Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Daily Devotion of Another Kind

I woke one day last this past week, and did not want to garden, can, or clean.  I dedicated the day to my writing.  And that's exactly what I did.  Or maybe "tried" to do.

I had to go to the barn to get my breakfast - no eggs in the house.  After I walked into my room to tidy it later, I got caught up in striping the bed and doing 2 loads of laundry.

Then, while putting the laundry on the line, I saw that the flower pots needed watered.  And before that, I skimmed a crock pot recipe book for something to toss in for dinner (which I did, and adapted it to whatever I had in the freezer from last season).  However, when I did that, I pulled stuff out of the freezer to take a quick inventory.

And that's how it went.  However, I did get rid of 3 magazines (to the recycling box), put two sweatshirts away for fall camping, and picked up other things in my room (where my writing desk is).  Then I made a list of to-do's and put it on the computer for the kids.

Then, and only then, did I go into my room to actually write.  I just got started on revising one article, when the kids started to appear in my room.  One by one.  Hmpf.  I need an office on the roof.  I need one way out in the back, in a cabin or camper.

"If I was canning at the stove, not one of you would have bothered me," I said in frustration.

"You should have shut your door and put your do not disturb sign on it," one said.

Like that would make a difference.

I did manage to do a revision, and started a second one.  And that's when I realized I'm done with "motherhood" and "how-to" and non-fiction articles.  At this point in my life, I have realized I am done with that type of writing.

Either way, despite interruptions, I give myself a high-five for putting in time for my writing - my life's passion since I was in elementary school.

Just for fun, I am starting to document my published writing over in the sidebar of this blog.  One of these days, I'll get a book written (let me rephrase that, when I get my book written) and that will be the day I create my author blog.    I have dug out my folder full of tear sheets.  Now I'm ready for a shelf full of published novels.

Oh, and even though I "tried" to stay away from the everyday, mundane jobs and other work, it was an overall good day.  My son took the girls swimming, so I had a bit of a break.  However, one goat got loose, so after chasing her back in, and re-watering, I decided to put it all away for the day.

Hubby helped out too.  He did an evening run, and now our hay is stocked up.  This time it cost us $4.50/bale (it was $3.00/bale prior).

Friday, June 21, 2013

Homemade Teriyaki Sauce

I found this recipe in a library book - Food to Live By, by Myra Goodman.

The recipe is more so a semi-homemade recipe, as you will see when you read it.  I did find an organic soy sauce at my grocery store (naturally brewed, and made by Kikkoman).

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Sizzlin' Summer

The 19 - 1/2 pint jars of strawberry jam I canned, are already being opened.  The family loves it.  I just hope I can keep some in stock all winter, as the wild black raspberries are on already.  I'm still watching our mulberries, but they are not ripe yet.

The kitchen has been in over-drive, but not nearly as it will be when tomatoes are in harvest.  A few days I didn't even wear an apron.  It was that hot.

The goats love me when I can.  Especially when they get the strawberry leftovers.  Not much goes in our compost this time of year. 

I somehow managed to read an entire book in 2 days.  I am taking my youngest to the library for the summer reading program, and even though I have a ton of books here to read, I brought one home last week.  I never expected to read it either.  

How did I do it?

Well, I read in between making all those batches of strawberry jam, while walking on the treadmill, and taking time on one of the porches.  Of course I had to let the bathroom cleaning go, but eventually it got done.

Now....I just need to fit time in for my writing as well.  And before those tomatoes start filling up my entire kitchen. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

More From the Porch

I have had this wicker wreath for over 5 years now.  Each year I decorate it with something new.  This year, I got clearance priced silk flowers.

Hubby got into a "Get'R Done" mode, and put up our new porch sign.

Slowly, but surely, it's looking pretty nice on the porch.  Down in the lower right corner of the photo, you can see part of my tractor plant holder.  I forgot out it, and found it in the barn.  It needs a good washing, and a plant for it.

A new pot of flowers I added

Monday, June 17, 2013

Radishes in Soups & Radish Pickle Update

Use your extra radishes for soups.  I am planning to dehydrate some here for just that reason.  My Farmer's Market neighbor told me this tip.  You could freeze them too, but she says they are great it soups.  One year I did this with my extra Kohlrabi.

Update on the Refrigerator Radish Pickles - Hot!  Joke-ster Hubby was the first to taste, and graciously gave me one, saying, "These are crunchy, but they're not hot."  

He lied.  They are hot.  

I guess the amount of "heat" they would have, will depend on the "heat" that your radishes already have too.

I do like the fact that they do last for up to 6 months in the fridge.  I can make several jars for salads, just eating, or what not.  Yum!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Friday, June 14, 2013

Garden Goodness & Homestead Updates


 . . . picked broccoli, radishes, and strawberries.  Sugar snap peas will soon be ready.  Picked some lettuce too.

I made a pint jar of Refrigerator Radish Pickles, using a jalapeno pepper.  I've never made these before, and I see there are many variations.  I found my recipe in a library book.

. . . potatoes are doing great!

. . . spent hours weeding, and found that half the carrots and beets did not come up, so we replanted.  Some of the heirloom green beans didn't come up, and replanted those too.

. . . got down to weeding the cauliflower and broccoli, and stopped due to a predicted storm.

. . . still need to till between the peas and then weed the lettuce.  Half of the lettuce didn't come up either.  That second frost really did affect the garden this year.

. . . all the peppers are weeded, but look at my cucumber mounds! Yikes!  That's next.

. . .zucchini is doing pretty well, and the onions need weeded.

. . .cabbage is looking good, but the arugula is bug eaten.

. . . the celery looks great.  We have never grown lettuce before.

. . .put in more tomato stakes.  

. . . goat fencing is starting - bit by bit.  My 16 year-old has been putting these t-post in by herself.  

. . . and yes, the laundry is still drying outside, despite my allergies.

. . . I still need to finish weeding the strawberry beds, but the garlic and rhubarb look pretty good.  I planted the last of the onions in the strawberry beds.  They help fight off certain bugs.

Note:  All of these photos were taken prior to the storms that came through.  I'll try to update new photos later.  Today, I woke up to find that the kids have done something to the family computer and I cannot even sign in.  Grrrr!  Luckily, I had already loaded these photos to my blog, and can access it from my laptop.  I'll try to get the recipe for the radishes too.  It's on the other computer (Hmpf!).  Kids!  I'm going to need a full pot of coffee today.  All I can say is, that someone better get out of bed and get it fixed.