Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Monday, September 24, 2018

What's been going on . . .

Thursday we had a high of 90°F, Friday we were told by numerous weather sources that we'd get very bad storms, and winds of up to 60mph.  I was out early to pick tomatoes


. . . lost my phone in the jungle of a mess and thanks to a call from my Mom, found it.

I then prepared for a Tsunami, and battened down the hatches.  I took hanging plants down, flags down, etc.  Then nothing happened.  We got a bit of wind, but absolutely no rain whatsoever.  We are thankful about that and thanks for all the good vibes and mojo you sent.

The least amount of dishes to be washed one day.  What a shock that was.  Made the best crock pot soup with the last of our garden potatoes.  

Tiger has the right idea. I survived the weekend.

Friday morning I went out to pick tomatoes, and lost my cell phone in my jungle of a mess.  Sigh.  I found it though thanks to my Mom calling and heard it ringing.  Whew.  So glad I found it before the rain arrived.

In  preparation of the Farmer's Market event, I went through my inventory and took notes on what needed restocked, priced and taken out.

More of these kitchen flower scrubbies were crocheted.  The aqua and pink was already in my tote, I made a few more and then crocheted some flower dishcloths to somewhat match for those wanting sets for themselves, or for gift giving.

Here are the dishcloths.

More pig Christmas tree ornaments were crocheted (sold 3 already).

Here is one pair of hand crocheted candy corn earrings I made too.  These take time and patience, as it uses smaller crochet thread, jewelry tools and I added a bead.

Saturday morning was the Farmer's Market event. Not many vendors but I sold the earrings, and all of my knitted dishcloths but three.  I'm already looking to book a holiday craft bazaar and possibly a third.  Saturday night I took a break from crochet work and went dancing.

Sunday we woke up to 46° weather.  Brr.  The sun was shining though.

We were gifted about 10 pie pumpkins.  I'll be busy putting these in the freezer this week.  So happy to get them too.

My kitchen looks like a yarn store right now, so I better get it back in order.  Dirty dishes everywhere as we took Sunday off from just about everything.  The weather is wonderful, so I hope to get the house in order quickly today.  The weather forecast today says we'll get rain later.  They've been pretty wrong lately, so we'll see.  

What's been goin' on in your neck of the woods?

Friday, September 21, 2018


Storms are about to come through our area today, and they say they will bring heavy rain and possible 60mph winds.  Say a prayer, send up good thoughts, and good mojo.  I need to go batten down the hatches and will post updates after this weekend.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Zero Pumpkins ~ Handiwork

There will be no pumpkins this year.  Jack o' lantern nor pie pumpkins.  Such a waste of seeds, time and hard work.  The large one I saw is no longer there. Raccoons or squirrels got to it.

While avoiding the garden like the plague, I've been inside lately.  I'm just not motivated this year.  Whatsoever.  

I was able to get another mug set done.

Made a few cup cozies.

Started on a pair of candy corn earrings and matching necklace.

I'm thinking I may take a blogging hiatus soon. I'm not that perky, I have no comments most of the time (and way less views), and there isn't much to talk about this gardening season.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Camper Cleaned ~ Crochet Time ~ . . . from the handiwork journal

The camper got a good cleaning, but we still need to clean the top canvas.  That's another day for us.

The floor was swept and mopped with my favorite cleaner.
Here are a few photos of some new items I crocheted for the upcoming Farmer's Market.  I've already sold a set of crocheted nesting baskets, and one pig ornament.

Crocheted nesting baskets.  The aqua baskets were sold.

Mug/coaster set, Harley Davidson inspired, with a removable motorcycle charm on the front.

Drink cups with lid and coasters to match.  A few more to make.

More mug and coaster sets. A few more to make.

Harry Potter Inspired Cup Cozies.  Woke up to find one gone.  Daughter stole it. Ugh. Kids.

More cup cozies to make, and possibly some crocheted earrings and matching necklaces.  It's just a matter of time.  The chicken coop needs cleaned, the tomatoes need checked, hot peppers and green peppers and berries need checked, garlic bed needs to be cleaned up and replanted's gonna have to wait until this market day is over (other than picking what needs picking).

I'm looking up info on how to get my tax ID to open my Etsy to the public.  I'm researching how to do the shipping costs too.  You never know, I may be trying it out for a year.  Stay tuned.  I'm a bit concerned on shipping the mug sets, considering I'd have to invest in packaging, so there's a lot to consider in everything.  

Hubby's cousin stopped in for a loooooong porch chat yesterday, so I lost time (although very much enjoyed her visit) with my handiwork progress.  Speaking of handiwork, I purchased a new canopy (ours broke a few years back), and bought a commercial grade one.  It arrived last week broken in two places.  Sigh.  I returned it, and they re-ordered it, with a discount.  We'll be giving it a try after the market day, but really needed it for the market day.  I'll be borrowing one until it arrives.  Then we'll take it camping to see how well it works compared to the flimsy cheaper grade ones we owned.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Nothin! ~ Hittin' the Road

There is nothin' goin' on here at the homestead that is actually "homesteady."  

There has been nothing but weeding and crochet work going on here.  Literally.  One small flower bed is weeded, but took an entire morning. And the snakes...oh the snakes are everywhere this year.  From big bad boys to babies....everywhere.  I'm pretty sure I gave some folks driving by, a laugh.  Imagine me doing the "Eeeeek!" snake dance when driving by.

It's been a mouse year too.  The barn cats have happily left me porch presents on way too many occasions.  Some days it's parts and some days it's the whole package.  Tiger (indoor cat) has been on the mouse hunt too.  Good kitties.

Weeding has been a most dreaded job lately this year.  I picked a measly 3# of tomatoes.  A far cry from 45# on a typical garden day.  Just a really, really bad year for us.  The carrots, beets, and sweet potatoes are still underground.  

We woke up to fog Friday morning.  Lots of it.  See that corn?  It is as far left and right as you can turn you head.  The crop duster plane was back to spray the soybeans again.  I was actually shocked that they were spraying so late in the season too.  I ran out and took my bedding off the clothesline real quick.  They spray the soybeans so often it's getting scary.  Just one more reason we may pack up and move.  Way too many chemicals around us.

Hubby and I woke up Friday debating our plans - camping, poker run, yard and garden work.  We couldn't even decide by the time he left for work, which is odd for me. 

We spontaneously decided to go camping.  I took a jar of hot banana pepper relish, and we used it on almost everything, including breakfast burritos.  We had a very relaxing time and actually slept in.  I did a bit of crocheting too.

I have been offered another craft show opportunity, but it's the very next day after the one I signed on to do.  Not sure if I want to commit to the entire weekend of it or not yet.  Here is what I've been making lately.....

Lots of rooster Christmas tree ornaments.

Created a pig Christmas tree ornament, and quite proud of how it turned out.  No pattern either.  Created my own. Now Hubby says I need to make cow ornaments.  We'll see.

How was your weekend?  We are back home and back to weeding, but possible rain today.  I have to go out to the camper and clean the inside before the rain arrives.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Homemade Madagascar Vanilla Extract

I've been making my homemade vanilla for years.  I simply purchase madagascar vanilla beans (non-gmo, organic), and organic vodka.  I'll admit, it's become more difficult to find an organic grain vodka, but make sure it's grain, not a potato vodka.

Place 1 cup of vodka in a pint canning jar.*

Slice 5 vanilla beans down the center of each, and then cut each bean in half. 

Place vanilla beans into the vodka filled canning jar.

Place lid/rim on and store in a cool, dark location for 3-6 months.

Shake the jar once a day.

Strain, and store in amber glass bottles.

It makes a wonderful gift for Christmas, so start early, and have it ready in time.  I purchased amber bottles, created my own label, and it was very much appreciated.  Include recipes, or the recipe to make it when gifting.

*use any glass jar that will hold 1 cup of liquid and still leave room for shaking the jar.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Travel Pouch Christmas Gift Idea

Hopefully it's not to small of print for you to read.  Something neat for someone traveling.