Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Hope Chest ~ Preparing Your Kids for Independent Life

I was asked to explain our daughter's Hope Chest.  I do not have an actual "chest" in which items go into, but they go into storage bins.

A Hope Chest simply refers to preparing your child for independent life.  To us, it doesn't mean simply "marriage" but independent life, and have a good start for it.

Image result for hope chest book
(not my photo)

There is actually a book written about the Hope Chest, and suggestions.  I used to own this book, but passed it on to a friend years ago.

We don't want our kids going broke, when it's time to leave the "nest" so I try to add to their stash quite often.  The first three to move out even had boxes of homemade Christmas ornaments for their own, first Christmas trees away from home.

(Made with scraps of cotton year leftover from knitting dishcloths and other items).

I recently added a scrap rug to our youngest's daughter's "Hope Chest" along with a few Christmas ornaments.  I also added a set of coffee cup coasters with a hand embroidered kitchen towel, and a new kitchen utensil.  

It's not limited to what you put in a child's hope chest, but most importantly useful and needed items.  I just add a few items to keep it fun and real, like the ornaments or other items.

Just for example (but not limited, let your mind be creative), here is a list of ideas to stock up and prepare your child for independent life:

-Bedding, handmade quilt, hand crocheted afghan

-Handmade washcloths and face scrubbies (I crochet)

-Handmade hot pads, dish towels (embroidered etc).  I hand crochet hot pads, XL pt holders.

-Handmade dishcloths, hand crocheted dish scrubbies (I knit and crochet them)

-kitchen items: salt/pepper shaker, butter dish, utensils, set of dishes, canister set

-basic bakeware/cookware

-handmade doilies, dresser and night stand covers

-handmade tablecloths

-recipe box, locally made or handmade

-cookbook with family recipes, including homemade cleaner recipes like homemade laundry soap, foaming hand soap, grout cleaner, and homemade "lysol" wipes.  Our youngest is the only one to have a "family" cookbook, but I get messages from the older ones for family recipes often.  Include easier recipes for homemade dry mixes like taco mix, italian, seasoned salt, homemade hot cocoa, homemade butters (honey-cinnamon, cranberry etc.,) Recipes for herb infused cooking oils, spreadable butter etc.

-books on growing indoor/outdoor herbs, veggies etc.

When they get older gift them a dehydrator with a recipe book, and homemade useful, frugal recipes.

Our daughter already has quite a bit, aside from the bedding.  She has entire set of 7 hand embroidered "cat" kitchen towels and many other items.  

I often look for unique items while out at the thrift stores, but more-so at antique stores (butter dishes, measuring cups, measuring spoons, spoon rest, etc.).

Store items in a chest (thrift stores often have them), or storage bins.  A hope chest is not limited to your own children either.  It could be a grand child, God child etc.

I hope you enjoyed my post today.  I just try to add a personal touch to most of what we put in Youngest Daughter's Hope chest.

I remember when our oldest daughter set up in her first apt. by herself.  She sent me photos of everything I had made, and was so proud of her new "home."  Even the smallest item can make a difference.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Meal Prep ~ Weather ~ More Cleaning and Crocheting (and crafting)

Sort of a boring post, but not much else to talk about in winter time.  Hope you enjoy.

Meal prepping from the freezer and pantry has been a complete success, not to mention sort of fun.  It's been a fun challenge for sure.

When I made the banana bread the other day, I swapped out the oil for home canned applesauce.  I also used walnuts from the freezer (grown locally).

Tonight's meal is soup beans, using a ham bone from the freezer.  I'm pulling some sour cream from the freezer too.  Adding some to homemade buttermilk (using homemade buttermilk) corn bread makes a very moist bread.

I also pulled organic ground pork to make homemade sausage.  I'll be back to let you know what I use it for as well.

(Tiger keeping warm under the bed quilt)

Well, the weather man wasn't wrong.  We went from freezing cold temps to a boat load of rainfall.  

Clean/purge/re-organize updates:

Garage:  5% done (looks like a losing game of Jumanji)
Utility Room:  1% (starting)
Bedroom/Closet:  85% done
Master bath:  99% done

New project:

I'm not in a hurry with it.  It's like the poem about giving a Mom a muffin - I found the clothespins in a box in my utility room while attempting to start purging/cleaning in there.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Rain ~ Work ~ Bruschetta Chicken ~ Reading Challenge

The forecast is expecting 6 weeks of rain in two days here (starting today).  It seems like this happened the year we had a bountiful garden, so I'm praying the Weather Gods are good to us and we get through this upcoming flood.

Photo from 2016.  Just came across it and found it cute!

Hubby has been taking overtime lately.  He's been leaving the house at 6:30am and not returning until after midnight.

Image result for coffee meme
(not my photo)

I don't sleep well when he works so much either.  I know we could use the extra cash (new coop, new barn roof, and on and on), but it does mess with my sleep.

Making meals from the freezer and pantry has been a success.  I whipped up a zucchini and swiss chard frittata for a breakfast.

By the way, freezing organic ricotta, cottage cheese, cream cheese and sour cream has been very handy for baked meals.  The texture changes when thawed, but works great for baked recipes.  I will do that again, since I have no access to raw milk of any kind in our area.  By the way, does organic Parmesan cheese freeze well?

I baked some banana bread and we had Bruschetta chicken and Italian roasted cauliflower for dinner - YUM!  I made homemade balsamic drizzle for it too.  Aside from not finding fresh basil (my indoor plant didn't have enough), it was amazing.

Here is a photo of the book I borrowed from the library.  It contains the heart cross stitch pattern I used on my kitchen towel.

I think I will do this.  It will inspire me to read more.  Does "blueberry" count as a "color" in a book title?  I'm gonna say yes.  I have a book to finish.

Do not start a new project.

Do not start a new project.

Starts new project.😆

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Random Tidbits

Hard to believe this was Jan 7th, 2015.  Five years ago.  This year we do not have snow, but we are told lots of rain is heading our way, with a small bit of snow.  Gotta love that sunshine we had back then.

It didn't take long for our internet service to hike their rates.  I called, there are no "deals" right now, and I was told all customers rates went up.  We now pay $70.00/month just for internet.  Unfortunately, we are in the boonies, and extremely limited to any other source.  One said nope, we can't get service through those trees.

The chickens are laying, but on a limited basis.  Not sure if it's just their slow return to laying or lack of sunshine.  I'm just thankful for the eggs.

Freezer rotation is still in progress.  I dug out one area of the freezer, re-organized and made notes on what meals it all could be used for.  I also made notes in my "canning" journal, to better utilize what we put up last fall, and to better prep for next year.

I found a quart bag of frozen whole hot peppers (misc).  Any suggestions?  It's not enough to can hot pepper jelly.  Hm.  Just pull and chop and add to recipes?  Thaw and dehydrate?   Hubby must have brought them home from work (from a co-worker), and didn't tell me.

I also, and keeping to my goals, tossed some garbage from the garage.  Every little bit helps the process much easier this spring in cleaning it completely out.  Cleaned up more in my bedroom (have a few bags lingering of netting that need cut), tossed more in the garbage, started another box for clothing donation too.

Aurora (barn cat) now has her own outdoor cat house.  It has a clear flip door on each end.  Once I know she'll use it, I'll be adding a heating element (for outdoors) for her.  She's getting up in the years, and we felt she needed it.  It is thermal, and has a back door so if any unwanted critters want to join her she can escape quickly.  It's water-proof, and stores flat come spring time.

I made a quick trip to the library, and Romeo didn't even notice I was gone (ha ha!).  I'm testing the waters as to train him to not be kenneled while gone for short periods of time.  I mean he needs to be able to get to the door and scare the pants off someone while I'm gone.  He's doing very well too.  He's such a good dog. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Me Time ~ Finishes

Boy it felt so awesome to not have so much to clean on Monday.  I devoted some more crafting time.  Thanks to one of the girls, I am restocked with new candles too.

Finished this UFO.  I think I had it for a gift but never got around to finishing it.  It'll be in my kitchen now with Valentine's Day coming next month.  It can hang around all year though (I did the cross stitch that is in between the red flower pattern that came on the towel).

Finished the remaining sheet music Christmas Tree ornaments.   I think the blue one needs a silver bow at the top of the snowflake on it.

I have only 4 more UFO's, unless I come across more.  They'll take more time to finish, but I'm on it.

I'm thankful for leftovers tonight.  I used all items from the freezer and pantry, and made us Salmon Romanoff using MI caught Salmon (by my older brother), and a side of organic peas.  I'll dig out another veggie to go with leftover salmon romanoff tonight.

I'm not sure what I'll tackle today, but I'm sure I'll be tidying up or purging something today.  Goals!  Spring will be here before I know it.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Finishes ~ Monday Madness

Over the weekend we took a car load of stuff and donated it to a thrift store.  Stopped at the hardware store and picked up supplies.  We made a visit to Mom's too, where one of our kid had also stopped in.  I took her one of the spool ornaments and a jar of homemade taco mix. 

Hubby started on his "to-do" list too.  Nothing is completely checked off, but one job is half-done right now.

I finished another UFO (unfinished object, but I think it should be UFP - unfinished project).  Anyway, the scrap yarn rug went to our youngest for her hope chest. 

We also cut, split, loaded, unloaded and stacked wood.  We didn't want to, but we needed to.

Blueberry pancakes made with whole wheat Einkorn flour, sausage, and organic black coffee.  That's what's for breakfast this morning.

I'm working on this UFO - kitchen towel.  It am using various patterns from library books to finish this project.  Hubby laughed when I told him I think I started it back in 2013 or something.

I took this photo on 1-6-18.  Same day as today, but last year.  We have no snow this year. The baby blanket was gifted to our daughter for our grandson Colt. Who knew so much would change?

I was up at 3am this morning.  I had a ton of dishes to wash.  Fire was stoked and it's a day of laundry and more cleaning.

Friday, January 3, 2020

This and That ~ Finishes!

Although very prosperous on January 1st, I woke up the 2nd with no ambition whatsoever.  Quite possibly from not being a normally physical, while crafting.  We contemplated cutting wood, but never got off our bums to do that.

I sent an email to Pampered Chef.  I had a consultant tell me she had a ring replacement for me years ago, and never ever emailed me back.  I have a very old pastry model, and so far have not heard back from the company either.  It is no use to me without the ring.

I also emailed a nursing home in the "Big City" requesting a list of what they take for donations.  If you are purging be sure to ask nursing homes.  They will even take flower vases.  One time we brought flowers but forgot the vase when "P" was in there.  They had vases that had been donated for residents.  I may have mentioned this before.

I spent over an hour in the garage.  Filled the trunk for the thrift store, filled the trash, and brought in two old bed covers to wash and dry and re-use for Romeo's bedding. 

Finished the baby blanket.  Older photo, but it's completely done.

Finished the spool Christmas tree ornaments!  Another UFO checked off the list.  I'm already onto the next UFO.  I used the ice cube tray to hold them upright while the glue dried.

I'm also working on purging a freezer currently.  Our menu will be designed based on what needs used in there.  I found a package of organic chicken pieces that were purchased to feed Jesse, so it's already out of the freezer and cooked up for Romeo.  He's loving it too.

Hubby gave me the green light to write him a list of things that need done.  He is either so busy, or so tired, or we have commitments, that he hasn't tackled jobs around here.  I've already got him set up now.  He told me his "mental" list is not working out for him.

I'm finding a lot of very small balls of yarn in my closet, so I plan to email the school and see if the art teacher can use them in her classes.  If not, I'm not sure what to do with them.  Other than the centers of misc. granny squares for a future "scrap" blanket. And I do not need another "new" project right now.  

I have emailed the elementary school office, but didn't see an "Art" teacher listed for the school.  I wonder if nursing homes do art projects with residents?  I guess I find out from both and decide where to donate the balls of yarn.

Woke up today with warmer temps and rain.  No fire in the wood stove oddly.  It's a strange January already.

This and That ~ Finishes  © Jan 2020 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart