Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Friday, December 14, 2012

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Excerpts from a Journal Junkie. . .

from the homesteading journal . . .

...dh won't be hunting for deer this upcoming weekend - no extra cash for the hunting license.  I've only spotted 3 deer here this season.  There has also been talk of sick deer this year.

...dh and I have been reading up on what types of meat chickens are best (check the latest issue of Backwoods Home Magazine for a good article).  We've raised one breed so far.

...there's a job opening for a cook at the county jail, but I'm afraid to ask hubby if he approves (most likely not).

...hubby and I have talked about investing in a hand pump for the well in the future.  We are still talking about plans for raising meat (pig and cow), and possibly a dairy cow.  

...I am very impressed with the new handmade recipe I found for grout/tile cleaner.  It's inexpensive,  works better than store brands, and does not have a nasty chemical smell.

from the Handicraft Journal . . .

(Started 9-20-2012)

 (one finished, the second is half done)

...almost finished a pot holder set for my mother's cousin.  I got side tracked with other work.

 ...crocheted cup cozy, just like the one above, for a stocking stuffer for one of the girls.

from the Family Journal . . .

...our 10 year-old is entering the seasonal "design a Christmas card" contest.

...I checked out 2 card game books from the library.  I am going to re-teach myself how to play Gin Rummy and teach my kids.
 (side with driveway)

 (front porch and upper floor)

...put up the outside Christmas lights this year. We haven't done this for almost 5 years now.  This is not as easy as you think.  We have zero outlets on the old farm house.  When the last homeowner added on, they added outside outlets on the back half.  My son had to "McGiver" these to one outlet and a then a timer.

from the Gratitude Journal . . .

~my clothesline (even when it's snowing out) 
~cheap coffee
~our canned food supply
~pen and paper
~mild weather
~natural salves for tired and sore hands
~God's Promises  

from the Exercise Journal . . .

...walking at least 2 miles a day (running 3 minutes), down another 2 pounds.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Family Funnies ~ Maple-Dijon Cod with Spinach and Home Canned Beets

Conversation early in the morning, prior to the school bus arriving.

"I'm thinking about applying for that cook job at the jail house," I said nonchalantly.

"No Mommy, NO!" whined my 10 year-old. 

"I don't think you have anything to say about it," added my 16 year-old.

"But she would be serving prisoners," cried my 10 year-old.

"So," added my 16 year-old.

"Yea," added my 13 year-old.

"She'd probably sneak in her spices and mix up the recipes."


And the conversation continued from there.  Ha ha ha ha! 

I do have a reputation for getting wild with my spices and herbs.  Last night, I made them Maple-Dijon Cod in a bed of spinach and green onion, and home canned spiced beets.  Dinner isn't always like that, but they love this fish recipe.

I regret not taking a photo.  My husband took a moment prior to eating and said, "now this is worth taking a picture of."

I haven't applied for that job, as I haven't spoken to hubby about it, but here is the recipe for the cod, if you like fish:

Maple-Dijon Cod with Spinach
 I don't have the date for this issue, but I believe it came form Clean Eating Magazine March 2012.  

If you can't read the recipe, post a comment and I will type it up on another post.

I typically have to buy 3 packages of wild caught cod to feed my large family.  I buy it when it's on sale and stash it in the freezer.   And they fight over the spinach, so next time I will have to buy even more spinach.  I never thought I'd get them to like a dish like this.  
Now....I just need a miracle in my freezer for tonight's dinner.  I wonder what I will find. 

Update:  I pulled 1 frozen package of mark down organic chicken thighs, 1 frozen bag of garden tomatoes, 1 frozen bag of blanched corn, opened 1 jar of home canned salsa, and 1 freezer container of of kidney beans (from dry).  With some fresh ingredients (and dried) on hand, I am creating a spicy chicken soup. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Doggie Dreamland

Jesse is sporting new bright green bandage tape on his paw today.

Jesse took nice long siesta, after his trip to the vet.  Just before my son left with him, I put Jesse's Thundershirt on him.  

You'd think this jacket had drugs in it.  He's so calm when he has it on, and he slept like a baby.

Poor guy.  His foot does have an infectionHe's on medication for a week.  Whatever he stepped on outside really did a number on his paw.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Progress of Projects and Morning Rambling

(bottom two right drawers are only primed)

...still painting kitchen cupboards, and putting old knobs back on for now.  More to paint....

...I haven't had much free time to work on my knitted shawl, but it's down to the last 20 or so rows and then the fringe. has not been conducive to putting up outside Christmas lights - rain, rain and more rain.  It's not helping me dry my laundry either.  

...finally started a variegated blue set of pot holders for my Mom.

..the search for jobs has become a tedious headache.  Unless I want to be a truck driver or dancer, there isn't much out there right now.

...Tiger or Jasper got another mouse in the house (not sure which cat got it, but they are both getting treats. son's most current drawing, and soon to be for sale. son took our youngest dog (Jesse) to the vet today for me.  He suffering from two puncture wounds on his paw that won't heal.  We have no idea what happened to him either.


Sunday, December 9, 2012

Knitting Basket Christmas Tree Ornament

These are one of my favorite handmade ornaments to make at Christmas.  It's not really made from "scraps" so I decided to post it here.

What you need:

Here is Nellie

She is the one that is black and white.

She's a bit difficult to photograph.  Hence her name "nervous" Nellie.