Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Monday, June 24, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday

The weekend went too fast, but we had a fantastic time with family.  I took an orzo pasta salad, and a cold mostly sugar free carmel apple dessert.  It was very nice to visit with everyone, and with help we figured out what the strange plant is growing in my asparagus patch (more on that later).

Two lap afghans were delivered to my husband's cousin and her husband, who live in an assisted living home.  

I have been successful at purging books I have read. Over the last two weekends I placed books, reader glasses I can't use, and two sets of nautical crocheted cup coaster sets in a little library on the island we visit.  A bag of books went home with my sister.  I also found homes for three more sets of crochet cup coasters leftover from craft shows.

Trust me, I have more craft supplies to purge, but I am very behind on reading books.  If I am not using something, or haven't used it in years, it is making it's way to another home.

We had to cancel our plans to go to a festival over the weekend, because it rained.  We are thankful for the rain, as the gardens needed it.

Today I am joining once again with Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  The link up is back, so it's easy for me to link up today.

Update:  I could not link up.  Again.  Sorry folks.

The weather . . .
86°F/67°F today.  We are finally getting a break in weather, but that could change. 

Right now I am . . .

Writing out my to-do's for the day, and waking up with coffee.

Thinking and pondering . . .

To purge all of my writing books or not.  I used to freelance write when the kids were younger, and all lived at home, but I have not had the time, nor the desire lately.  Getting the house in order (trust me the fractured foot set me back 2 months) has been on top of the list.

It's been on my brain, but I'm considering putting and end to this blog.  Various reasons.

How I am feeling . . .

Depends on the weather, ha ha!  If it's hot out, and I've been working out there, I'm too tired to do much when I come back inside.

I am however, back to a pretty good exercise plan, other than the treadmil.  I'm still waiting on the final x-ray of my foot.

On the breakfast plate . . .

Have no idea yet.

On the lunch plate . . .

Chicken salad on cucumber slices, leftover orzo salad.

On the dinner plate . . .

If my husband doesn't call or text with a change in my plan, it's a sheet pan chicken sausage/sweet potato and green been dinner.

On the menu . . .

Anyone else have a husband that has a knack for meddling in the menu plan for the week?  I'll have it all planned out, and he'll come home with burgers to grill or some other option.  

I'm going to try my best to use up some food this week, that was intended for another day, including the green beans in our freezer from last year's garden.

On my reading pile . . .

Still reading this.  I haven't had the energy or time to read over the last month.  I really need to read at least a few pages a day.

A quick once a day read, and sometimes very appropriate for the day's work/events.

Dug out a box of letters to get finished reading. I need to pass this on to another family member (part of my purge).  I've had it since my Dad passed away.

On my TV this week . . .

Fried Green Tomatoes

Looking around the house . . .

I have a habit of starting the to-do list for the next day, and not finishing the current day list.  In the end, I am still looking at piles of yarn, and other things like tablecloths I no longer use, that need to either be put in storage or passed on.  I use them for tables when we have people over, so I may be saving them.  Anyway, I am working on more areas of the house, so come fall, we can get back to bigger indoor repairs/painting, and what not.

To-do list . . .

(for the next two weeks, and in no particular order)

-harvest yarrow
-harvest thyme
-wash master bath rugs, sweep and mop
-make homemade insect repellant
-work on all the craft supplies I wish to purge
-work on list for getting the house back in order
-water pots and greens
-work on sorting yarn, and re-organizing them to reduce storage totes
-weed flower beds
-continue cleaning porch
-get back to working on master bath, removing items we no longer use and remove everything from the walls to start washing down walls.

From the camera . . .

I have nothing today.  I had a pretty busy weekend, and the same last weekend, filled in with other projects and work around here.

Devotional, prayers, Bible Verses . . .

No current prayer requests.

Happy Homemaker Monday © June 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


Shug said...

Sounds like you had a great weekend aside from the rain cancelling your plans for the festival. Isn't it awesome to be able to share though the little library's? We have several here in our hometown. On my bucket list is to learn to crochet. I think this is so interesting and I admire those that can do this with ease. Your menu's sound so light and refreshing. Chicken salad on cucumber slices is a favorite around here. Hope your purging continues to go well...It is always so nice to occasionally go through and clean out. Hope you have a great Monday....High temps around here, around a 100. Blessings!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Rain can be a bitch at times making plans to be cancelled.

Home made stuff can be great or not so great or even a right mess depending on who is doing the making and how good they are at it.

It is bloody cold here with a temp of only 4 degrees

Irene said...

Hi, life has been busy here too as I am playing catch-up with my blog reading. I am going to say you have a Wine berry plant. I found them yummy. We made jam with what was left after eating many while picking. That's my guess anyway, many days late. I hid in the house during the heatwave lol.

Far Side of Fifty said...

I have been resting from purging...but I need to get back to it soon! I should make a list...but that would hold me accountable. I need to feel better to get more stuff done. Sometimes I think I should give up blogging too...but I have so many blog friends and blogs I enjoy reading!

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Irene, you are right, we figured out it's wineberry.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Far Side of Fifty, I am trying my best to get this place simplified and easier to manage, as well as keeping it tip top clean. I have already filled another box of donations, tossed some things out, and moved some things to the garage.

Luludou said...

You are doing SOOO good with the purging. With all you have to do around the house, garden, etc.... you are doing great! I will miss you if you stop blogging, but I understand. Have a great week

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Thank you Luludou.