Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Rain Possibly?

It looks like we may get some thunderstorms here today.  I'm glad.  We need some rain.  It's great for the garden too.

I'm also glad I finished up the laundry yesterday.  My son also helped me clean out the rose bush flower bed.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My Other Favorite Place ~ My Back Porch

On Mother's Day, my 20 year-old son, cleaned everything off this patio.  It's what we call the back, only it's kind of the backside of the house.  It's big enough that some day we can screen in a portion of it.

You can see the grass is looking terrible alongside the rock flower bed.  That's because we had to dig and dig to find the septic tank.  It's just now growing back in.

Anyway, my son swept it all off and got out all of the furniture we still had.  He cleaned off cushions and I helped wash off table tops.

It's not "fancy" furniture, but you know our family motto.  We've been using this stuff for probably 5 years now.  Thanks to my wonderful Uncle, I have a new umbrella for the table.  Ours broke a few years ago.  The orange looking pots have seeds planted in them, and behind the table is a large rose bush I planted (moved it from under the kitchen sink).  Each week I figure out a way to make it peaceful and look nice.  I think it needs a few more flower pots.

I got one of the bird feeders up that also came from my Uncle.  Now I can watch more birds from my "other" favorite place.

Our garden continues to get planted.  Here is hubby digging weeds out of the strawberries I never got moved.  I guess I'll be moving those later in the fall (to the raised bed). 

We've planted numerous cauliflower plants, kohlrabi, cucumber, and green beans.  We ran out of plastic (yep, this pioneer agreed to plastic between rows).  No more weeding and more time for stocking up.

We may be taking a few tablecloths and aprons camping, but I am sure hubby will keep our load to a minimum.  That's okay too.  Camping doesn't come with rigid requirements, only lots of fun.

It's been a tradition for me to buy a new color of bandana for us to take camping (for two daughters and myself). 

Yesterday, despite being congested, I got my first bike ride in.  After 35 minutes of treadmill walking, I finally got a 5 mile bike ride in.  I am now working on cleaning out my garage, so I can get back to working out with the speed bag and heavy bag.  I squeezed myself in there and boy what a nice work out that was. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Weekend Work and Relaxation

I've been taking a bit of morning time to watch the birds on our property.  Every now and then I am able to get somewhat of a good photo.  I have seen a red-winged blackbird only once, and did not have my camera.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Canning Coffee Jelly, Gardening Updates, and More

 If you think I have found strange and interesting recipes over the years.....we now made coffee jelly.

It's actually pretty good. 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Bird Watching

Yesterday morning, I saw Jasper (one of the house cats) sitting on top of the wood stove.  I didn't dawn on me that something might be in it at the time.  I thought he was just chasing spiders (which he loves to do).

Later, closer to noon, the dogs barked at a noise coming from the stove's chimney.  I heard it too.  

I went and asked my son to check it.  He opened the damper and then closed the stove door again.  A little later, I heard scratching noises at the glass door on the stove.

My son opened it and a bird flew out.  The crazy woman that I am....pulled a blanket over my head and ran around after it with a broom. 

We opened the door, but it kept flying from window to window to get out.  Poor thing.  Funny part is, is that the house cats were all napping at that point.  They missed the "show."

I didn't have to go far to do bird watching, ha ha ha!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Mazda's Suspicious Tail Feathers


We can't figure out what happened to one of our rooster's tail feathers.  It somewhat looks as if a person cut them off with scissors.

We are pretty sure it wasn't the other rooster.  Sparta is afraid of Mazda now, and typically runs away from him. 

I wonder if the goats got a bite out it?  A few are growing back already, but it sure looks suspicious to us.  We did some research and people actually steal rooster feathers to put in their hair.  We've had the dogs bark at 3am, two nights in a row, but saw nothing.  Next time, I'll be taking a flashlight to the chicken barn, just to be sure.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Curious Cat

This is Tiger's new "hang out."  We can typically find him sitting here almost every day.

The recycled wood pellet bags come in handy for new baby chicks.  The sides of the cages are covered to keep curious cats out.