Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

from the handiwork journal . . .

Finished this bracelet - a special request.  I had trouble with the green beads, but overall turned out nice.  I won't buy beads from the company that made the green ones again.  They were not the exact size as specified and I had to use my tool to enlarge the holes on almost all of them (green).  Anyway, it turned out nice.

Finished these bracelets as well, but they need ends sewn in and buttons yet.  The black one was finished and gifted.  I'll be making more.

Finished these sets of pot holders.  That bottom one was the new yarn I bought.  It's not the colors I thought it would be, but it reminds me of a cabin in the woods sort of color.

Finished this dishcloth (knitted) and a matching set of pot holders.

The positive aspect of having to sit around with my leg up, is that all of this has gained me more to sell at the winter craft show (s).  I'm completely out of my black yarn, so my "f" bombs are not restocked, nor the dish scrubbies, but it's on the to-do list.  

Monday, September 16, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday

Hubby put the totaled car engine up for sale.  He literally got an interested buyer within a few hours or less.  The car has been sold. They even have a trailer to pick it up this week.

The same people may be buying our old truck as is as well.  That would be awesome.

My broccoli sprout seeds have arrived and are started.  Can't wait to taste them.

The roosters finally went up for sale.  We are keeping one.  I'm offering them to a family friend first, so we'll see.  We have one person interested so far.

We had donated a large amount of shredded chicken for the meal after the funeral, and there was half of it left, so we took it to a family birthday party on Saturday.  It worked out great.  Nothing left over.  

Sunday we picked up a flower arrangement and an angel solar light and made a visit to our grandson at the cemetery, then made a visit with his Mom.

I'm praying my surgeon calls and schedules my procedure.  I need a ride on the sanity saver (Harley) in a bad way.  We also need a Wellness Weekend off grid.  We all do.  We are completely emotionally exhausted.  My main focus this week is to get some healing time mentally.  If I am so exhausted I can't even imagine what our daughter (mother to our grandson) is going through.

Our youngest daughter has gotten several migraines due to emotional stress (see prayer list).  She is home again today for a grievance day.  I made her feverfew tea yesterday and will again today if needed.

I've gotten a few orders this week, which I am thankful for.  It will keep me busy and keep my mind off things - a set of pot holders and some dish scrubbies.

I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom Today.

The weather outside is . . .
High of 80°F, sunny

On my reading pile . . .
I haven't been in the mood to read

On my TV . . .
Whatever movies we find on Amazon prime

On the menu . . .
Crock pot beef burgundy, noodles and mashed potatoes
Something grilled maybe
....have no idea

On the to-do list . . .
clean up kitchen
check jalapenos and pick them if we have enough
crochet orders I recently received
Deliver some hot pads that were ordered

What I am creating . . .
Another set of pot holders, nylon dish scrubbies, and a boho beaded bracelet.  

Looking around the house . . .
It's a hot mess.  We'll get some order in it as I heal.  I'm starting to walk almost normal, so I'm praying for a quick healing to get back to a tidy homestead.  Even the porch, flower beds are a hot mess.  Just everything is a hot mess.

From the camera . . .

Sunday morning sunrise.

Prayer list . . .
For myself and my leg to heal and for the surgeon to call ASAP and schedule the procedure, for our daughter who just lost her 4 month old, for a young man who our youngest was friends with (even came to one of her parties here) who was recently hit by a hit-and-run driver a few days ago and passed away (he was a 2019 graduate {18 years old} and was just starting college, he was hit while on campus at his college), our 20 year-old who is sick right now with a sinus infection and an ear infection, for my Mom and nephew and niece who all have a horrible cough, and other personal requests.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Pushing On

Thank you all for your prayers, good thoughts and well wishes.   We have gotten through the funeral of our grandson, and are trying to push forward.  Little man would want us all to be happy.  I will admit, it was the hardest thing I've had to do as a grandmother, and as parents watching our daughter bury her infant.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Putting a Stop to the King of "Take Out"

I'm doing a little bit more every day, although I am watching myself on not over doing it.  I'm still getting of handiwork time.  Adding more vitamin C to my diet with organic lemons.

I had partial day of help yesterday, and boy did it feel good to have a homemade dinner last night.  I dug through the freezer and pulled out meatballs, a jar of home canned pepper mustard sauce from the pantry, and I pulled a lonely last jar of home canned pickled beets (I do love my beets). This is why I also like canning and doing freezer food prep - you never know when you need something quick and easy and healthy.

I did a few more small loads of laundry, made a nettle tea infusion, and unloaded the dishwasher and put other dishes away.

My hands have been so dry from handiwork over time, that I'm putting lotion on the top of the list after the leg procedure is done. 

Speaking of my helper, it was my 20 year-old, and she even drove all the way out to the homestead to drive me to my sonogram (on my leg).  She even took me to the store for some much needed grocery items, black yarn and other misc items.  I'm so thankful for her offer to help out yesterday.  I had planned to drive myself.

Speaking of shopping, I had hoped to find a nice outfit for the funeral this week.  Nope.  They had long sleeved fall clothing and winter coats out.  It'll be 86°F and hot.  Guess I'll find something suitable in my closet.

As for the garden, we were due for rain yesterday, which I was forever grateful for.  I hope there will be a few more tomatoes to eat with this heat wave.  I got out my canning recipes too.  Here's hoping for a ton of jalapenos out there too.

Sorry I haven't been around to read your blogs.  I hope to get some visits in this weekend.  If you can, please say a prayer for our youngest daughter.  She's getting migraines from the emotional stress of the funeral, and my feverfew has not been harvested.  I hope to get some cut today for her for tea.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


I couldn't take it any longer.  I was left alone, so I washed dishes (twice), emptied and reloaded the dishwasher and did a few loads of laundry.  Hubby has been busy helping our daughter with funeral arrangements and our youngest is grieving.  I had to do something.  Every dish in the house was dirty.

There is a lot of things I still can't do, but I at least put a dent in the mess here.  By the time Hubby gets home, he's mentally exhausted and doesn't want to do a thing, so I had to do it or it wasn't getting done.

I'll admit, I'm not eating as healthy as I should because I can't do the cooking involved, which is also driving me mad.

Also, my refrigerator is contaminated with leftover take out.  Gah!  It is about to explode from lack of attention too.

My fresh spinach went bad.  Double Gah!  I need a trip to the store for fresh greens so I can make some fruit/green smoothies for my lunch and breakfast.  We are totally out of eggs, the chickens apparently went on strike (I think they miss me), and I'm left with toast for breakfast again.

Things could be worse though.  Hubby took the Harley out when he left to help our daughter and arrangements.  On his way home, he had to detour and took a country one lane road.  A semi going full speed in the opposite direction, came an inch or two from hitting him head on.  Not something the wifey wants to hear at the end of the day either.

On a good note, I have a helper today with Romeo.  I hope to have her water my peppers, grow bags and medicinal weeds as well.  I'm just glad for the company too. 

I guess I'm heading to the freezer and pantry to see what I can whip up for dinner tonight.  I cannot.  I repeat cannot eat another grilled burger nor eat take out.  Wish me luck.  There has to be something here to create a healthy meal for once.  It's too hot here for soup, so that's out.  We are up to the 90's here again.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Garden ~ Trips Canceled ~ Update

The tomatoes are a complete and total loss this year.  Not really surprised with our weather struggles this year.  We may get 10 to pick to eat and that is it from the 50-some plants.  Not sure about jalapenos and green peppers yet.  Tomato plants will be getting yanked when someone can volunteer for me.  We've gotten some rain here and there, so I'm hoping for the peppers, carrots and beets yet.  Thankfully, we are to get rain mid-week (one more thing I don't have to ask someone to do).

We've had to cancel another camping trip (last weekend, weather would have been absolutely perfect too).  We've also canceled attending a bike fest we were going to (motorcycle event next weekend).  These cancellations were no surprise to us.  

Most importantly, you all want to know the update at the consultation with the surgeon, right?  

I was pretty anxious to get a plan in place, but squeamish about which way we'd go. I mean, my regular doctor was hinting about skin graphs earlier...and it's been a worry wart on my brain since then.  I was however happy to get in so quickly, because I am also the Queen of Gauze.  The rolled gauze is expensive and I have been going through it like crazy.

Okay,'s what the surgeon said.

As of right now, no surgery.  Woohoo!  Thanks to modern technology.  I have to get a vascular sonogram this week (before the funeral), then once they determine the veins that need attention, they'll do an in-office procedure and I should be back on my feet after that.  Thank you for all your prayers.

I'll be back when I can, and most likely have more handiwork "finished" projects to share.  Hmpf.  I do hate sitting like this.  It's driving me insane. Good gravy, I'm gonna lose my mind until this is all over with, and then I'm probably be complaining of not enough handiwork time, ha ha!

In the meantime, I've ordered my garlic for fall planting, already have the grow bags to plant them in, and have broccoli seeds ordered to grow as sprouts for better healthy intake.  I've also been really good at making list for things I need to clean, make and stock up on.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday

I'm up early.  Can't sleep.  Besides the coffee pot is closer to me at the computer than where I've been hanging out this morning.

I need to feel "normal" so why not try and post a quick join up today, and try and feel that way.

Just maybe. . . we'll get some good news this week too.  It's been one helluva weekend.  Within 24 hours (over this past weekend) our 20 year old was in a car accident and totaled her car, and our 4 month old grandson passed away (in case you missed my posts).  

Hubby has the day off today to help take care of funeral arrangements, and help our 20 year-old look at a possible car to purchase.  He needs to get a receipt for the tow bill for her totaled car too, so we can submit it to insurance.

I just need to help figure out what we'll eat tonight for dinner.  My Mom said she'd bring us a meal, but said she doesn't eat as healthy as we do. Hmpf.  I guess I'll take a quick look in the freezer and figure something out.

I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  Sorry for the photo.  I saved the new one, but couldn't figure out where the heck I saved it.  I hope to figure that out later when I can spend more time on here.

The weather outside . . .
High of 77°F, sunny.  We are to heat up again this week and get some rain.

On my reading pile . . .

On my TV . . .
We rented the movie "Hustle" and I am watching a ton of cooking shows since the doctor said stay off my foot.

On the menu this week . . . 
Ha ha ha!  There is only one - Hubby the take out king.  Quite possibly I can sit in the kitchen and give him instructions on something in the crock pot.   I was thankful to get a grill out dinner last night.

On my to-do list . . . 
(More like Hubby and Daughter's list)
Remind them to do these at least ~
-feed and water chickens
-fetch mail
-sweep floors (that's pushing it)
-for me, check on greens in fridge and see if they are still good (totally forgot about them)
-appt at my surgeon
-have someone check on my grow pots
-get someone to cut me some plantain to dehydrate (this one will be a tough one to convince them)

What I am creating . . .
A lot of stuff.  When I'm up to taking photos, I'll be back to share.

Looking around the house .  . 
E-ghads!  It's a total mess.  Shambles.  I know it's temporary, but those two seriously need to get at least the dishes washed.  Urgh....I need my job as care taker of this place.  
Bedding needs washed, linens, the list is endless.  It's literally an endless list.  I have a list just for things that need made and restocked (lotions, vinegar infusions, etc etc).

From the camera . . . 
The sky this morning.  The beautiful sunrises are moving south now.

On my prayer list . . . 
For myself and my leg issue (I am praying for a good visit to the surgeon, and quick healing of my open wound I still have), for our daughter and her family with the passing of our grandson, for our 20 year old who is recovering from her car accident (see recent posts) and personal requests