Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Monday, March 29, 2010

"Mom! I wrote a book!"

While resting on my bed most of the weekend, our eight year-old found a way to keep herself occupied.  With a bad cold, a bottle of Vick's Vap-o-rub, a box of Kleenex, and a book, I took advantage of the restful Sunday to regain my health.

Even though rest was not all undisturbed, including an 80 pound dog sitting on my chest pushing her bone up to my face with her tail wagging enough to shake the bed (literally touching my nose) while trying to wake up up, some of the time was peaceful.  By Sunday evening, our eight year-old daughter had taken a small spiral notebook and had written a book.  She even included dialogue and used quotation marks and had her ten year-old sister illustrate it.

Every other page she wrote, prompted her to visit me by reading me her "book." 

Now if I could just get her motivation to motivate me...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Soap making day ~ A husband funny

I was a bit under the weather yesterday, so I placed the grater and the bar of Fels-Naptha soap on the table.  I told the kids that who ever felt like grating a bit, to go ahead.  It's a hard bar of soap.  The grater was placed onto a plate and each child made an effort to grate the soap for me.  As dinner approached, which was a crock pot dish, the grated soap remained on the table.

My husband sat down at the end of the table where the soap, grater, plate and pot were still sitting.  One daughter had finished the grating, leaving a tiny square of soap.  During dinner I hear my husband say "Oh yuck! That's soap!"

We all busted out in laughter as he reached for something to drink.

"It looks like cheese sitting there," he said.

"Don't you smell the soap?" we all asked in unison, laughing and laughing.

Monday, March 22, 2010

90 Day Bible Reading Challenge ~ Day 81 ~ Nearing the end of a new beginning for me

It's hard to believe I have gotten this far.  Reading 12 pages a day had truly been a challenge to a Mom like myself.  It's so easy to fall behind when turns and twists in they daily schedule can throw me off.  I do my best reading when the kids are all in school.  Once they are home, I literally have to read out loud in order to keep my brain focused on my reading.  This challenge has created a new daily reading habit for me.

I still have about 8 pages to go today.  With 2 kids home for sickness and injury, it's been extremely challenging to read with "Sponge Bob Squarepants...." going on, and being beckoned to sick beside my sick daughter and focus on my Bible. 

Plus, to even concentrate to write period, is a challenge.  I think I need another box of Milk duds and another pot of coffee.  I may be a long afternoon.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Dogs Snoozing

I was going through photos on the computer and located this one.  I'll never forgot this moment.  All three dogs were snoozing together, and no the kids did not put them like this for the sake of a picture.   The kids were watching television and the dogs wanted on the couch too.  They only had a portion to share, so they did indeed share it.  This is truly a picture that shows how well the pets get along with each other.

This morning I had to clean up a spilled plant.  The two newest cats were chasing each other around at 6:00am.  They were zipping here and there and having a blast.  Of course, now that I am up and have cleaned it up, they are snoozing and worn out.

Well, that's okay.  I can exercise and get busy writing early today.  As long as my cough stays away and my nose clears up so I can breath.  The kids brought more germs home again.

As for adding "Mazda" to our small homestead, he's been a delight.  I love to watch him woo the hens and I love to listen to him.  This journey of having a small farm has not been a "bucket list" item, but more so of living our life as we wish.  I'm not sure I am ready for goats this year, but raising chickens and turkeys for meat is definitely on the list.  Growing our own garden and herbs has been a wonderful experience despite the hard work.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

90 day Bible Reading Challenge Update ~ Day 75

It's hard to believe it's been 75 days now.  I started this Bible reading challenge on January 1, 2010.  I have only 15 days left.  It's definitely been a challenge.  Considering how many kids I have, how many requests are made to me, how many mouths are chattering at once, and how many responsibilities I have as a wife and mother, I am thrilled I have gotten this far.  

In reading in Matthew, Mark and Luke, I had to look a few word up in the dictionary.  In one book of the Bible it says Jesus was given wine with "gall" and another said he was given wine with "myrrh," hence the interest to see if they were the same thing.  After looking them up, I am still not sure. In Luke they say it was "sour" wine.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Mazda the Rooster

Last Friday we added another member to our small, but growing homestead.  A rooster.  The kids named him after a famous rooster in a story they read.  If it's so famous that why haven't I read the story?  Mazda?  It sounds like a car to me.

He talks a lot and he is very fast.  And of course the ladies don't like him.

So, what's next to come to our little farm?  Hmmm?  I guess time will tell.  We are living life, that's for sure!

Friday, March 12, 2010

School Delay ~ Fog

I am really enjoying the fog delays we have had, including today's delay.  My son had made me eggs, which I received right after my shower.  One of girls had made a pot of coffee too!  I was so nice to walk out to the kitchen and have a fresh hot cup of coffee.  Mmmmmm!  Now I have no excuse to get things done today.