Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Making Adjustments . . .

I'm getting used to a different routine, but not by choice.  The boot definitely helps my foot, but at night when it's off my ankle swells in the night.

I'm up getting an ice pack (or my husband hears me and gets it), and taking pain meds to get back to sleep.  I wish this on no one.

I also realized that my yarn totes were moved upstairs.  Sigh.

I however, had not finished the bedroom closet, so I found a few unfinished projects to keep me busy.

I found a knitted dishcloth to finish, another set of hot pads, I can restock blue baby booties (I had that yarn downstairs), I have a scrap lap afghan to finish, and I found a baby blanket that I started probably over 5 years ago.  I must have buried it unseen.  

I also, ordered me some books on  I am still waiting on them.

I got my Christmas binder out and added patterns for homemade gift ideas for next year.

I also want to get back to doing some journaling, but on the computer vs. hand write this time.  I need a new flash drive, and can't figure out the best one to buy on Amazon.  Or anywhere for that matter.  

No way am I asking my husband or Daughter K to buy one in town for me.  They are both already mad for having to do some of my chores (tend the hens, get the mail, dishes, cook, and stuff like that).

I'm already getting retorts from my husband, because Daughter K has been zero help.  Literally.  

I got 3 Christmas cards addressed, but I had to ask them 3 times to put them in the mailbox, so I'm not sure I'll get anymore done.  I don't want to ask them again for help.

It's pouring outside this morning.  I'll just get on with this day, and if it stops attempt to use my husband's muck boots to tend the hens.  

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

I went where no one wants to go . . .

The comfrey poultices were working great on my ankle, so as I said we went to town and visited Mom.  However, I could barely get my fuzzy, comfy boots on (thought they had the most room).  

We also went to the grocery store, picked up chicken food, visited Daughter E, and went out to lunch with Daughter E and K.  I was exhausted and couldn't wait to get my foot up and iced.

I think I aggravated my ankle.  I woke up yesterday and it was so swollen.  I iced it and decided it was best to call my doctor to be sure what was going on.

I couldn't get into the doctor until Thursday, so I went to the urgent care where they have the ability to take x-rays (they are literally downstairs from where my doctor is).  I didn't want to go that route, but it was better than the ER.

I was so nervous, because I could hear people checking in asking for a covid test.  I made sure I stayed far away from anyone I could.  The nurse laughed when she took my blood pressure.  Yeah, it was high.  I told her I did not want to be there, and was avoiding cooties as much as possible.

(sorry for the bad photo, but it's hard to balance crutches and take a photo, ha ha ha ha!)

I'm now the proud owner of a boot and crutches.  Sigh.  My husband is not happy I cannot do my normal chores.  He however, got up at 4am and got me a bag of peas for my ankle (couldn't find the ice pack), helped me put my boot back on and made me a cheese omelet before he went to work.  

I normally, pack his breakfast, lunch and coffee.  It feels so wrong not being able to do the normal stuff.  I am not one to sit around all day either, so I will most likely be a cranky ol' pain in the rump today.  At least my ankle should heal faster now that I am under different circumstances.  Maybe I will actually read a book today.  I know I won't be drinking a lot of coffee, because that means more trips to the kitchen and that means steps to deal with and yeah....ugh...

At least Daughter K has kept her shoes picked up in the hallway after all of this.

I am however very glad I put an all-in-one meal in the crock pot yesterday morning.  As soon as my husband got home, he picked me up to take me in to town for all of this.  He dropped me off, and then went to Daughter E's apartment to fix her flat tire, and pick her up from work.  It all worked out, but so glad we had a meal when we arrived home after 7pm.

There is nothing "homesteading" about this post, but more so stuff I just can't make up.  Oh, yeah, I can't tend the hens either, so there are two people in the house that have to.

All in all, maybe they will appreciate me more after realizing how much I do around here.  I know my husband does, but maybe my daughter that lives here will realize it.

I can say, on a day stuck in bed with my feet up, I do miss Tiger's kitty snuggles.  I am glad he is with his Mom though.  She really needs it right now.

Hopefully, I will have something interesting to post tomorrow.  It's kind of hard to post anything when you've spent the day off your feet I suppose.

One last ditty wonderful husband got up and made me a cheese omelet for breakfast before he went to work.  He is the best!! He was up at 4am re-wrapping my ankle and icing it with a frozen bag of peas, which helped me sleep like a baby.  He finally found the ice pack this morning for me.  I love him to bits!!

Monday, December 13, 2021

Making a Poultice Using Dried Comfrey


I didn't get any comments on if a poultice can be made using dried comfrey.  I did some research myself.  I found that if you are making one for the healing of a broken bone you can make a "tea" with the comfrey and apply the compress 3 times a day.

I decided to make a poultice for my sprained ankle.  I poured enough boiling water over dried comfrey, and blended into a "mash" using my blender.  

I then used a thin layer of cheesecloth and created a poultice.  day one I used the two poultices and iced and wrapped.  Day two it was much better but still a bit swollen (way less pain).

I am still applying a poultice daily, and yesterday was unable to get my ankle in my much boots to go to the coop.  Doctor Daughter K sternly told me that if it's not better "in 3 days" I need to get x-rays done on it.  However, the swelling has gone down each day so far.  The count down is on....

I was able to get on a pair of soft dress boots to head to town.  We needed chicken food, and made a trip to visit Mom.  She looks good, but hasn't had a doctor visit lately.  I do believe she has one today, but I'm not for certain.  We are keeping up on that via group email, and I haven't gotten an email lately, and Mom gets very confused.

We also made a stop at Daughter E's apartment.  It was our first time seeing the inside.  It's very cute to be honest, but small.  No wonder she said she won't buy a Christmas tree.  There is no room in her very small living room.  Tiger made his appearance and loved on me.  It was so good to see him, and to have to give me some kitty love.  I bet he is so happy there, having the entire place to himself.

By the time we returned home, I was so happy to get the boots off.  My foot was so sore from all that walking.

Sunday, December 12, 2021

High Wind Warning

Yesterday we literally hunkered in and did nothing but watch movies, and sip hot coffee.  My husband baked some no-bake cookies.

The wind gusts were anywhere up to 60mph.  Although the temperature was in the low 60's, it was not conducive to outdoor anything.

My ankle is a bit better, but still sore.  No one answered my question about dried comfrey, so I went online and dug into my herbal books and made several poultices (update on that later).

I located a person who makes handmade kitchen tools.  I emailed him, but have not gotten a response.  Hopefully I will hear from him soon.  I hope my email didn't go into his "junk" mail.

The glass cutter called me.  He wanted to make sure the cost was okay before he special ordered the glass for the wood stove door.  The prices have gone up 4 times he said over the last year alone.  What cost us under $50 will now cost us $138.78, and it will take much longer to get the glass.  I get so frustrated with this. 

My crafting sales are at the bottom lowest.  I put 17 sets of pot holders up on a social media page.  I got zero sales.  It's my go-do (travel) project, and apparently I have made a lot of sets.  They went back into a storage container, and I will be changing my "go-to" crochet project to another item.

As many people get new, higher paying jobs and sign on bonuses, my husband's salary remains the same, and no bonus for working thru the pandemic.  It's absolutely depressing and frustrating (and why we are not buying gifts not putting up a tree in the living room this year).  I'm usually really excited about Christmas, doing baking, candy making, wrapping gifts, decorating the house and what not.  Not this year.  

I'm still working on the handmade gifts for the two younger daughters (with what I have on hand).  The other kids don't even come around or stay in touch any more.

I sort of feel like that scene in Little House on the Prairie, where they are all hiding in places to make handmade gifts for Christmas.

I don't hear the wind this morning, so I am hoping for a much better weather day, and praying for all those who suffered devastation over the last few days (tornadoes).

Saturday, December 11, 2021

from the handiwork journal . . .

I started to crochet ornaments for next year, but realized I need one more color of the yarn.  It's now on hold.

I  have however, switched things up a bit and got out my embroidery.  I will attempt to get the rest of a set of tea towels finished for a present for Daughter K.  We are not "gifting" as usual this year, but I thought at least one thing to open for her would be nice.  I told her the cardigan was her present too.  It was supposed to be her present a few years ago (ha ha, it took me that long to make it).

. . . a scrap lap afghan on the crochet hook. 

Friday, December 10, 2021

Sprained Ankle and boring stuff

Our wood stove door got dropped off, but not by me.  I had Daughter K drop it off for me.  I had something that was irritating my eye, and didn't feel up to that long drive.  Door is there, but the glass cutter was not.  Not sure when it'll be done.  My husband brought me home eye drops and my eye feels a bit better today.

On the sprained ankle.  I can't recall anything I was doing that would cause it,  other than I tripped on Daughter K's boots in the hallway this week.  I am guessing because I walked on it, fetching fire wood, tending the hens, etc.  I made it irritated, because I was not icing it, or wrapping it for 2 days.

Go figure, I have zero comfrey poultices in my freezer, but I do have comfrey salve.  The ice pack will be used for now.  Thankfully, I have a cane to get around, but foot will be up most of this day (sigh).  

Does anyone know if I can make a poultice using dried comfrey and comfrey root?  I think I have both, but in dried form.

I do have to take dogs out, tend hens, get mail etc.  I'll just have to grin and bear it, while muttering under my breath.

I had to laugh yesterday evening.  I put turkey in the crockpot and planned on home canned beets for an easy dinner.  I was in bed watching the cooking channel doing some handiwork (with feet up).  He was really enjoying it.  I went to fetch clothes from the washer to put on drying racks, and he said "Look they are making turkey quesadillas.  Let's make those."

He literally went to the kitchen and made them for us.  They were very good.  We used pepper jack cheese.  Delicious.

I think I have my husband hooked on the cooking channel when he gets home from work.  I better be careful though.  Spring will be here in no time, and we'll be back to the garden in the evenings.  Meanwhile, we'll  just enjoy watching it.  We love Farmer and the Foodie.

On a sad note, I received an email that a old classmate of mine, passed away yesterday.  Her daughter found her at her desk with headphones on.  She was experiencing upset stomach, and couldn't eat for the two days prior to this, and did not seek medical help.  Such sad news to all of us.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Pumpkin Bread

I seem to be spending the first half of my day in the kitchen.  I threw together a zucchini breakfast bake and topped it with freshly grated parmesan cheese.  There is spinach in it too.  I didn't use a recipe.  I just tossed some things together.

I had some thawed pumpkin to use up, and got out my old trusty cookbook. Wow!  I haven't made pumpkin bread in years, and it called for 3 cups of sugar.  That is a lot of sugar for one loaf.  

I went online of course and found one that was a low-sugar recipe.  I didn't have white whole wheat flour, but adjusted to what I had on hand.

I totally forgot to take a photo of it, but it was delicious.  I swapped out the coconut oil for canola.  I just didn't see it staying in a liquid form after adding cold milk and cold pumpkin puree.  It turned out good and my pumpkin puree didn't go to waste. Recipe is called Healthy Pumpkin Bread from Cookie and Kate.

Daughter E is now volunteering for the Humane Society and a charity that gives out food to those in need.  So proud of her.

What is your go-to, crowd pleasing stove top made vegetable?  Not crock pot, but stove-top?  My oven will be busy with baked chicken, so I'm trying to come up with something other than green beans, and nothing with potatoes.  I could steam broccoli, but not everyone likes broccoli.  Hm.  I found a recipe for creamy mashed cauliflower that sounds pretty good too.