Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Canning Season Starts ~ Strawberries ~ Random Tidbits

Ideally, if we don't get any of one vegetable or fruit, we just do without.   However, we picked up 12 quarts of strawberries.  I took care of six quarts yesterday, but only canned jam once.  Many went into the freezer.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Grilled Peanut Butter Banana Sandwiches ~ Tidbits

I've grilled many types of sandwiches, but this was a new one for us.  Delicious too.

I sliced my bananas, and put peanut butter on both pieces of bread (shown before I added the top bread), and grilled it in real butter. 

Monday, June 8, 2015

Humid, Hot, and More Rain

Posting late today, due to those extra duties I have right now, but happy to to get a entire pot of coffee all to myself.
The recent storm brought us much needed rain, but also more weeds.  I'm not sure what hurts more, my back or knees.  The beets were so bad, I had to weed them out on my knees.  Even though I had gloves on, hands are blistered from thistle stabbing me through to the skin.

I picked a few radishes to taste, but they are not all ready yet for harvest for stocking up just yet.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Break Over

Our 18 year-old is now a high school graduate, and about to start her first job this next week.  We, as parents discourage our kids from working while they are in school.  From our own experience, it effects their grades, their energy level, and much more.

I finished a book over my week long break from the internet.  And just for the record, I am still reading a Hemingway book. 

I ran out of white yarn, and have yet to pick up more. Maybe this week I can.

It was nice to get a break, but reality sets in when the break is over.   I'm still weeding through 421 emails.  Most of course are just advertisements.  I am starting to unsubscribe to many of them this next week. 

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Off the Grid. . .

It's time to take an "off the grid" hiatus.

I love writing my blog, and reading other blogs, but admit.  I need to go off grid for a week.  Meaning, get off the internet.  Meaning no emails, which will be the hardest for me.  I tend to have a routine when I check emails and write my blog. 

Hopefully, in doing this, I can also read more, crochet more, and organize more.  Not to mention just enjoy sitting and doing nothing at the end of the day.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Chicken Run is Done! Random Tidbits

If you are wondering how the garden is going, I do have to replant a few seeds.  I have already replanted some cucumber seeds.  I only had one pie pumpkin seed come up, so I'll be buying different seeds next season (and if they do well, will save those seeds).  Gardening comes with mishaps, guess work and many prayers.

I made a batch of homemade cream cheese, but forgot to photograph it for you.  I think you've all seen it made anyway.  It's the best cream cheese I ever tasted.  The kids devoured it.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Homemade Organic Insect Spray for the Vegetable Garden ~ Random Tidbits

Now that I have many plants in the garden, I have mixed up my first homemade organic bug spray for my vegetable garden.

I found one recipe online.

I've had terrible times with leaf eating bugs, eating away at my collard greens, and other greens.  This year I'm giving them dose of bug protection.