Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Hen Update ~ Yard Work ~ Spring Blooms ~ New Recipe

We still have the hen that was/is eating her eggs.  I have just been too busy to even deal with it.

What I can tell you, is that my araucanas are less prone to lay eggs than my barred rocks.  The barred rocks are older and lay many more eggs.  I have four araucanas left, and three are in the coop with the rest.  I am getting only one egg from all three araucana hens, about every 4-5 days.

When it's time to buy more layers, I'll be looking at leghorns and/or more barred rocks.  Although the araucana chickens are pretty in color and lay a blue/green egg, I think I'll take the heartier chickens over them. 

Hubby spent Saturday mowing and trimming, while I enlisted the help of one the girls for weeding flower beds and the herb garden.  The others cleaned the inside.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

More Planting ~ Stake Out

The carrots and beets are now planted.  Each row is about 43 feet long.  We really need more, but I'm working on that.  I got the last two rain barrels in place for the next rainfall as well.  I need the water to plant everything else mid-May.

Hubby and I are figuring out the best place to install my new  (concord) grape arbor.  That is next on the list too.

Remember my new elderberry trees I planted last year?  Well, I found another use for them.  I read that you can stuff elderberry branches/leaves into mole tunnels to get rid of them.  My trees are not really big enough yet, but I do plan to try this if the moles continue to dig tunnels.  

Friday, May 1, 2015

Natural Insect Repellent Oil for People ~ Pet Flea Protection?

Now I'm taking the herbs to a different level.  There are so many uses for herbs (and oils) it's so much fun to research and try them.

To make the insect oil, I used a 1/4 cup to measure my "parts."  You can see in this quart jar, how much it fills the jar.  We've have good luck with homemade basil mosquito spray, but so far nothing has worked for flies or gnats (or fleas on our dogs and cats).

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Flower Cup Coaster ~ More Gardening

I'm using leftover scrap yarn from crocheting seat cushions, to make these cup coasters in my very few spare minutes of time (which is about a few nights a week now, ha ha).

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Random Gardening Tidbits, and Rain Barrels

The weather went from a chilly morning to 60°F by dinner time yesterday.  The days are slowly starting to heat up nicely.  

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Goat ~ Hubby Funny

No one claimed the Nigerian buck. He does have some handsome colors.

He was to small to jump a fence, and too little to tie-out.  He was most likely in a fenced area.  He was not starving to death, so he didn't travel far by foot.  His hooves have been taken care of.  He was in good shape too.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Busy Begins ~ First Asparagus


 I found this growing near my clothesline.

Hubby and I spent almost the entire day in the garden yesterday.