Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Monday, August 15, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday

We took advantage of a rainy day, and got work done inside Sunday.  I guess we'll be looking at new kitchen faucets soon.  We took it apart, blew air threw the lines, soaked parts in CLR, and we still have no water pressure in the kitchen faucet.  Sprayer works great, but not the faucet.

We finally installed the new kitchen island light.  It's been sitting in the garage for two months.  It was a lot of work, as we had to move the wires from one area to another, cut a new hole, etc.  I'll have to wait for him to patch the old hole before I can paint, but I love it.  The old light never matched the kitchen and never turned on.  It had those long florescent bulbs an looked like it was installed as a used light. Anyway, it's up and my kitchen is bright!

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  I'll link later after she posts.  My morning is a busy one today.

The weather . . . the 80's all week, but once again a rainy weekend ahead.

As I look outside my window . . .

Morning doves are pretty noisy this morning, and our hummingbird is busy with our flowering bushes.  There is a layer of fog out there, and it's a bit warmer than the weekend was.

Right now I am . . .

Brewing coffee.

Thinking and pondering . . .

Possible camping trip.  I'll be working on that soon.

How I am feeling . . .

Tired, but ready to tackle the day.

On the breakfast plate . . .

Coffee and toast until I get a casserole baked.

What I am wearing . . .

T-shirt, sweatpants and slippers.

On the reading pile  . . .

My canning recipes.  Just checking to make sure I have all the ingredients.

On my TV this week . . .

Anything that looks good.

On the menu . . .

-Fajitas, baked bell pepper fries
-BBQ chicken, green beans

Looking around the house . . .

I'll be working in the living room, so we can get that project started next.

To do list for the week . . .

-clean kitchen
-check garden
-bake a breakfast
-order new keyfobs for the truck
-shampoo carpet upstairs
-put trash out
-run dishwasher

From the camera . . .

Here are the cute wine glasses with lemons on them I found.  They match the lemonade wine cocktail bottles, and everything is citrus themed in the silent auction basket I put together.

Devotional/prayers . . .

Prayers for 6 puppies that were picked up by a rescue transit company in TX.  After one person dropped them off to another transit company, they were lost (last co. says they are all dead), but prayers they find them.  Also, there are 18 people in the county we live in, that have E. coli.  They have not found the source yet.


Sunday, August 14, 2022

Play Day!

 It's a no picture post today.  Saturday we took off on the motorcycle for a ride.  We first went out for breakfast, followed by scheduled hair cuts with Daughter E.  I also got a treatment and french braids.

Shortly after that however, rain arrived (when it wasn't supposed to until evening).

It changed our plans, so we hopped in the truck, took another load of donations and dropped them off, picked up a big bag of meal worms for the ladies (chickens), and I picked up some very cute wine glasses to go into a silent auction basket I am donating.  I'll get a photo hopefully to share.  

I can't say the entire day was "fun" but we were not working in the garden or the house either.  It was nice to have a day off, so it's back to work in the house today.

The rain is still falling, but a slow and steady kind.   The garden will love it, but the weeds will double.

First thing this morning - clean my kitchen.  It's a bit out of control again, plus I am bringing in paste tomatoes, so canning will resume this next week.  Hubby will take apart my kitchen faucet and see what's going on with it.  We still have almost no water pressure ever since the water was turned off to repair the bathroom.

Well, at least I can cross "hair cut" off the to-do list and get back to it.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Total Melt Down ~ Garden Updates

I had a total melt down the other night.  I'm missing Mom in the worst way, and it came out of no where.  I think I know why.  These items are haunting me I swear.  The top belonged to Dad and the bag was Mom's.  I  have handled both twice, and they were Daughter K's last.  If I had her address, I'd box these suckers up and write a note "no take backs" on it.  I do not have her address, and she lives one hour away. 

I put the last of her stuff by the road with a free sign.  People took her stuff, but not these, and our guy came to mow, so I had to take it out of the yard.  I just can't find homes for either.  Mom didn't want her belongings to go to Goodwill.  We have one place I could take both, but it's a drive.  The shells are falling off the bag, and there is melted candy inside it (part of Mom's story behind the bag).  I just can't get myself to throw it out.   I have a tote with some things for her, so they are going in there for now.

The tomatoes are turning red, the bell peppers are starting to get harvested, and we are still getting squash.

I've already made yellow squash patties.   These are so good with sour cream on top.  My husband likes chopped jalapenos in his.

I brought in some goodies and more tomatoes.  The paste are turning red finally.  The recent heat kept them all green way too long.


Friday, August 12, 2022

Garden ~ Extreme Clean


We are still getting beans.  The green beans are doing much better than the wax beans.  I may change what I plant next spring.  Either way, it's way more than we got from last year's garden.

There was a possibility of rain, but we didn't get any.

The giant pile of donations has left my kitchen. There is one box left in the truck however.  So happy for that, so I resumed cleaning the last of the trash upstairs, vacuumed and pulled posters off the walls (yes they left them all over the upstairs, sigh).

I'm now ping-ponging from room to room, but progress continues.  The cooler mornings and evenings are a bit of a worry that summer is ending, and we still need to repair the living room floor.  

While waiting for the corn to cool, to freeze, I whipped up this cute set of hair clips for fall.

Daughter K was the inspiration.  I have only made one set, as I have the garden keeping me busy too, but so happy how cute they turned out.

What is your go-to dish to take to an outdoor potluck?  I'm coming up with the same ol' thing, and want to change it up a bit.  I am thinking of a cold pie, but wondered what your favorite is to take.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Loofah Seeds ~ Life of a Loofah Plant


The to-do list(s) are staying continuous, and in doing so, I found a small flower pot with loofah seeds that some how ended up at my house (from Mom's house).  They are from my Aunt J, from Florida.  I know many (many) years ago, Mom gave me some, and I could not get them to grow here.

I decided to humor myself, and put some seeds in a bag with a wet paper towel, to see if any were even good.  I put them in the bag June 27th (although late in our growing season), and on July 12th, I noticed one sprouted.  I planted it out where it would get a good amount of heat and sunshine, and marked it with glady posts (and to give it something to climb). 

July 19, 2022 (very late to plant in our zone, but I did)

July 21, 2022

July 22, 2022 (new leaf)

July 24, 2022

July 26, 2022

August 4, 2022 (very hot and humid, just got rain)

August 10th, 2022.  It's now about 2 feet tall.   Just ignore those weeds.  It's not getting pulled until the garden dries out.
 These plants can grow up to 30 feet.  Anyway, our humidity and hot weather just changed to being nice, so I don't know that I'll get a loofah on it.  I guess we shall see what happens over the next 6-8 weeks.  I'm going to put a much larger trellis behind it.  These plants need something to climb, and it's outgrowing the smaller trellis.  I can also run lines from the trellis to the fence behind it.  Time will tell if I get any loofah's, but what a fun experience so far.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Corn Freezing Day


We had a beautiful evening sky last night.  We were out shucking corn on the front porch, and Daughter E pulled in for a visit.  We fed her and she helped shuck some corn.

My tool to clean the last of the pesky hairs off the corn - inexpensive bottle brush.  I learned about this a few years ago, while watching the cooking channel.  Works great too.

It's weird to be freezing corn today by myself.  No kids to help, and we joked about my husband taking a vacation day to help.  I'll get it done, and the chickens are going to be very happy today.

I did however, get a good portion of carpet cleaned upstairs.  It has to dry, get vacuumed again, and possibly spot cleaned.  I hope to hire a few strong men to move the treadmill up there. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Fun Finds ~ Hot Banana Peppers and other ramblings

 While shopping in Amish country, we walked thru a few antique stores, and I found a butter dish to match my salt and pepper shakers.  By the way, there was one store that had a ton of this Jadeite in their booth.

I also found a few more mini hen and nests for the cubbies in the kitchen.  

I double checked the garden, and had enough for a half batch of hot pepper mustard sauce.  Those have left the kitchen.  Now I need to go check on the jalapenos.  I'm glad I checked the tomatoes.  Some of the tomato stakes had to be straightened again.

I tried a new fresh salsa recipe and it was so good!  We are getting tomatoes from the garden now.  I also made a lemon cheese cake pie that was also a new recipe.  It's a keeper.

Another produce stand has closed their doors.  I counted on them, when I needed just a few more hot banana peppers for my canning recipe.  Sigh.  More and more small town restaurants are now closing their doors at 2-3pm, and not open for dinner anymore (lack of employees, which I just don't understand).

I was just told that the large oil company my husband works for is being bought out.  He's been told the insurance for us will be better, but I hope it doesn't change any of his retirement.