Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Feel Good Moments

Seeds are sprouting.

Sold 2 more dish scrubbies.

Have enough cut barn beams to last the season.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Weekend Updates

The craft/vendor show was a flop.  I sold all three dishcloths I posted the day prior, some scrubbies, one mug/coaster set and one necklace.

We sold very little, and after covering the cost of the tables, get this...made a whole $7.00.  Sadly.  It's the last one until fall, although there may be one in late April, I am declining.  I have gardening, motorcycle rides, wood cutting and other projects to be done.  Not to mention the bathroom remodel

Sunday Hubby cooked us breakfast.  Youngest Daughter did hair and makeup for another school's musical (gaining required hours for cosmetology).  

Our 21 year-old moved back in.

The boys came out to dig out some barn siding to build a horse shelter.  They helped cut beams for us to burn.  It was cold.  Snow moved back in late evening, but we see another warm up next weekend. 

Saturday, March 16, 2019

from the handiwork journal . . . set of pot holders are finished.

. . . these 3 knitted dishcloths are now finished.

. . . got netting cut and crocheted, to restock a few scrubbies.

. . . a few hemp dish scrubbies.

. . . finished the blue rose cup coasters, making progress on the yellow rose cup coasters (I ended up finishing a set of 4 yesterday).

Woke up to snow again today.  It's hard to believe we had a 67° day this week.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Diggin' Tomatoes Out . . .

Thursday the wind kicked up about noon, but not too bad and it was raining.  I dug out a few more bags of frozen garden tomatoes (frozen whole), and . . .

...simmered down some freshly made spaghetti sauce (seasoned with home grown garlic, herbs etc), dug out some frozen homemade meatballs and wah-la, dinner.  A side of steamed broccoli (organic from the store, but organic).

If they were expecting a dessert, they were wrong.  By then I had already washed dishes 3 times.  I was ready to throw in the towel so to speak.  Youngest had the day off from school, and I never saw hide nor hair from her until way after noon.  

Instead of tornadoes they predicted we had a repeat of rain showers followed by sunshine and rainbows.  It repeated all night.  This morning, it's very windy and the cold returned.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

This and That

The bathroom remodel is ongoing.  Just trying to find a shower to fit to replace the old one, and someone to install the flooring (we may do it ourselves). 

Go figure.  I finally get a 60-70 degree day today, to clean the over loaded chicken coop, and the winds are expected at 45mph with the risk of bad thunderstorms.  

We are still truck shopping.  Hubby has a knack for this, so I am not a bit concerned.  He knows what needs fixed on our one daughter's car, so that's ongoing as well.

Hubby announced he may be forced overtime on the day I booked the next craft show.  If he works, I have to be a no-show, and that is bothersome.  But....his income is far more than I could ever make a craft show.  Time will tell.

We almost went on a motorcycle ride last night - high of 54°F, but the driveway was pretty wet yet.  We stayed in.  We won't be going on one today, unless the weather prediction is incorrect.

We are on the search for some old clay field tiles.  I found some, but it's quite a drive.  I'm hoping we locate a farmer around here with some laying around.  I need some for the garden this year.

Not much else going on here right now.  I should have some handiwork photos to share soon.  Garden seeds are started, and I received free heirloom cabbage seeds from Baker Creek. I will be starting those today to see how those do in the garden.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Here comes that word again - Prepare

I'm finally getting around to researching some poultry travel crates for meat birds.  If you have purchased any, and have reviews, and prices, I'd be interested in your thoughts.

It's time to prepare seeds for this year's garden.  Sending up prayers and goof vibes we all have a grand one this year.

Hubby's cousin found free maple (dry) for us.  She and Hubby (or with myself) will either team up to fetch it, or she'll deliver it so we just have to split it.  It's 2 truck loads of wood.  So thankful for that, and helps us stay ahead of splitting wood this spring.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday

I'm joining Happy Homemaker Monday with Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  We are making plans for some building projects with the old barn wood. I am just hoping I can keep Hubby motivated and that we have the time to get them done.  I'll link up after she posts.

Although a bit chilly, laundry is going out this morning.

On the breakfast plate. . .
Bad photo, but it's a scramble with just a bit of bacon, sweet tades, white tades, collards and jalapeno.  Youngest dibbed into my prepared bacon, so Momma wasn't happy this morning when she grabbed the container to find 3 lousy pieces.  GRRRR!

We are still enjoying garden sweet potatoes and jalapenos.

...and a clementine.

The weather outside. . .
Feels like 22°F.  Much calmer than yesterday.  Winds were 30-some mph, and finally died down.

Right now I am . . .
Struggling to adjust to daylight savings time.

Thinking . . . 
I better not forget to spray down the kitchen with anti-ill oil.  Of course after I get the cleaning done.  The kids at schools are getting sick.  Youngest did volunteer work at another school to gain hours for National Honor Society, and said there were kids leaving the set to go to the bathroom sick.  Ugh.  Germs be gone!

On my reading pile . . .
Nothing.  No time to read.  Too much to do.  Crafting more often than not.

On the TV . . . 
Movies I gifted Hubby for Christmas.

On the menu . . .
In no particular order
-Tuna and Noodle, roasted rosemary potatoes, asparagus
-Spaghetti and meatballs with freshly made sauce, roasted brussel sprouts
-Roast, carrots, potatoes, homemade rolls
-Hamburger gravy, mashed tades, steamed broccoli
-something using zucchini
-Breakfast scramble for the next few days, using bacon

On my to-do list . . .
-blanch and freeze dandelion greens 
-sweep and vacuum floors
-make breakfast scramble
-cut netting for scrubbies
-get seed starter supplies set up
-label and put canned pizza sauce away
-crack walnuts
-dinner prep
-cook chicken for homemade dog food

Looking around my house . . .
It's in semi-chaos until this remodel is done, and the wall has been fixed with a closure (still not done).  The toilet and shower in that particular bathroom are in usable shape, but the floor is still ripped up, covered in old rugs for the time being.  Patience, patience, patience......

What I am creating . . .
Cup coaster set with blue roses.

On the camera . . .
The baby chicks are growing fast, and try to escape.  I remember one year, one of the kids said, "um, Mom? There is a chicken walking down the hallway."  Ha ha!  I have chicken wire over the tote they are in, and they'll soon graduate to another home, then finally into the coop with the rest.  It's too early to tell what I ended up with yet.

Something fun to share . . .
Fun for me - we may get a motorcycle ride this week.

Prayers . . .
Kids, us.