Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Thursday, July 27, 2017

This and That

When I said I was down for the count with a bum shoulder, I took Tuesday completely off.  However, farmer's picked the very moment to spray their poisons, right after I sat down at the porch.  He sprayed for almost 3 hours and the wind was blowing our way.  The very next morning, the airplane crop duster was out dumping his poison on another nearby crop.  Soybean fields around here are sprayed several times a season (sadly).

I am refraining from heavy lifting and lifting above my head, which means the girls have to put laundry on the line, carry in garden bounty, water high hanging porch pots, vacuum, etc. etc.  I continue to use my comfrey salve and with resting my shoulder.  Yesterday, Graduate Daughter had my car the entire day, cleaning Grandma's carpets and shopping with her.  She arrived home at 6pm, only to tell me that work called her in to work at 8pm.  There was no going to the doctor.  I may have to have Hubby drive me after work, to the Urgent care, which I don't want.  I'd rather see my own doctor.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Kitchen is in full swing ~ Handiwork

Zucchini has over-flow-eth-ed.  I know that is now a word, but it's the truth.  

The freezer is well stocked - 4 more pint bags of sliced and 8 cups of shredded into the freezer.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Cucumbers ~ Yellow Squash ~ Cleaning

The cucumbers are starting to roll in this year.  Last year we didn't get many.

I pulled out my old recipes and whipped up a Fresh Dill and Cucumber Salad.  Hubby and I love it.  I have fresh dill that grows back in the flower bed every year thankfully.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

The Garden and other bits

Zucchini continues to produce nicely, but our yellow squash has mold. 

And since it was 90 degrees with 70% humidity, and outdoor work slowed for a blip in the week, I made a cake. 

Zucchini snack cake with lemon butter cream frosting.  

Hubby's favorite, and made only once a year.  It requires fresh blueberries.  We haven't found them in bulk form yet either, so these were not cheap.  This cake requires fresh blueberries, hence why it's only baked this time of year.  Although, as Hubby has graciously reminded me, we sometimes find organic blueberries later in the season.

Here is a close-up photo of the drying radish seed pods.  We are tickled pink.   It's the first year our plants went to seed.

What we'll do without this season?

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Weeds are Winning....

.... and I am Not Worried

For once. 


Food wins.   I put more beets and zucchini in the freezer, and more beet greens.  I believe I am up to 40 servings of beets right now.  I may pickle some.  I haven't decided yet.

I do not like to mess with browning meatballs on the stove top, so I went in search for one online that is baked (and for the sole purpose to use up zucchini).

We love lots of zucchini right now, and so far I haven't had the need to give any away.  I still need to freeze more in the shredded form, and slices.

Back to the meatballs....

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

More tidbits - mostly garden-ish related

Zucchini is on in full force, so it's been the typical recipes, freezing etc. Zucchini was chopped into teeny tiny bits.  I canned our first seasonal 10 pints of famous zucchini salsa.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Books, Books and Books!

.....from the library
This one is interesting.  

Who has eaten a peanut butter and pickle sandwich?