Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Staycation Day

Hubby, Youngest, and myself, visited a "Vintage Market" event for the first time.  It was ex-spen-sive!

 It was fun to walk around and see what they had.  Some "tents" were old time campers you walked into.  Sort of a fun time, lots of "gypsy" style clothing, jewelry (some handmade), homemade sauces, jellies, antiques, food and music.  In the second photo up, the first camper sold coffee, the yellow and white sold lemonade.  Just lots of cute camper "stores" and lots of stuff to look at.  Just out of my price range.  I wasn't really looking for anything, we just wanted to come check it out.  There were lots of customers dressed in "hippie" and "gypsy" outfits for this event.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

A Bit of Winter Food Prep ~ Dog Shenanigans

Celery freezer cubes have been started for winter food prep.  I do this every fall, so I have ample supply for winter cooking.  It comes in handy for soups/stews, and I don't have to worry about running out in a snow storm to get it. 

I simply dice up the celery, place it into an empty ice tray, add enough water to cover celery, and freeze. 

Friday, September 8, 2017

Pumpkins ~ Prepardedness (a slight start) ~ Pranks!

I had a bit of a delayed start in my day at home yesterday.  I had another follow up at the new doctor.  

Grad daughter drove me, so my leg wouldn't be stressed.  I took along a book I'm trying to finish (that I found tucked away in my night stand).  I'm still reading my fiction book too.

The news?

Spider bite is healing, leg swelling is going down - doctor is very happy.  I don't have to go back for 2 more weeks, but I will be taking up stock with the company who manufacturers gauze and roll gauze (ha ha ha!).  I can exercise too, but have to start slow.  Woo hoo!  On the road to recovery!!

I ended up home after lunch time, and well, it left me with the question what to tackle next.  Oh, I have a funny to share (not so funny to me, but to a kid of mine)

I have more tomatoes, but I cannot can sauce related items late in the day, or I'll be up all night long.

I decided to roast all 6 pie pumpkins I recently brought in.  Most people who go through the lengths of cutting these, removing seeds, roasting them and pureeing them, go right back to buying Libby's canned pumpkin. 

Thursday, September 7, 2017

This and That ~ Canning

It didn't take long for the recent medical bills to start flowing in (again).  I spent time on the phone taking care of those, so I can pay monthly until they are at reasonable amounts to fully pay off. 

A bit of sad news.  The small quilt shop that I have wanted to take lessons at (and procrastinated for years) is now closing it's doors.  It was very close to home too, and local.  I guess Youtube and I have a date this winter.  The sewing machine sits and waits for me.  Yeah, not happening any day soon due to the last haul of tomatoes.

Lemony Tomato-Basil soup was canned first.  I had very little basil in the herb garden, so I did a mix of parsley and basil this time.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Homemade Sausage ~ Biscuits and Gravy Oh My!

I woke up Monday to a warm 63°F and later a high of 87°.  And guess what?  

We started the "resurrection" of the flower beds/rose bed/herb garden on Sunday (no chance in convincing Hubby to break out the chainsaw for wood chores in the heat either), and now we are to get 4 days of possible rain.  I guess the Good Lord thought I needed softer soil to rip those weeds out, ha ha!  

Clean up before the end of the day.  But oh, so much more to weed (like about 60-70 feet of flower/herb beds).

Monday, we labored (again).  Hubby mowed some more, we weeded, and prepped the garlic bed.  Oh that was a joy - windy as heck, and try putting plastic down in the wind.  It took us about 1 1/2 hours or more to pull up old plastic, till, and put the new plastic down.  Now it will sit for a week or so to kill off more weeds/grass before I fall plant.

Laundry was put out.  Dried in seconds with the wind, heat and sun we had.

Pie pumpkins were picked and brought inside.  There are more, and more baby ones just starting.

A few blackberries were enjoyed.

Now about the homemade sausage.... 

In our parts of the world, we can buy "natural" sausage in patties, but it's not organic/non-gmo.  I've been buying organic pork, and making it myself.

It's the next best thing to raising my own pigs, butchering and making the sausage myself (goals). Or some day having a neighbor, like-minded, to barter with some day. 

That's the tickler about homesteading - it's a simple way of living, but so many people confuse "simple" with "easy."

To make the homemade sausage:

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Grilling ~ More Tomatoes ~ Dinky Bell Peppers/Carrots ~ Chilly Temps

We recently grilled burgers and we took advantage of that open jar of canned caramelized onions.

 Mmm.  Goodness.  Grilled organic / non-gmo beef burgers, topped with swiss cheese, canned onions, and home canned ketchup.  I should have mixed some hot peppers and greens into the beef, but I was just so hungry, ha ha ha!

(15 lbs.)

Saturday, September 2, 2017

A Bit of Stocking Up ~ A Good - Dirty Apron Week

(before sauce reduced to half)

It's been a canner-ganza week.  I'm thankful for that too, and we haven't checked our pears yet (no apples or plums this year again). 

Homemaking goes to a new level when you homestead as well.  It's not just cleaning, tidying up, dusting, paying bills, vacuuming, sweeping, purging, baking, cooking, washing dishes, getting kids to appointments and off to's hard work.  My kids hate me this time of year, ha ha!  Literally.  Deep down, I know they appreciate it.

I'm looking forward to a huge crock pot of delicious chili soon.  All these tomatoes are making me hungry.

Got coffee?  Tea?  Adult beverage (ha ha!) 
You may need one to sip while you read through today's post.  Sorry for the length.  Like I said - a busy kitchen week.

I used about 23 pounds of those delicious tomatoes, to can up some seasoned tomato sauce (recipe is in the Ball Blue Book).

I used pint jars this time.  Smaller meal planning.

I had those hot banana peppers that were looking so good...