Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Earwig Traps ~ Tomato Worms


Our mailbox has been taken over by earwigs.  Never, in all the years here, have we had this happen.  I read about making traps, by rolling toilet paper roll over a pen, and stapling one end to trap them.  They go in and can't turn around to get out.  I set two in the back of the mailbox.

They did not work.  Just a quick post today. I'm putting a sticky bug trap out there in the back of it.  The kind that fold over and the bugs crawl through it and get stuck.

Found two tomato plants with work activity.  I found one horn worm, but could not find the other.  I hope to have time to go look for it today, before it destroys the plant.  

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Bam! Cucumbers!


I'll admit, that I was not ready for this!  First picking of the pickling cucumbers  - 7# of them!  I was totally shocked.  I literally just checked them two days prior.  

I'll be back when have taken care of these.  Thankfully, some of my dill is up too. 

Update on the rise in electric costs:  We have been talking to friends.  Some have already changed companies, but said there is a "transmission" fee after changing, and the cost remains about the same.  Others who have different companies for their electric have told us that their cost has gone up the same amount as ours.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Animal Activity ~ Zucchini/Yellow Squash and other tidbits


There has been a lot of wildlife activity around there.  We have been seeing the cardinals almost every night.  We've had a run in with a sick raccoon, and I happened to see a deer heading to the garden.  The deer got spooked by something, reared up and turned around and ran off.  I am wondering if the motion sensor sound is deterring the deer as well.  

I gave two bags of squash to a close friend.  The plants are producing well this year.

Most recent breakfast - Crustless Zucchini Quiche.  It is made with almond and coconut flour (no white flour), and it was

I used up about 8 yellow squash to make us some squash patties to go with dinner.   I also sliced zucchini and made a no sauce type lasagna with prosciutto and mozzarella cheese.  We love the squash patties, and have made them for years.  The other recipe was new, and if I were to make it again, I would dredge the slices in egg first.  I would also use thin slices of ham.  Everyone liked it, but I thought it was a bit "salty" to taste.

Daughter E came out with her car for some work to be done on it, so we fed her too.

She helped us unload the broke down truck, so we can hopefully have it towed to a friend's house soon.

Monday, July 17, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday

The weekend went way too fast for us.  We finally got to a area butcher shop, and took advantage of a few "bulk" buy deals (locally raised, no antibiotics, butchered at the shop etc.).  We also took care of most of my errand list in the pouring down rain (yeah for rain).

However after two days of errands, the truck is out of commission.  My husband, accidently ran over something and spent all evening working on the truck.  It is still not running.  On a good note?  The back of the truck is full of supplies for building the new chicken coop.  

It threw our plans off for the evening. Daughter E was to bring her car out for some work to be done.  That didn't happen.  We were to deliver our older car to a repair man, so it could be sold soon, and that did not happen.  

It's been literally one thing after another here.

We found out our electric company we have, has raised the cost 110% starting last June.   We are currently looking into changing energy companies.  I have no idea where to start, but it obviously has to be done.  110%???  How can anyone afford that?  I just got my July bill and it was an estimated amount, and the cost did go up that much.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  

I will link up when she posts today.

The weather . . .

80's, possible rain and I'm okay with that.  I have indoor work to catch up on.

As I look outside my window . . .

Woke up to moisture on the windows.  We are once again dealing with Canadian wildfire smoke haze, and it's been in the air for the last two days in our area.

Right now I am . . .

Brewing coffee, and posting this post.

Thinking and pondering . . . 

We really need a camping trip.  We have not gone camping once this year.  Every time I sit down to check a possible date, the campgrounds are completely booked or only have non-electric.  

Listening to . . .

80's rock and roll

How I am feeling . . .

Well, considering last night's fiasco, not exactly chipper.

On the breakfast plate . . .

Have no idea yet.

What I am wearing . . .

Still in pajamas, running a bit later than usual.

On the reading pile . . .

Nothing.  I haven't had time to do any reading.

On my TV . . .

Netflix.  Whatever catches our attention.

On the menu. . .

-cabbage goulash, grilled zucchini

-Perch, yellow squash patties

-Taco Zucchini Boats

Looking around the house . . .

All donations were dropped off over the weekend, so those are out of the house thankfully.  I have my drop cloth and saw horses set up to start painting doors.  Hopefully this week.

On the to-do list . . .

-Make a breakfast
-pay bills
-Master bathroom
-freeze zucchini

From the camera . . .

Devotional, Bible Verse, Prayers . . .
If you have been reading my blog, you know about the road construction nightmare in my home town.  Well, that is causing all sorts of traffic to be re-routed onto country side roads, and yesterday there was a fatal accident (on a road I have been taking lately), and a 22 year-old passed away due to the accident.  Prayers for the family.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Gardening reduces stress and anxiety???

 Daughter E called us and we talked for an hour.  She loves her new job and of course the income, and we can really see a difference in her happiness and way less anxiety.  

We both got a chuckle when we were talking about being a stay at home Mom.  She said, "after seeing what Mom does every day, I don't want that job, I would rather work outside the home" ha ha ha!

Although some days are extremely busy, there are a few days where I get to take the day slower, but yes, homemade cooking takes a lot of time, produces more dirty dishes, more dishes to wash and whatnot.  I do prefer the real foods and prefer home grown, which is also work.  I get it, but some day she may change her thoughts on that.

Weeds!  Not sure this is a stress reducer or anxiety reducer, ha ha!  I'm tired when I'm all done.  I am thankful some of the gladiolus are coming up.  I only put a dent in one flower bed, but today's rain should make the rest of the job go easier this next week.  If it does really rain. 

I have a nice mullein plant that showed up in my flower bed. I need to move it or plant it in a pot.  So happy to see it though.

Friday, July 14, 2023

I can't believe it's Friday already . . .

The recent rain gave the garden a sip of glory, but not a full drink so to speak.  There is a good possibility for a good soak tomorrow.   The gardens are doing well, and my green onion is springing back to life.  I check it daily, as those squash bugs can lay eggs in a hot minute, and I have to keep the sensors on my motion sensors out there clean, and make sure they are charging.

I started weeding the herb garden and flower beds, but it will take several days.  We did not mulch the flower beds, as we had plans to expand one flower bed (for easier mowing).  It is on the back burner for now.  


I'm still working on the utility room, by washing up hats, scarves, gloves, sweaters, and coats, and drying them on the clothesline.  Anything I haven't worn for the last 14 years, is going in a donation box.  That all came out of one coat cubbie, including more sweaters that I put to dry inside on hangers.

One coat cubbie scrubbed clean.  These are the only coat closets we have in the house.  No linen closets etc.  Each one has two hooks in the back.  We installed rods to hold coats, jackets, rain coats, and sweaters.  These were installed by the last homeowner, and have no doors on the cubbies (other than the one we installed recently.  There are small cupboards above and below, and I am going through every single one, purging, cleaning and re-organizing.  It will take some time, now that the garden is producing.

I have found some "are our serious?"  items found way back in a corner, and some "what were you thinking" items, ha ha!  I have added two more plastic storage drawers to the garage project.  I cleaned another upper cupboard, and now have an official storage (out of sight) for our paper towels, napkins, and toilet paper.

(There are about 50 more of these to take off the walls upstairs, ha ha!  Kids!!)

On the upstairs updates, I bring down anything that the kids left every trip up there.  I am almost done cleaning out what was left in the other closet, but progress is being made.

I'm compiling a trip to town, with several lists, and two donation drop off locations.  I found a home for 3 binders that had craft instructions for any type of handmade craft.  I saved pages from magazines, printed stuff, and kept free patterns and instructions from the craft store  (elementary classroom parties, teaching crafts at MOPS etc).  I knew that if I took them to donate to the thrift store they would toss them out, so I inquired with the recovery place, and they were excited to take them.  They do a "creative" weekly, so I am happy I found a good home to donate them.

I'm still adding to my lists, and dreading the trip to town.  My hometown has road construction at every (literally) entrance into town, and adding many round-abouts (we all feel are ridiculous), and we all have to go many miles out of our way to get to and from places in that town.  It will be bad for the next 30 days.  The town is a hot mess, and we try to avoid it as much as possible.

I have placed a few online orders, but that is becoming a joke too.  I may share my experience with that in another post.  I can't believe it's Friday already.  

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Just the Bits

Our egg basket has been looking a bit empty lately.  I have been using them a lot more, so I hope the newbies start laying soon.

The garden is producing, but the red raspberries don't look that great this year.  The blackberries are loaded, so I'm hoping my bird netting will keep the birds out.

It is such a relieving, happy, and glorious feeling to walk out and pick something fresh, and not have to get in the truck and drive to the store and spend hard earned money on our vegetables.  I am already making a list of what to plant next year  (for one, adding English type cucumbers, if you have a favorite organic/heirloom variety please do share).  If things go good this month, we may have new raised beds built for fall planting.

I tried a new recipe to accommodate zucchini into our meal - Roasted Chickpea Salad.  Recipe is online with Green Healthy Cooking.  I made my own homemade ras el hanout seasoning (no sugar) using a recipe online from AllRecipes.  Although, homemade is easily done and less expensive, the real seasoning contains many more ingredients like ginger.  

We really liked the new recipe, and it uses 2 zucchini in the recipe.  I thought it would be too much for the two of us, but it went fast.  I may be looking for a resource for the organic seasoning, or just stick with homemade.  A great way to use up seasonal zucchini.  Oh, and this salad can be a main meal or side dish, and eaten hot or cold.  Add salmon or other meat if desired.

(source:  Vita-cost)

The recipe called for farro, and it was completely out, so I used quinoa in our salad.  I'm wondering how the Jovial einkorn wheat berries would taste in this recipe.  I have yet to even try these.  I have to order them online, as our stores do not sell them.  

Has anyone tried these?  Do you like the taste?  How do they compare to farro?  Any good online resource other than Vita-cost?  They are $5.99 plus shipping in their online store.  I don't place an order until I have a discount code with free shipping involved (and a list of re-order items to re-stock).