Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Thursday, March 25, 2021

This and That

I sent an email to Ball canning supplies.  It was pretty much a generic answer.  It listed all the stores they sell them in, which I already checked, and no answer as to when they will have more. They did say they were having a "shortage" so there is that.

I've checked 9 Target store within 50 miles - out of stock.  Same with Kroger, Walmart, and Meijer, Ace Hardware, Menard's, Lehman's Hardware, and other stores.  I'll keep trying.  I see they are selling some regular lids on Amazon, but a box of 12 for almost $14.00.  The mentioned sending supplies to Michael's crafts, but they only sell jars with lids not just lids.

Talked with a friend and she tried to find some in TN while on vacation and an Amish store.  Nada.  Zero.  I also checked while in FL.  Nada.

Extreme clean - magazines are gone.

I sort of went down "memory" lane after coming across a notebook of mine.  My Dad used to ask me if it was "tea time in Tanganyika?" when I was in a frustrated or upset mood.  I took that as my notebook title to jot notes back in the day of freelancing.  Ahhh, what good memory.

My husband is working longer hours, so that means more crochet time before he gets home.  Not sure why, but I started a new project (shaking my head).  I still have a list of on-going projects and things that need restocked.

Dinner the other night.  I started it in the crockpot and boiled the peas and noodles and added last.  Sort of, but not completely, like a chicken alfredo.  The peas are from last year's garden.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Clothesline Weather ~ Adult Easter Egg Hunt and other tidbuts

I'm finally back to putting laundry out on the line.  The weather has been so nice out.  I planted all the bulbs my younger brother gave me last year, and got out for some sunshine.

It was supposed to rain last night, but so far this morning it has not.  I'm sure the bulbs could use it, but I'm okay with that.  I need to get a few rain barrels set up.  I use the rain water to water my plant starts.

My asparagus seeds have finally arrived.  They'll be planted when the ground stays a good 50°F.  We are expanding the area we have some planted.  I have also decided to plant white potatoes, but only 5# this year.  The rest will be sweet potatoes if I find slips this year.  

I decided that we'll have an "adult" Easter Egg Hunt this year with friends/family.  We are hooking up with Daughter E's boyfriend's parents (the one who passed away).  I'm sure it will be a hoot!  We've been locked up too long and need to get with friends/family once again.  The store clerk (tee hee) suggested I put some up in the trees.  Another suggestion was to have them drink them as they find them, ha ha!  Not sure that would be a good idea, but funny to imagine it.

I'm also considering renting the hall and hiring a live band later in the year.  I miss dancing and good music. Speaking of that one band is scheduled in a bar next month, but not sure what restrictions will be for being able to dance.

Found a home for my scraps of stained glass, however the person never came to pick it up.  I have tried to give stuff away free twice now and the person never shows up.  I'm done with trying.  It's in the pile of boxes now to go to the thrift store.  I have never worked with stained glass.  One of our daughter's took a class years ago.  It was a great set up.  The art classes were in a store where the students could then sell their art.  Anyway, one more item out of the house.

I'm reluctant to hook up a garden hose, but when it's the right weather, I'll be washing down our old shoe/boot rack and that too will be donated.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Breakfast ~ A Finish

Breakfast for the next few days - just whipped stuff together.  Eggs, zucchini, yellow squash, onion, jalapenos, garlic, bacon, kale, and oregano.

The chickens are still supplying good.  I'm still using last years garlic (but they are getting green tops), frozen green peppers, jalapenos, and other veggies we froze.

I finished the rag rug for the shower.  I'm not happy with the edges this time around.  I think it's not exactly square due to the thinner material I used in the very center, but it'll work.  The one I made for the bathtub was much more square on the edges.

(the one I made for the bathtub)


Monday, March 22, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday


The weather is warming up, so outside work comes first this week.  Rain is arriving mid-week, so I'll save inside work for those days.  

I have a long to-do list, but I have much time to do it.  My husband is working 10 hour days this week....sigh...

Two stores and still no canning lids.  I found an empty box where they, at one time, had wide lids but sold out (I need regular lids).  If I can't can and can't freeze, there isn't a reason to grow a garden this year.  I could dehydrate as much as possible, but it's starting to become depressing.  I have seeds started for some, but I sure home things turn around on supplies we need.

My husband, for the first time ever, actually suggested we don't plant a garden at all this year.  Well, like I said, some seeds have been started, but we'll see if stores get more canning lids.  Much of my canning is tomato based foods.  

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather outside is . . .

70°/45 F, Sunny

How I am feeling this morning . . .

Almost feeling like I could use another vacation, ha  ha!  My husband said the same thing this morning.

On the breakfast plate . . .

Have no idea yet.

On my reading pile . . .


On my TV . . .

America's Test Kitchen

On the menu . . .

-salmon patties, steamed broccoli

-chicken/black bean and chili/cheese quesadillas

-smoked chicken sausages/mustard dip, roasted asparagus

-Baked chicken, peas, sweet potatoes

- Breakfast, crock pot steel cut oats

-Snacks, Kamut flake bars

Looking around the house . . .

It's a hot mess again.  We took off on a motorcycle ride Sunday, so the dishes need done, laundry done....yikes!

Something I want to share . . .

I have nothing today.

Devotional, Inspirational, prayer list or Bible verse . . .

No prayers requests at this time.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Chickens ~ Mailbox is up ~ Hobby Lobby Stops Offer ~ Porch Sign

Sadly, my oldest Araucana has passed away.  I think she was about 6-8 years old (more so leaning towards 8 maybe). I also had to be careful letting the others out.  There was either a hawk or eagle in the area, looking for a meal.  

We went to one of the bigger cities to pick up chicken feed, and I found this!  USA product.  Did you know most meal worms are a product of China?  My chickens love the chicken crack.

I made a quick stop at Hobby Lobby, but did you know they did away with their 40% coupon?  I asked about it and was told they have to stop offering it until business picks up again.  However, she said when items are on sale now, they are 50% vs. the regular 40%.  Anyway, I'll go back when the item I need to restock is on "sale" in order to get a better price.  The whole idea to get more business by taking away a coupon (good on one item) makes no sense to me.

The weather was finally good enough to install our new mailbox.  The wind had died down and the sun was out.  Still on the chilly side, but sunny.

We also put up my new porch sign I found last year.

We ended up playing cards on the porch until dinner time.  Porch time was so worth it, as the weather was pretty nice.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Question ~ From Pile to File Recipe

 Has anyone  purchased this book?

“The Medicinal Herb Grower” book–volume 1, by Richo Cech

I am unable to borrow it from our library (or interloan).  I am wondering if it's worth purchasing, considering I have purged a log of my books recently.

Tried a new dessert recipe.  I had some orange gelatin on hand, so it was a go for me.
(Trying this brand for the first time too)

I had all the other ingredients oddly.  Results?  Very good!  Although my husband says "more pecans" ha ha!  He does love pecans.

Friday, March 19, 2021

Day Out ~ Purge Continues and other ramblings

Daughter K had a day off so we decided to go shopping.  Local store shopping in a quaint little town. I picked up some interesting items for the girls for "Easter baskets."  I found locally made honey lollipops, and some old fashioned candies made in the USA (sold at locally owned businesses).  

The weather was miserable outside - rain, high winds, gloomy.  It was a perfect reason to get out and enjoy ourselves for once. Some would do the opposite, but out of the house it was.

My purge/extreme clean is back in action.  I've filled 3 boxes of books, two more of misc. items, and now donating a travel case.  We had one for camping and one for traveling anywhere else (when we drive).  The bike is different for overnight stuff.  Anyway, I decided the one we use more often holds more in the top tray, and I have one less case to store in my closet.

Oh, and because we both started purging clothing, I was much better at shopping on vacation.  I literally came home with one Harley Davidson top and love it (from St. Augustine, FL).  I have to say, I felt much better about my self control on buying clothing there.   

Much has been on my mind lately, including getting raised beds built.  We hope to be back to finishing the hallway this weekend and other jobs too.