Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Random Tidbits

I placed another book order.  I also ordered a few western movies for my husband for Christmas.  We are not really exchanging gifts this year, but it gives us something to watch Christmas day too.  We still plan to buy for two younger ones. We've just had too many car repairs expenses, and one daughter we co-signed for and moved out of state, stiffed us with 3 months of car payments then blocked us on social media.  I can't make this stuff up.

I just don't go to the library anymore.  First, without the car, had a horrible time getting help getting them picked up and dropped off.  Second, you can't just go and browse.  You have to make an appt, ring a doorbell and they come let you in.  I just caved and bought the book I need.

I heard back on the dehydrator part.  It's not in stock right now, but they suggested another door - $30.00 and no answer yet if it will work for my model.  So frustrating, considering this is not a cheap dehydrator.  I'm now told that my part will not be in until 2021.  For now, duct tape it is.  At least unless my husband can do anything else for me to rig it.

I've been successful at tackling (deep cleaning) one kitchen corner at a time.  One longer counter I keep my recipe boxes on was the one I dreaded.  I have a huge stack of papers to sort - recipes tried, recipes to try, receipts, patterns for crochet....just keeping busy, considering all that is going on in our homestead.

I added new recipes to this binder, but will re-print the cover and leave the year off of it.

Thanksgiving will be just the 4 of us.  Three of the older kids don't come around anymore, and we told our other daughter it was best she stayed home with her family and the grandkids this year.  Hubby's family invited us, but we declined.  Taking it safe and praying we all get our lives back to normal next year at the holidays.

I really don't have the mojo to stay busy today, nor focus on reading or crocheting, nor anything much.

Thank you all for your prayers, kind words and thoughts, and well wishes yesterday.  It's hard for me, as my Dad babysat my kids, mowed my yard when I was at work, built things for me, supported me when I was single raising 3 kids and working full-time, and even babysat until 1am one night so I could help stain trim that was going into my first house. I'm just happy that he was able to live his life out, while living in his own place.  I'll probably go through photo albums today and put something together for my family to see.  Those photos are precious and not loaded to the computer nor on a device - printed the old-fashioned way.

Today I am thankful for my husband's support.  He knew I was mentally suffering and brought us all dinner home last night.  He is even working all weekend and did that for me, so I wouldn't have to cook or do the dishes.  I just love that man!

Saturday, November 21, 2020

My Dad

Sadly, my loving father of the age of 89 passed away last night.

My heart is very heavy.  Please send up prayers.  Our immediate family has had one h-e-double-hockey-sticks of a year in the way of grief and loss. 

Friday, November 20, 2020

Christmas Traditions

We have had many fun and memorable Christmas traditions in our home.  First, I loved (loved!) being classroom Mom for the class Christmas parties.  I would literally try to sign up for them when school started.  I loved it!  I always made some sort of treat bag/treat container that was filled with fun.  By fun I mean a handmade ornament for each student, candy, and fun activities or toys.  Here are a few treat bags I made for Christmas.  Also, most years I hand wrapped each handmade ornament so the kids had something to unwrap.

Classroom treats were also made.  One year I dipped large marshmallows into melted butterscotch chips on a stick.

I had so much fun coming up with creative treat holders.  The one above was made from a toilet paper roll (bottom piece), and the top was an ornament that sat into the top.

Long time blog followers already know that I have a passion for making homemade ornaments for my family every year.  Well, every year until I got some comments that they "had too many."  Then I stopped, but I am making one this year.  The above one was made with gumball machine capsules.

I made so, so many ornaments over the years.  Many are on my S.C.R.A.P. blog, and if you search my blog here, I posted many photos of some.  Search handmade/homemade Christmas ornaments.  The posts should pop up for you.

Another tradition when the kids were younger - sugar cube castle building with frosting and candies.

We still have a tradition of gifting new and wrapped jammies on Christmas Eve.  We are now down to just the 4 of us, out of a family of 8.  This year I will gift everyone a few days earlier, so we can all wash them before wearing them.

I'm going to start a new one this year, just different from the idea of it all.  I will share when that happens.

Of course when the kiddos were young, they would leave cookies and milk out for Santa.  Making all sorts of cookies and candies was a family tradition, and saving some of them for New Year's Eve.

Over the years, trying a new cookie/candy recipe for the holidays became a tradition as well. One year we even tried an alcoholic breakfast beverage (adults).

Overnight breakfast casserole has been a long time tradition for us.  We only make it for Christmas morning.  I thought for sure I shared my recipe on my blog, but can't seem to find it.  I guess when I bake it this year, it'll get it's own post.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Chicken Coop ~ Dog Fencing ~ House Cleaning


If you have been following along with my blog, you read about the coop massacre and the emergency purchase of a used coop.  Well, although it is keeping my ladies safe and sound, it is a pain in my royal rump.  Literally.

I have no idea why someone in their right mind would build it that way, so I have printed out what I want built in the spring (above photo).

The fenced side will be on the other side of the coop itself, but you get the idea.  

So what's wrong with the one we have now?  Well....

The inside is not conducive to roosting nor cleaning.  It's not that big either.  The lower sides are where they are to roost and lay eggs.  They tops of those extended parts have no way to get the eggs (does not lift up).  I have to crawl inside to get the eggs.  The door?  If it swings back closed, I'm locked in.  The heat lamp is inside and wired so we could wire it to the garage for heat, but the chickens have flown around inside and already broken the lamp that it came with.  The photo was taken before we got the ramp out and fenced it, but anyway....the ramp is slick in rain, frost and snow and I have to climb up it to get inside.  To do that, I have to (which we added)  a hook and eye screw to hold the door open so I am not live streaming from inside the coop for help.  When I do that, the hens all come outside while I get eggs.  So, come winter, I would have to deal with this and hope I don't slip off the ramp and fall.

Unless we figure a way to be able to lift up those lower sides.  We were going to cut a hole in the very back for a small door, but they are laying all over the coop now.  For a long time, they all laid their eggs in the very back corner.  Not anymore.  Sigh.

Again, shaking my head why they built it this way.  It's almost impossible to clean. I can't stand up in it at all.

So....working on getting my husband to agree to build a better design and sell this one.  Crossing my fingers.  Sounds like I'm ungrateful, but I'm very grateful, just frustrated.

This may be a repeat, but my husband found a 10 x 10 x 6 foot high metal panel dog fence.  The price?  Three cases of beer.  Seriously.  A co-worker is bartering it to us.  We have to go pick it up yet.  Once that is up, I will be a very happy dog Grandma.
(just ignore that wrinkled tablecloth)
(still searching for a shade for my oil lamp)

(ornaments on display hooks, candles inside them light up)

I've been tidying up the kitchen this week.  One small area at a time.  I've explained to the kids, that if they see an area cleaned up, keep it that way.  Once I have order in the house (again), I'll restart at decorating for Christmas.

Done!  My computer/bill paying station area in the kitchen is cleaned up, papers filed, cookbooks put away, craft and crochet patterns filed, one recipe filed, counters sanitized.

Gulp!  I found printed recipes to try.  I.  Have. Got. To. Stop. Doing. This.

I purged one cookbook and one kitchen utensil.

Sad and glad I didn't book a cabin for Christmas.  I am sure, the way things are going for us in our state, travel bans will be put in place by then.  We are now under a mandated curfew.  All retail businesses must close at 10pm, and everyone must be in their homes from 10pm to 5am.  It doesn't apply to 3rd shift manufacturing jobs, take out services, ER, Pharmacy etc.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Full Day in the Kitchen

I have two kitchen tables.  We use both during tomato season then potato season.  They are perfect for feeding family during get togethers (which I miss dearly).  Anyway, my larger table has become he spot to drop stuff and not put it away.  Yesterday I cleared it off.  Everything went to their home.

New tablecloths were put down, and yes that one on the table behind it is a Christmas one.  I really want a Christmas cloth for the smaller table in blues.  The one I have works for now.

I also tried a new bread recipe.  First, I wanted to try it due to the lesser amounts of ingredients and it didn't require bread flour.  Second.  I needed bread to make a french toast breakfast.

The recipe for the bread is a 4 ingredient recipe, which makes 2 loaves.  It's online (Simple Amish White Bread Recipe, Donna Elick).  I used all organic ingredients.

I was skeptical at first.  It uses all-purpose flour and no eggs. I used the full 7 cups of flour, and felt it should have had a bit more, as the dough was very soft.  Well, the bread rose nicely and tasted good. Now, when I cannot locate bread flour, I have this recipe to fall back on.

Dinner was a bit of work, but I decided on Chicken Spaghetti and corn.

Guess what?  My car is finally back home. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Shopping Trip and other boring stuff


Hobby Lobby goodies.  I picked up some tiny Santa hats for a craft, more stitch markers, a new porch sign (which is adorable with a metal hanger like you'd see outside a general store), and some chicken stickers for my thank you cards when I make a sale of my handiwork.  All was 50% off.  I also bought my husband a funny sign for the garage, but haven't had time to take a photo.  I'll share that later.

Oh I came home with blue netting this trip for scrubbies.  I still cannot find lavender.  The woman measuring it told me that business for her dept. has really reduced.  If they don't shut down non-essential businesses, I'm going back for more netting.  I'm very low in my supply of scrubbies to sell and gift.

The car did not come home last night.  Story of my life.  It very well may happen later today.  I guess we'll see.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday

In the beginning of the year, I accidently knocked my dehydrator front cover off and broke it.  I could not order another due to the business shutting down as well.  Well, it's beyond using, and I went online to order it.  Guess what?  Not available for the model I have.  I have sent an email, so I wait and see what they say.  So frustrating.

When I said we were trying to hang on to sanity, I didn't mean totally this lockdown stuff going on and our Hitler of a Gov.  I had to drive our 21 year-old to have emergency surgery on her hand.  She will be back to work tomorrow thankfully.  She does however, have 3 pins in one finger and will have it that way for 6 weeks.

I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom (very late today)

The weather outside is . . .

Still a bit windy, 45/33 degrees, partly cloudy

On the breakfast plate this morning . . .

Sausage, potato and egg burrito, coffee

As I look outside my window . . .

There is a lot that got blown around outside, so I will be taking a look at what I need to pick up from the horrible wind storm we had Sunday.

As I look around the house . . .

It's a hot mess.  I had to drive my daughter to her bone specialist for bandages to be changed and to be looked over to make sure she doesn't have any infections.  

I'll get around here, since I'm posting so late, and get busy on the dirty dishes I left, and figure out dinner for tonight.

What I am wearing today . . .

Long sleeved Harley Davidson top, jeans, and pull on black boots.

To do today or this week . . .

-Drive a daughter to her doctor

-Stop at Hobby Lobby (taking advantage of being out of the house)

-Go pick up the car (YAYYYY!)

-wash dishes

-clean master bath

-blanch and freeze zucchini and kale

Currently reading . . .

On the TV this week . . .

DVD - White Lightning

On the menu  . . .

-Stove top Tuna/noodle, mashed tades, corn

-Crockpot chicken noodle soup

-chicken spaghetti, asparagus

Something fun to share to share. . .


This is the butterscotch pudding we tried.  I am not totally sure, but I think I ordered it off of Amazon.  I could not find any organic online from the health store we buy from.

Photo from the camera . . .
Popped open a jar of home canned tomato soup (minus the basil in this batch apparently).  So good!

Prayers, Inspirational Quotes, Devotionals. . .
Prayers for my daughter's hand to heal, our State, the election, Youngest daughter