Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Showing posts with label Catnip Infused Oil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Catnip Infused Oil. Show all posts

Monday, May 20, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday


We finally got one full day to work on the flower beds. Sorry I don't have photos of them.  I will try later once we are completely done.   Between his horribly long work ours (and on weekends), add to that my foot fracture, we are very behind on outside work.  I can't hire help for this work.  Side note:  I may be hiring someone for interior painting that still needs done.

Our initual plan was to get plants into the vegetable garden.  We took one look and had to re-till everything (which required hiring a friend, due to the tiller not running here).  That job never happened until the high heat time of the day.

Instead  we finally pulled up the tarps in the front flower beds and put down dirt.  We slightly expanded an area, to make mowing a lot easier.

 The plan is to find creeping phlox for that small addition next.  It only took us two years to get this done, ha ha!  We were so busy with home repairs, flower beds were on the bottom of the list.

It was very difficult to find flats of marigolds this year.  We never planted one iota last year in the flower beds, so we added some perennials this year again.

We finally found what we wanted, so much of the planting was delayed until this week.  It's limited to cooler hours of the day too.

It's officially everything-in-the-house-is-a-mess season.  It happens.  It's garden season.  If you grow any sort of vegetable garden, or have large flower beds, you know what I mean.

Today, I realized, while watering the herb garden (and new herb plants), that I bought peppermint instead of spearmint.  Sigh.  I have to go back again, but I think we want to get more flowers anyway.  The more perennials we plant, the less annuals we have to buy each year.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather . . .
We are in an unusal May heat wave - 80-90 degrees and sunny.  Possible rain Wed.

Right now I am . . .
Finally getting some coffee, and then clean up from planting flowers for two hours this morning.  I have a bit more to plant, but then my full attention will be in the vegetable garden.  If we have enough t-posts, we plan to change they way we tie up the tomatoes this year.

Thinking and pondering . . .
Do you start your days with a plan?  A to-do list written out the day before?  Or do you start your day willy-nilly, and just go with the flow?  I would say 99.9% of the time I have to have a plan for the up coming day/days/week etc.  

To invest in a new sauce maker or not.  Sigh.  It's expensive, and my old one, almost 14 years old maybe, has plastic parts that keep breaking (expensive, always out of stock parts) on me.

How I am feeling . . .
Well, I'm happy to be getting back on track.  Sort of.  It was not fun to get up to days with no plans, due to my fracture.  I've been to the ortho doctor, and other than an x-ray, he said "see you in 6 weeks."  Sort of an eye rolling moment.  Other than to make sure it's healing correctly, sort of a waste of my time and money.

I was given the green light for some specfic exercise, but told me "you are your own doctor" and said that even if the x-ray shows a partial healing I can walk on it without the boot if it doesn't hurt.  My own doctor?  Good gravy.  It is exactly what my husband recently told me.  Also, I now see the importance of having a second person to have another pair of ears, to hear what the doctor is saying.  A lot of mumbo jumbo this last visit.

On the breakfast plate . . .

Have no idea.  It's now about brunch time I think ha ha!

On the lunch plate . . .
With the heat wave, and working in the heat, it could be a fruit yogurt smoothie, or peanut butter on a swedish bread crisp and a boiled egg.

On the dinner plate . . .
Have no idea.

On the menu . . .
Have no stinkin' clue.  We grilled dinner a few nights ago, but man it is really hot outside.

What I am wearing . . .
Dirty garden work clothes.  

On the reading pile. . .
Currently reading this book from my own bookshelf.  The librarian suggested a few places to find the rest of the series for free, but I do not want to read on my small cell phone.  Most are all free, but online such as ebooks.  I'll most likely skip the rest of the series and move on to another book off my shelf, sticking to the "borrow and not buy" motto this year.

Current library loot!  I'm so far behind with these right now.

On my TV this week . . .
Netflix movies I think.  Not sure.  I was so tired last night I fell asleep watching TV.

To-do list . . .
-plant flowers before it gets too hot
-boil eggs, and make chicken salad
-wash yesterday's dishes
-mix up my face oil recipe
-sweep and mop floors
-clean toilets
-check on laundry
-write out a meal plan, and healthy snacks
(this may be the list for the entire week with planting the gardens)

From the camera . . .
Catnip infused oil brewing.  I use this to make homemade bug spray.  Oils can be infused on the stove, but with the recent sunshine, I chose to do it this way.

What I am crocheting . . .
Nothing!  I'm way too tired at the end of the day right now.
It's even too hot to read a book on the porch or patio.  All works in progress are on halted for now.  I do have plans to check my stash however, for colors to put together for making two more lap afghans (for extended family living in an assisted living home).  I want peach yarn for one.  Actually two different shades, but I am pretty sure I have zero of that color.

Devotions, prayers, Bible verses . . .
Prayers for a family friend named Bobbi.  She broke her back, some ribs, and other ailments recently.  I don't know they how of this, but she is depressed from it all. She helped cater food for a family funeral for us once.