business card for my crafts, and I did. My old ones were from the Farmer's market days, and we no longer sell jam/jelly, or goat's milk soap, so I really needed to get new ones.  Plus, I have very few left anyway.

On a good note, my crocheted hair clips will be sold at her station in the salon next month.  I'm busy, busy, busy.....trying to squeeze in whatever time I can get to get more made. 

It's the end of garden season, but I'm leaving in the bell and hot peppers to get more out of them.  Our bell peppers provided enough for daily needs, but not enough to freeze sadly.  Not sure, other than the location I planted them in the garden.  I made note, and will plant with better light (we have a tree that blocks part of it).

Unlike many other people, we are starting the living room repairs in the midst of life's to-do's.  It's crazy busy, and expensive, so I'm doing my best to eliminate trips to town. Supplies are high in cost, and it's a need to do before winter job.  We also have zero family to help with the work, and of course my husband has to work.

When I do go to town, I make a plan and take lists, checking them twice.  I'm still able to put laundry on the line to keep the electric bill down, and I clip coupons, and download digital coupons.  I regret on planting large onions or potatoes.  Every time we buy them, we find a rotten one in one or two days after buying them. 

I do need to get other homemade items made, so there is a special list for that on days I am able to.  One being garlic powder.

Friday, September 16, 2022

Living room repairs officially start.....

The sunrise is slowly moving in the direction of winter.

I decided to freeze more tomatoes.  I can make a fresh spaghetti sauce or can pizza sauce over winter.  It will save me some time to work on the living room.  I sent messages to the younger two, that i need there boxes of stuff out of the living room, and for one to clear her Christmas stuff out of the garage.  I'm hoping they arrive within the week.

Beautiful wild flowers bloomed in the water trough this year.

Tomatoes kept me in slow motion on getting the living room cleared, but in order to do that, I have to clear off a table in our (yes) bedroom.  It was for my sewing machine.  When Mom passed her recipes landed on that table.  I am clearing it off to move upstairs for my crafting table.  I started to look at some of the recipes and noticed some are definitely different.

Hm.  Not sure I'd try this one, but different.  I am missing Mom a lot right now going thru the recipes.


Thursday, September 15, 2022

Rainy Days

We have had foggy, cool mornings for several days now.  However, we will heat up again next week.  Literally into the 90's for a few days.  We were not expecting that.

I had good intentions of going to the garden first thing yesterday (after two days of rain), but the weather was not good.  It was foggy, cloudy and misting.  Finally when the fog lifted and the sun came out, I was able to check the garden.

I brought in some hot peppers that went to work with my husband (not enough to can anything with), and another 40 some pounds of tomatoes.  

By evening I got, what felt like 2 minutes of crochet time.  I am learning a new crochet stitch that I came across the other day (winter scarf).  I'm using up stash I already have to keep costs down and prices lower for a craft show.  I'm sure my husband will be happy it's "stash" yarn, ha ha!

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

This and That

 We love to support local businesses, and we purchased a handmade bird house.  We will set it on a post in hopes for birds to move it, and I am setting out some grape jelly in hopes to encourage a few Boston orioles to visit.  I think my husband wants to paint the birdhouse first, before we put it out for the birds.  In fact, now that it's fall, we may not put it out until spring.

My new spoon rest, ha ha!

Fall blooms.

My minimal fall decor, ha ha!  I, for one, have no time nor the space for storing fall decor.  I did swap out the placements and put the potpourri in the one bathroom.

Monday, September 12, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday

Today I will be pretending I do not have a garden. Well, at least until dinner time (or even tomorrow) anyway. There is a need to tidy up, and other to-do's that I need to catch up on.

I'm really missing Mom.  There were so many moments I just wanted to pick up my phone and call her.  Today I will be super busy.  Hopefully it will keep my mind focused.

GrannyJ if you could give my your email again.  I will send you my address.  It keeps saying I have the wrong email.  I apologize.

Blogger has done away with email notifications.  I'm on the hunt for a widget or some sort to put on my blog right now.  If I find something that works, I will update you all.  

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. I will link up when she posts.

The weather  . . .

72°/52°F and cloudy

As I look outside my window. . . 

It's early, so it's a bit dark outside.

Right now I am . . .

Making another pot of coffee.

Thinking and pondering . . .

I'm keeping a look out for a holiday craft show to participate in.  There are many going on this month and October, but I just don't have the time until the garden is completely done, and then top that with the living room repair job.

How I am feeling . . .

Tired.  I'm not used to the work schedule my husband has right now.

On the breakfast plate . . .

Have no idea yet.  First priority is down some coffee to fire up this tired soul, and  get the fridge cleaned out.

What I am reading . . .

On my TV . . .

Annie's Pointe (movie we picked up at an antique store)

On the menu. . .

-Cabbage sausage soup
-have no idea yet, I have several new recipes to try, including a new pesto recipe (that I hope will freeze well).  Has anyone every made green onion-basil pesto?

To-do list for the week. . .
-clean entire fridge (freezer on another day)
-label all my canning jars and get stored properly
-clean both bathrooms
-catch up on any laundry
-clean window blinds
-tidy up computer area
-take more trash downstairs from upstairs
-help my husband put the last of the kitchen trim back in
-start clearing out the front room (big job but has to be done)
-call chimney sweep
-dehydrate oregano and thyme
-freeze more green onions and chives
-water plants
-sweep and mop kitchen when I'm done cleaning fridge out
-take a few photos for tomorrow's post (ha ha! it's on the list)
-adding as I remember today....

From the camera . . .

Oddly, I do not have any photo on my camera right now, other than the photo of my current book.  I guess I will need to work on that this week, ha ha!

Prayers . . .

For Daughter E to find affordable health insurance (she is also moving to another salon), and for Daughter K too.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Canning Continues and other ramblings

I got 5 more pints of tomato soup canned.  It takes most of my day, but that is 5 more meals for two, and so good.


In between watching and stirring the pot, I have been catching up with laundry, restocking camper ornaments (making the pieces, just have to put them together later), and creating more hair clips.  I'm also creating more embellished paper clips.  I have not booked a fall craft show just yet.  I keep seeing them for October, but I cannot commit with the canning still going on.  I do better in Nov. and Dec.

Rosemary made it out of the dehydrator.  I need to check my pantry to see what else I need dried.

I'm now writing out a winter prep to-do list, but I have to get cracking on the living room.  I have boxes now, so I am ready as soon as the tomatoes are all put up.

What's on the list?  Splitting wood, ordering propane (this time I will make sure it's delivered before the cut off date), pulling the garden,  drying herbs before the weather gets too cold, and a few other to-do's.

It's another foggy morning here, and the last few days we are hearing fox and coyote.  We also saw an eagle fly over the house.  

Disturbing news in our state - the death of 3 million chickens at another egg producing farm died due to bird flu.  I guess I better get that new coop built, so we can focus on a meat bird coop as well.  

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Crazy Busy Puttin' Up Time

 It was finally time to start freezing tomatoes.  I cleared off the kitchen table.

I also put rosemary in the dehydrator and snipped green onion for freezing. Our green onions have superb flavor this year. It's  a race against the clock this time of the season.  I'm trying to get the tomatoes in before it's too late.  I baked a breakfast for us, for the next few days too.

I heard some restaurants are not offering green onions on their menu due to shortage of supplies.

We woke up to a very foggy morning.  The air is very cool, but they say we'll heat up again.