Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Strawberry Margarita Jam

Saturday the rain  came back again with a vengeance.  I forgot one item at the grocery store - limes.  I had planned on canning jam first thing, but had to go back to the store first.

However, on Friday, I picked up a flat of locally grown strawberries.  Hubby got his cold strawberry pie for Father's Day, and I got some to can jam. 
I made strawberry margarita jam for the first time. I did an immediate taste test -  super sweet but very good.  Just a dab ol' do ya'. The recipe is in Better Homes and Gardens Special Interest Publication:  Canning, preserving, and freezing and drying (Sept. 2013).  The recipe is also online.  

With all the rain coming, we forfeited the last of the sweet potato slips.   I hate to do that, but it's a weather crisis, and I don't want to spend the extra cash on buckets and a truck load of dirt.  Did you know organic soil for vegetables is $6.77/bag (2 cu. ft.)?  I am hanging onto about 6-7 to plant if I can, but that's all the tilled space I have, and we are running out of time.  They take much more time than regular potatoes.

We are getting more rain today.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Plan H ~ Grow Bags ~ Windshield wiper warning

We had a dry day yesterday, so I backed the truck out yonder and planted my 15 grow bags - carrots, beets and 3 more sweet potato slips.  The remaining are in plan I.  Our future 7 days of rain increased to 16 days of rain now (which we know can change).  All other plans are now off the table.  I tossed seeds into a till row, as it was the only area tilled, and my last chance to get greens in Thousandhead kale, Russian red kale, orange and red chard.

It's the first year to use grow bags, so I'll update as we experiment.  I may need to invest in more for next year.  I hope they do well and we have food in the freezer this winter (and canned too).

Since we couldn't plant popcorn, I will be making a trip to Amish country this month to purchase organic for the winter.  I also have another produce source not far that grows their own popcorn.  If they are not flooded out anyway.  Everyone who plants any sort of garden is struggling right now.

I spent some time writing out a shopping list for the other "Big City."  I saved those errands for rainy days.  I also placed orders online etc.  I had to buy a replacement kit for grill grates for the grill.  No more grilling until they arrive.  I love grilling, as I don't have to turn on my electric stove.

Speaking of electric, since the weather has been unseasonably colder for June, we haven't put in the air conditioners, so that is saving us some money.  It's been too moist to paint the doors though.

I've written out a weekend list, but Sunday is iffy.  It's not only (just maybe) Hubby's only day off, but it's Father's Day also.  Hm.  Not sure what'll get done or not with the rain and Hubby's work schedule.

errands in the other "Big City" - many stops with more lists (TSC, Wal-mart, Hobby Lobby, Dollar Tree, Produce Stand)
bake peanut butter cookies
can jam
Visit Dad, and take him jam
can BBQ sauce
weed herb garden
muck coop
sweep and mop kitchen
clean up office area
weed un-mulched flower bed areas
put down 453# of mulch
drop screen to be repaired, get quotes for some windows
bake bread
update homesteading journal
work on unfinished projects (another long list of it's own)

Our "handy man" biker friend came over and worked on the mower, changed the oil in it, and weed whacked everything!  So thankful we can afford to hire him right now.

One last ditty bit before I sign off.  This happened to me at the grocery store in a town close to us, that is notorious for drugs, break ins, you name it.  My daughter and I were "rushed" in an aisle there by Gypsies several years ago (I was aware and got her and I out of the aisle quickly, so no worries).  Anyway, it's a scary world we live in now.

While I was in grocery shopping, someone put this torn paper, folded up, which appears to have something inside it, under my driver's side windshield wiper.  

I drove off, and let the windshield wiper throw it off, then washed my windshield with wipers and solution to clean off any possible anything.

There has been warnings around that this is being done, with a dollar bill of some sort inside, laced with drugs.  Also, it's used to make you put your purse inside, see it and get out and remove it, and while removing it, they hop in steal your vehicle purse etc.

Either way, I wasn't taking a chance, but curious minds wanted to know.  If it happens to me again, I'm driving to the police station and letting them check it for me.    I mean come on. I parked way out in the parking lot, no one next to me, and I looked over the truck (no dents etc).  I'm sure they were trying to steal my truck, drug me or kidnap me and the truck.  It's a nice truck.  Anyway, a bit of warning to you all about this.  Don't get out and remove it, nor touch it.  I need a new place to shop. Sigh. 

Oh, I was totally aware of my surroundings as well.  First, while shopping I noticed sketchy people walking around, no cart, no items, then leave.  As I left, I noticed a car, one SUV, and another car, all way out at the very edge of the lot with someone in them.  One guy looking at me.  Don't worry, "Gladys" was keeping an eye on everyone on the way to the truck.  I also carry my purse over one shoulder and across chest and under the other arm.  

Now I just want to clean out my garage and start working out on the heavy bag and speed bag again.  

Friday, June 14, 2019

Rain just keeps coming . . .

Thursday the rain fell hard again.   Temps were much cooler for June as well - 60's.  

Youngest Daughter had intern day, and her step-sister made an appt. for manicures with a friend, and I believe their daughter's too.

Dirty dishes multiply like rabbits at the homestead, so I figured I'd dirty more on a rainy day.  

I made blueberry buckle.  I wasn't feeling like baking, but I did.  I also cut some garlic scapes, so I whipped up some garlic scape/spinach pesto too.

I'm missing my husband more and more.  It's getting so hard to get through the week anymore.  We've now hired someone to cut down some trees.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Day Interuppted

Youngest came home from a day of internship at the salon and threw my Wed. plans off the charts.  Sort of.

She got another appt. for a manicure on her non-intern day, and in order to take the appt. creatively involved me.

"Hey Mom...." and so it began.

First, I went out to water my newly planted portions of the garden.  I had to drag my 100 ft of garden hose back up.  I was told the guy was coming to mow some time.  I had to move my ground hog trap too (haven't caught him yet).  More blurps in my day.  Had to drag brush out of the way I forgot I left behind too.

Chicken coop cleaning awaits again.  I was happy to get errands done, but it was a dry morning and afternoon, and I was itching to get work done outside.

We both went to the "Big City" to do my errands and do her appt.  However, she involved me and also gave me a manicure.  The day I was to drop 453# of mulch in the flower beds.  Hm.  I'm sure it won't last long, but thanks for the pampering moment.

My leather purse was dropped off for possible repair.  Finally.  Picked up dirt for the grow pots.  Finally.  Had to wait 15 minutes for someone to load it.  I loaded my mulch the last visit and wasn't about to load it this time.

I still need to find a suitable jewelry repair.   I haven't dropped off the soap saver bags to be sold at a business either (she's out of town currently). Bought a few hoes for some garden helpers this summer too.

Back home again, I reluctantly cut up chicken, bell peppers and pineapple for dinner prep.  I was told to bring home ground beef too.  We were feeding our friend who mows for us.  We fired up the grill for dinner and enjoyed much needed adult beverages.  Oh, we put BBQ sauce on the kabobs.  Yum!

Rain arrived Wed evening.  We may get a dry day Friday, but the forecast is rain for the following 7 days.  Yes, I said 7.  It could change, but....

Oh, and guess who her manicure appt. was for?  One of her sisters.  Sigh.  I guess she needs the hours, and had to do it at the salon vs. home.  

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Plan G

I baked Einkorn flour peanut butter cookies.  Hubby's favorite.  I also made tacos for dinner.  One of his favorites too.

Homemade shampoo was made, made homemade foaming hand soap, made a breakfast scramble for the next few days, got the kitchen cleaned up, and more dish scrubbies crocheted.  Monday the weather turned cold and windy.  Super windy.

Plans A-F have passed, and we are now onto Plan G.  You know the rain has been bad when the news tells you the best day it is to mow your lawn.   I picked a crock pot dinner yesterday.  Here is why....

We had a non-windy dry day, Hubby had tilled a bit more, and 54 green pepper plants went in the ground.   I planted 3 - 35 foot rows of green beans, 5 squash mounds and filled dirt into two grow bags (13 to go).  I have more plans.  Just depends on weather (and when I can get a load of dirt), but we'll get something I hope this year.

I got out the hand saw and cut down some trees growing near the foundation.  I'm trying to take on Hubby's outdoor work as I can.  He's so darn tired from his full time job right now, that I literally have to remind him what vehicle he has to take.  On days daughter interns, he has to take the truck.  It's too hard for her to park it.

Quit about noon, came in and put one more load of laundry out on the clothesline, showered, ate lunch, made a gallon of homemade iced tea and plopped my bum in my porch rocker with a crochet hook.

Unfortunately, my coop didn't get cleaned due to the focus on planting.  I'm doing it by myself, so choices had to be made.  

Monday, June 10, 2019

Weekend Updates

(Today's rain)

We've had a few dry days, but planting hasn't happened.  Hubby is over worked and sick, and tilling wasn't going to get done.  I may have to hire someone for some work around the outside of the house as well.  It's frustrating, but I can't change his work schedule.  We have lost one jalapeno plant to the last storm, and maybe one tomato, but all others still look good.

Saturday I ran errands all over the "big city." Picked up chicken feed, stopped at the bank, visited Mom and took her some lasagna, stopped at the grocery store and finally found organic fresh broccoli, and picked up another 453# of mulch.  Had to load the darn bags myself, since they only had one guy helping and it was too hot to just sit and wait for him. 

....when I'm unsupervised. 

I also picked up some solar lights for what little garden I have planted.  I am trying to deter the deer, coyote and other critters now.

Jesse stopped eating his food again, so I cooked a farm fresh egg for him and he finally ate.  Poor ol' dog.

Sunday, Hubby's only day off, we awoke to more rain.  

It's now occurred to me that with the crops not planted and the massive amounts of deer we've seen (more than ever before), that I need to get a dog and walk it around the property lines.  Daughter took Jesse to the park for the day and with him gone, I was lost without a dog for the day.  Fence is back on the list.

It's already been one heck of a morning.  Tiger flew out the door when I went out to take Jesse out. Took me an hour to get him back in.  Darn cat!  Looks like I will be getting out a hand saw and doing some of Hubby's outdoor chores.  They have to get done, and we can't really hire help.  Wish me luck this week, and maybe next week too.

It's a balmy, humid (88%) 70°F at 5:23am.  Rain is in the forecast again.  Yes, you heard me right.  More rain.  90% of farmers have not planted their crops, and my green bell peppers are starting to look terrible (no planted).

I was inspired to read a book by this author after our visit to the Alcatraz Crime Museum in Pigeon Forge.  The book explains how the author got his experience in forensics.

He was a forensics specialist and used his knowledge to write fiction books.  It just inspired me to read one of his books.  I've already ordered his first fiction book to read.

I'm also reading through old "writer" magazines I had bagged and stashed  in my bedroom closet.  I'm determined to clean them all out of there and actually read them.  Otherwise I'll be tempted to stash them back in the closet, and we don't want that happening.

I borrowed this movie from the library.  I love books, so I enjoyed this movie, however the ending is a bit of a downer.  I do recommend it if you love books.  You'll be reading a book or buying a book after watching it.

 Remember these kits I put together?  I decided it needed one more item in it....

A pair of reading glasses. I may buy more smaller eye needles and add a few of those for crochet thread projects.

I hate it when this happens - yarn imperfection.  Good thing I wasn't that far into crocheting this square.

. . . making granny squares for a Christmas present (scarf), another knitted dishcloth, Christmas ornaments and painting mini clipboards (which is on halt due to humidity).  More on all of these later.

Hubby refused to see a doctor at Urgent care Sunday (hmpf).  I got up and started breakfast Sunday.  He later got up and did the eggs for these omelets we had.  Wild violet jelly on the English muffin.  So good!

Sorry the post was so long today.  Hope you enjoyed it!

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Sinus Relief ~ Tea and other Tidbits

Despite meds, my sinus pressure has been horrible this time around.  We have too much moisture in the air.  I just got tired of depending on a decongestant pill.  I decided to go back to natural relief, and so glad I did.  Even though the pressure made it so unbearably uncomfortable to function, I ditched the pills and switched it up a bit.

I spent the day doing essential oil steams with oregano oil, and sipped this tea early in the day.

1/2 cup water
1/4 cup fresh organic lemon juice
1/4 cup Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar
1 tsp. freshly grated organic ginger root
1/4 tsp. ground organic turmeric
1/4 tsp. ground organic cayenne pepper
1/4 tsp. ground organic black pepper
1 teabag of throat coat (or Breathe Easy) teabag (organic) with one drop of organic food grade oregano essential oil

Boil all ingredients minus the teabag, add the teabag last, steep, strain and sip.

Notes:  I have always grated my ginger root into my tea infusers (photo above) and never had an issue straining out the tea from the bottom.  However, this recipe did not want to strain.  

I then poured it into a strainer with a coffee filter.  Same thing, but worked slightly better.  It just took much longer.  

Next round, I think I will make a homemade teabag for the spices and it would strain much easier.  

The tea is very spicy, FYI.  It worked great for relief of sinus pressure, along with doing steams too.  You just have to repeat until all symptoms are gone.  

Now Hubby is suffering horribly from sinus issues.  I told him to go to Urgent care after work and he did not.  He won't take the time for a steam nor tea either, so I sure hope he's drinking water at work.

Thursday it was cold, dark, and hazy all day.  No sun whatsoever.   Mr. Coyote made an appearance again, while we were grilling chicken kabobs (which were delicious, I should have taken a photo to share) on the porch.  Unfortunately, no shots fired.  It was heading across the highway (again). 

Friday, it was chilly and very foggy early morning.  It was also misting.  Moist air once again.

Guess what?  I found my lost flash drive.  So happy for that.

I have not found my full container of plastic rhinestones.  So far three kids have answered they don't have it.  

I washed up the ol' foot bath massage and gave it a good sanitizing with tea tree oil.  Then I enjoyed a foot soak of my own.  I sipped hot tea and read through old magazines.