Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

I'm Back

I'm back.  It's been cold here.  In fact, we need to split wood today.  Brr.  The chickens continue to lack egg production.

My ankle continues to ache, so I'm calling my doctor today.  I'll update on that when I have any results of further tests.

Daughter K said 3 people are out at her work with covid.

Daughter E had to test due to someone at her work with covid.  She was negative and returned to work.

Update on Mom:  The heart clinic nurse had a serious talk with her.  Over the weekend, Mom fell 3 times in 24 hours and two ER visits.  She was kept in the ER until last night (due to no rooms and the hospital wanting her out). 

She was transported to a nursing home last night.  Her heart failure is worse and now she cannot walk.  She was talked to about hospice or continuing meds/doctor visits etc.  She chose meds/doctors etc.  I have yet to find out if (due to the wide spread of covid) visitors are even allowed.  I'm betting the answer is no. It's spreading so badly here, that people are unable to find tests when they are sick.  Daughter E was one of them.  She was off work for 2-3 days due to lack of finding  a test.

Not sure this is happening in your area, but in ours, medical people are told to go to work if they have covid and their symptoms are mild. I'm concerned over this, as Mom could be treated by a nurse with covid.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Happy New Year!

 Happy New Year Y'all!  I'm starting out the year of 2022 with a blogger hiatus.  I'll be back in a while.  Not sure for how long, but wishing you all a new year of blessings.

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Just the Bits . . .

 I did more research on the door knockers the other day.  No one we know (in the area) knows anything about them.  One family member said two guys stopped at their house trying to sell them meat.  Their dogs scared them off after their persistence to sell.

Update on the washing machine boot seal - It's on and washer is running.  A few parts need to go back on though.  I think he just wanted to make sure it worked again before putting all major parts back on (like the top of the washer, ha ha!).

We got another very cute Christmas card.  Love it!  I wish I had been able to send more out myself.  

Today, if it's the only thing I do, I will be taking down the outside Christmas lights.  I have meant to turn them off the last 2-3 days and have failed.  I normally leave them up until after the 1st of the year, but weather is always an issue.

My younger brother gave me a huge stack of dark chocolate bars (which have been suggested as one of the best on America's Test Kitchen).  I had plans to use them for a project prior to Christmas.   I may just go ahead to do it, and deliver as a "winter" gift.  I won't be able to eat the entire stack, so sharing in a different way will be the idea.  I'll post an update if that happens.

I was updating the bills the other day, and realized my planner ends May of next year.  I guess I better get on that and get one soon.  I use it daily.

The yarn for Daughter E's top should arrive tomorrow.  I plan to get that done before garden season arrives.

My wonderful husband brought home some ligament salve for my ankle. Daughter K gave me a brace that I can use that won't weigh a ton, so today I plan to get the kitchen in order.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Washing Machine Fail and Making Comfrey Poultices (again) and other ramblings

My husband and Daughter K worked on replacing the new washing machine seal.  You would not believe everything that had to be taken off of it to get the new one on.  I should have filmed them working on it.  Bickering back and forth, while I was leaning on the half door (with King up with one paw on the door and one on my back and a toy in his mouth, while Zuri was sneaking chicken feed out of a container on the floor waiting to go outside).  It was somewhat comical.

However, once they put the door on, the spring snapped off the seal. Expletives were dispersed, heads lowered, and heavy sighs exhaled.

The washing machine will be torn apart again tonight, so no the laundry isn't being done today.  Thankfully, Daughter K is off work today and can help my husband.

We've been offered a barn cat.  We declined for now.  We are too close to a busy highway.  Speaking of that, we had a stray show up yesterday too.  We can also hear activity of either a fox or coyote nearby.

I'm back at making some comfrey poultices for not just my ankle, but my knee today.  I will try and find an old t-shirt to cut up for my knee.  I had one small poultice in the freezer and put that on my ankle yesterday.  It is better looking today, but the heal on my foot aches.  My knee is a whole other story.  

I had two men knock on my door yesterday.  I thought it was a bit strange.  I had to laugh, because the dogs scared the ba-jeebies out of them.  I sort of hung out, letting the dogs do their job for a few minutes (ha ha!).  

They were asking about old barn siding in our ruble pile (not the first time for this to happen).  He gave me his business card, but my husband feels we were "cased" to see if anyone was home.  I looked his stuff up online and found nothing.  I checked social media, did a reverse phone search and one other search and came up with zero.  If you were a handyman, you'd definitely advertise on social media.  I have a feeling my husband was right, but I was careful when I answered the door as well (my husband taught me well), and this isn't the first time.

Anyway, I did inquire more research, and found nothing, so.....

We had a winter advisory last night, which involved slush and snow.  There were zero plows out.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Tuesday Tidbits

The younger two girls really out did themselves for Christmas.  We said no gifts, and they didn't listen.  They gave us fun stuff, useful stuff and I got books from one of them.

I love books, but try to contain the collection with the space I have allowed.  Daughter E got me all of these.

I spent an hour on the computer, and finally located a pattern for a top for Daughter E.  Yarn has been ordered, but the kind I need was not available from JoAnn's nor Michaels (they were curbside only for some reason). The cost of shipping was horrible.

I did 2 loads of laundry and came to an abrupt stop.  Daughter K said, "um Mom?  Why is there water all over the floor and in the laundry basket?"  The seal needs replaced, has been ordered from a local business, and should be in today (thankfully).  Whirlpool direct, wanted $100 more than our local resource.

Daughter E locked her keys in her car.  The boys rescued her.

The wood stove continues to provide.  The temperature is starting to drop again, and now may make an appearance today.

I'm so thankful I made comfrey salve.  I'm applying it to my knee now.  The boot they gave me goes all the way up to my knee and weighs a ton.  It caused my knee to ache.  The boot is off, soaks continue today, and I hope that my knee feels better soon.  It literally hurts worse than my ankle.


Monday, December 27, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday

Normally I leave Christmas lights up until January 1st, but this year they are coming down early. We woke up to a lot of rain and cold weather today.  More rain tomorrow.

Yes, my ankle is still a bit swollen. I'm still doing foot soaks but today I need to get some things done around the house.  

I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

I'll link up when she posts.

The weather . . .
55°F/33°F and lots of rain, possibly snow tomorrow.

How I am feeling this morning . . .
Started the day in a bad mood.  Hopefully that will change.

On my mind . . .
Trying to just focus on what needs done today.

What I am wearing . . . 
Cozy clothes.

On my reading pile . . .
(I'll share later when I get a photo of them)

Daughter E gifted me books on Christmas day.

On today's to-do list . . .
-put dishes away
-master bath
-vacuum carpets
-water plants
-soak foot
-pay bills

On my TV . . .
Anything good on Netflix or Amazon prime.

What I am listening to . . .
Rock music on the radio

Something fun to share . . .
I finally found, ordered and received my handmade (USA made) pepper scoop.  It took some digging, lots of emails, and I finally got one that was NOT made in China.  I was told it is their top seller too.

On the menu this week . . .
Lots of leftovers

Looking around the house . . .
There is a lot to clean up yet.

Prayer list . . .

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Clean Up

 We made a lot of dirty dishes Christmas day, but the meal will provide for us for a few days.  Today is our wedding anniversary, but because it falls the day after such a big day, it often gets no attention (in any special way).

My husband filled my foot tub soak with hot water yesterday, but later realized he forgot to add the epsom salts.  My ankle is still a bit swollen.

The girls (who were here for Christmas) seemed to really like their homemade gifts. It was a rainy sort of day, and we just cooked and ate when we felt like it, while watching movies and relaxing. 

My kitchen looks like a tornado went thru it, so I'm not looking forward to spending the morning cleaning up.