Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The other one ~ Crocheted Rug

Television has not been so entertaining lately (and the news is depressing), so I had the brainy idea of digging out some  yarn for a rug.  The one at my back door needs replaced badly, and I figured I could whip up something.

I opened the tote and found yarn that had a half-way crocheted dishcloth attached to it.  That was the "other one" I found a few days ago.

Slumping my shoulders, and lowering my head, I felt like those pesky projects where my worst nightmare this winter.  I straightened back up, smiled, and did what anyone else would do.  I ripped that booger out, and wound that yarn back on.

Then I grabbed a few more colors of yarn, and got to work.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

I got "Notered" ~ Granny Square Crochet Bookmark ~ Random Tidbits

I woke up with a hot cup of coffee, and sat down to read my email and discovered I was "notered" by Youngest Daughter.

(The history of the "noters":  for years we exchanged uplifting notes.  I'd put them in their lunches, and Youngest loved to write me back often).

Here is what I found in my email today:

 "Soo I don't really have anything to write about but I love you mommy. You're amazing and you care for me and I love you. Also check facebook :) I couldn't help but brag about how amazing my mom is.. I love you. You do a lot for me and there should be more than one day of the year that I show my gratitude to you and how much I appreciate you, and of course the work you do for me. You are AMAZING. I love you. I love you times 10000000 <3 :d="" are="" br="" hearts="" lol="" love="" mom="" symbols="" those="" you="">

Sent from my iPod=

That just made my day start even better.  I did hack into Hubby's facebook to see what she posted too ( a good way).

Lookie, lookie! (just trying to be funny)  I found another one!  (actually I found two, but I'll explain the other one on another post).

While shuffling through my leaning-tower-of- Pisa stack of magazines, I found this:

Monday, February 16, 2015

Honey-Ginger Carrots ~ More Ways to Use Millet ~ Cold Coffee

I pulled the last two bags of garden carrots from the freezer.  I added them to dinner last night, and made Honey-Ginger Carrots.  It's very simple to make too.

 (Homemade tuna and noodle using homemade mushroom soup and soy free tuna, honey-ginger carrots and organic peas).

Boil the carrots

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Winter Woes

We got another arctic blast Saturday.   This morning it's a whopping -5°F outside with a -26° wind chill (and the sun is shining). 

There was one thing we were struggling with yesterday.  How to protect Orion (our male lamancha goat) from the -25 to -35°F wind chill we were expecting.  We were told it would the coldest yet.  They might be right, as the wind chill is to stay at low at -35°F today.  Looks like our high will be 0°F.

If this winter was worse than last year, then what's next winter going to be?  Our cold blast will last a week here. I sure hope it kills off some ticks and other nasty bugs.


Saturday, February 14, 2015

The little things that say "I love you"

Happy Valentine's Day!

I wanted to make something useful for the kids this month - a little something to say "I love you."  I don't like to simply wait for February to tell them, so my challenge to myself is to tell them more often.

I used scrap fabric to make these homemade cards (right), and old book pages (left) to create the envelope.  I used a fine-line black marker to make dashes around the scrap fabric heart (adhered with fusible web). 

What's inside?

Friday, February 13, 2015

60 minutes and three miles later....

When walking three miles didn't de-stress the stress yesterday, I gravitated to the kitchen where the singing began.

Instead of writing poems in my head, I was singing Johnny Cash's "Burn, burn burn...." as the shallots burned my eyeballs.    Oldest Daughter thought I was cracked in the head until the shallot fumes wafted into the living room, where it burned her eyeballs. 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

New Foods ~ Tidbits

(organic tofu soaking in organic vegetable broth)

Over the years, I've kept track of new foods we've tried.  It looks like the only thing I journaled for 2014, was millet.  I'm sure there were a few other new foods.
Our vegetarian daughter, asked for us to buy tofu for her.  I've never tried it, so we bought organic tofu when it went on sale.