Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Saturday, September 21, 2013

I Got Notered

(sharing another awe-inspiring sunrise)

My 11 year-old is writing notes again.
"Hi mommy I love you.....he he he"

I received it in my inbox.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Goat Fencing ~ Homemade Parmesan Cheese

I'm still hacking away at the garden weeds, and it's been a long week.  Orion (aka Big Boy), has his "stink" on.  You can smell him everywhere now.  And guess who gets to babysit him, and water him?  Ugh.  Yep.  Me.  I need to call him "stinky la' pew."

Monday, September 16, 2013

Garden Surprise ~ A "Get'er Done" Project

From the Homesteading Journal . . .

Garlic was planted this weekend.  It will be harvested next spring. The heat wave we had is over, and they are calling for much cooler weather. 

I also made homemade seasoned salt. I used my homemade garlic and onion powder to make it.  It's the first time making it, so I am comparing it to the smell and taste of Lawry's from the store.

Recipe I used:

Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Felt/Glue Experiment

While working on making our bottle cap-embroidered necklaces, I found that E6000 glue gives off an odor.  I went in search of advice, but decided to do my own experiment with types of glue, using felt. 

I used, from left to right, regular tacky glue, clear gel tacky glue, crafter's adhesive (Locitite, odorless and dries clear), and felt glue.  As you can see, I glued them to a scrap piece of cardboard.

Ironically, the felt glue left a white residue on the felt.  The same thing with regular tacky glue (it's difficult to see in my photo).  The crafter's adhesive left the felt hard where the glue dried, and a somewhat darker color.   The winner is the clear gel tacky glue.

I'm now another step closer to posting the bottle cap necklace tutorial.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Peppers, Bats and Rats

I just had to share this.  We got three habanero peppers from the garden this year.  That's all.  I think we planted 4 habanero pepper plants among our 50-some pepper plants this season.

Check out how small they are too.  Hubby had to laugh when he saw them.  I'm not sure what I will make with them yet. Possibly a second trial run on a hot pepper jelly.

I got three cayenne peppers too.  Those went in the salsa I recently canned.  I think we got one very small green pepper and some super chili peppers.

I'm praying that next year's investments will be producing more bounty overall. 

Only in our house.....will you watch the sunrise, sip coffee, and chat with your kids about what bat and rat poop looks like.  

We have a rat and a bat living in the upper loft of our goat/chicken barn and rat traps are being set.  However, my 16 year-old was attacked early morning by a bat, while tending to her goats.  She laughed, and said she used her goat's mineral feeder to cover her head and run.  Bats are great, but not when then they take over the barn.  I am thinking we really do need to build a bat house.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Bottle Cap Jewelry ~ Military Mom

I've been playing around with recycling more bottle caps here.   This was the first one I made.  The center is hand  crafted with embroidery work. 

When I first talked to the girls about this idea, and they saw me painting at the kitchen table (I don't have a "craft room"), they cringed at what it would look like.  I guess wearing bottle caps did not appeal to them at the time.

However, when I finished it, my 11 year-old was begging to wear it to school.  

How did I make it? 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Tomatoes ~ Baby Food Carrot Cake

I finally got some salsa canned, and it was with my very own tomatoes.  I was so excited to see Hubby bring in more tomatoes, we ended up with 10 pints of salsa.  A huge blessing, considering it's been the worst garden year (rain).

I even had more tomatoes leftover, but not enough for salsa, so I blanched and froze them (another huge blessing I didn't think we'd get this season).

I have been looking around for inexpensive jars for making homemade vapo-rub (cheapest I can find in stores is $2.99/each for a 4 oz. jar).  

Well, another farmgirl gave me the idea to just buy baby food, to get the jars. Duh!  I guess with no babies in the house, that simple idea never occurred to me.

It's a great bargain if you ask me.  I paid $.59/each for them, and bought sweet carrots.  I used the baby food to make a carrot cake.  I linked the recipe I used, and used my home canned applesauce in place of the oil.  I got my jars, and the family got carrot cake.  What a deal.   And, the frosting was made with my homemade vanilla extract.  Can't beat that.

I'm thinking I need a few more jars - he he he!