Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Monday, March 18, 2013

Always Something. . .

We ran into "snags" with the goat fencing.  We could not drive t-posts, due to cement around the foundation, so we nailed up 2 x4's against the barn and then ran the fencing out.  However, once we started getting on a "roll" we ran into needing another tool.

My 16 year-old finished putting up some last boards, to keep the stalls baby safe, and started moving her supplies last night.  She finally finished about 9:00pm.  

Do you see that little gal on the outside of the pen?  That little escape artist got through the boards.  My daughter had to go back out after dinner, and put metal fencing all around the stall. 

We still need to board up the "birthing" stall that is on the very right, and then the outside (temporary) fencing (back of the stall).  Thank goodness the barn has a small animal door that slides, that we took advantage of, and the fencing will be directly on the outside of that door.

After that we have a motion sensored light fixture that will be mounted on the barn too.  And possibly a predator light.  We get a lot of rats, weasels, raccoons, hawks, owls, and what not. If you have bought such a light, and have a review, I'd love to hear it.

We woke up today to freezing rain and a layer of ice everywhere.  School is closed today as well.  I have yet to find out if driver's education closed. Even the community college closed.

The weather man got the weather wrong yesterday.  Brrr!  When we all came in about dinner time (Hubby, myself, our 16 and 13 year-old daughters), my cough had already returned.  So did the congestion and runny nose.  The chance to sleep in today, was a wonderful surprise.  

Our 13 year-old is back from her class trip, and I am sure she is enjoying the chance to rest up this morning as well.  Her feet are still swollen from all the walking they did.

A Year of Quotes:
"Setting a goal is not the main thing.  It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan."
    ~ Tom Landry


Sunday, March 17, 2013


It's Sunday and we already have a busy "work" day (I detest work on Sunday, but this "stuff" must get done....once and for all).

Have you ever had a job that needed to be completed, and it just kept dragging out?  And out?  And out?  And you never thought it would get finished?

The goat stalls, in the other barn, are one of those jobs.

Every time there is a day to work.....something is needed, something breaks, or the drill battery dies.  Or there is some kind of interruption that stalls the job.  And then there is the weather.

Today is the day, I want this job finished.  Say a prayer

We still have to move temporary fencing, build new fencing, and so forth.  

The reality of self-sufficiency, is that it takes investment.  Including time.    We don't have hired hands, and hubby works outside the home full-time.   And the other reality is, is that I have very little time, even as a stay-at-home Mom.  There are no "days off" for me.  Or for Hubby.

Friday, March 15, 2013

What are you . . .

(my snack while cleaning yesterday...a girl has to have her chocolate)

I'm not one to "blog hop" or the like, but I found the most recent post on Henningsen Happenings a fun one. 

Here's mine:

What are you. . .

Listening to:  the rabbit shake his watering unit, and my oldest daughter's cell phone vibrate (she should know that her alarm won't wake her up that way) Not exciting information I know.

Eating: Nothing at the moment, but just ate two farm fresh eggs over easy for breakfast.

WatchingHubby and I are in the 6th episode of 8, of McLeod's Daughters.

Reading: Naked, Drunk,and Writing (see?  It really is a book)

Making:  Another dishcloth and more rag rugs.

Planning: What chickens to buy soon, what cool weather vegetables to plant, and what cheeses to make this year.  What to build to house our meat chickens.  New item ideas for Farmer's Market and what dates to attend.

Doing:  Right now I am blogging while I wait for the washing machine to finish.

Feeling: Tired. Overwhelmed with today's mundane chores.

Loving: The sunshine this week

WantingA completely clean house all in one day.  A sun room for hubby and myself. To get back to the gym.   To screen in a side porch.  To rip out all carpet and put in wood flooring.  Another weekend getaway with hubby.  My extra weight to miraculously fall off  ( asked what I "wanted").  To buy a camper.  To build or create a "writing" room of my own. list is endless.

Thinking: Wondering what my 13 year-old is doing in D.C. right now.  Thinking that I should already be on the treadmill, and not sitting my bum in this chair. 

And looking forward to:  A much needed, relaxing trip to the island, camping, sipping iced tea on my front porch, and opening the windows.

A Year of Quotes:
"Well done is better than well said."
  ~ Benjamin Franklin 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Handiwork Progress ~ Moving Onward

When my older brother stopped in recently, he also brought me a bag of old jeans from his wife.  I have already started cutting them into strips for another denim rag rug.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

From the Homesteading Journal. . . (work, work, and work)

. . . Hubby and my 16 year-old worked on building the new goat stalls.  Only a few more boards to go.

. . . meet the newest member on the farm.  She's from a good bloodline of purebred lamancha dairy goats.  She is not named yet, but will be increasing our goat's milk, soap production, and homemade cheeses.  She's such a cutie.  This little gal follows my daughter everywhereI had to laugh when Sadie (black lab mix) brought her rope toy to the goat, to play with.  She was even (the dog) growling at Jesse to warn him to stay away for "her" baby goat playmate.  

. . . purchased early spring seeds (peas etc), but still need our potatoes and onions.

. . . worked on painting more of the kitchen cupboards.  With the temperature change, I hope to finish this project this month.

. . . washed up a vintage feed sack, and reused it for a curtain for one lower cupboard

. . . mixed up 5 more jars of homemade vanilla extract, and more homemade ginger ale.

The weather has quickly changed from 50 degrees and sunny, to 40-50 degrees and rainy, and now to the 30's, 100% cloud cove,r and a teensy bit of snow (or is that drizzle out there?).

Either way, I have a load of towels going on the line today.

It's a good day to get out my writing gear, and get something down on paper (or computer).  I've put it off way too long.  The kids can cook dinner tonight.  They joke why I haven't "written" my book yet, but they consistently leave me a very messy house.  Who can write with a clear mind, when the house is a chaotic mess?  I need my "office" out at the back of the property....and soon.

I may just make a big pot of hot cranberry punch to get me in the "mood."  That is, after I re-start the wood stove (hmpf - kids!), and bring in more wood.   Looks like we'll need it this week.


A Year of Quotes:

"In life, all good things come hard, but wisdom is the hardest to come by."
   ~ Lucille Ball  


Monday, March 11, 2013

Teabag Tidbits

It's Monday, and I have lots of work to get done - dishes the kids did not do (again), painting, laundry, floors, bathroom, design new business cards, do research on the possibilities (it may not happen due to cost) of a new easy-up canopy for Farmer's Market, and a few quick checks on the wee one we brought home yesterday (more on that later).

It's raining, dark and dreary today

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Lola is Not Happy ~ Road Trip

I finally found a chicken saddle/apron for Lola.  Sparta has ripped out her backside feathers completely.  She is the only chicken so far, that is like this.
Lola does not like her saddle/apron.  Once the kids put it on her, she went "bananas" and squawked and squawked.  She went running around, trying to get it off.  The other chickens followed and chased, wondering what that thing was on her.  In the photo you can see they are all staring at her, in curiosity.

However, by evening, she was still upset.  I hope she has gotten used to it by this morning, and will agree to wear it.

Hubby was called in again for more repairs at work.  This time it was 3:50am.  He's still not home yet, and it will be a long Sunday for him.

Today we have a road trip scheduled. 

A Year of Quotes:
"You have to have a dream, so you can get up in the morning."
  ~ Billy Wilder