Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Earwig Traps ~ Tomato Worms


Our mailbox has been taken over by earwigs.  Never, in all the years here, have we had this happen.  I read about making traps, by rolling toilet paper roll over a pen, and stapling one end to trap them.  They go in and can't turn around to get out.  I set two in the back of the mailbox.

They did not work.  Just a quick post today. I'm putting a sticky bug trap out there in the back of it.  The kind that fold over and the bugs crawl through it and get stuck.

Found two tomato plants with work activity.  I found one horn worm, but could not find the other.  I hope to have time to go look for it today, before it destroys the plant.  


Jackie See said...

Wow, what a mean looking bug!! I haven't seen one in our parts but I will be looking closer thanks to your info!! Our cucumber plants are making tiny baby cucumbers covered in black seeds. The babies eventually turn yellow and drop. My first year raising cucumber seeds!! This heat is stunting growth and blooms and this is normal for this time of year! I feel it is going to be too hot to even go to the county fair, I am just getting too old to take this heat. Do you ever go to county fairs? Continue on with your projects and stay in touch! ~jackiesee~

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Jackie See, I only got a few tomato worms last year thankfully, but they can destroy a plant in a few days if you don't remove them. Funny you mention the heat and fair. We had friends and family in the demolition derby last year, and we stayed home. The heat was horrible and there was a chance of rain too. We too cannot deal with the heat when it's in the 90's and up.

Leigh said...

It's funny how different years can bring different bug populations. We're having our worst year ever with ants.

So far, only one tomato hornworm. One of our ducks thinks they're quite the treat!

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Leigh, that is so true. Normally, the chickens go nuts over the worm, but not this year. They wanted nothing to do with it.