Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Showing posts with label S.C.R.A.P. Projects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label S.C.R.A.P. Projects. Show all posts

Friday, April 12, 2013

From the Handiwork Journal . . .

. . . started my crocheted shawl, and love this pattern I received from another farmgirl.  It looks like the one from Little House on the Prairie.  I had trouble deciding on color, so I may make a second one in a red.  I will post a photo when it is completed.

Monday, March 4, 2013

From a Journal Junkie

From the Handiwork Journal . . .
. . .knitted 3 more dishcloths.

 . . . crocheted my very first recycled denim jeans rag rug.  I like these.  I will continue to collect old jeans from the family, and make more of these (only bigger than the pattern called for, see S.C.R.A.P. for details).

From the Homesteading Journal . . . 

. . . Hubby, and extended family, picked up a truck load of fire wood for us Saturday.  We were on the last day's worth.  However, the truck broke down after they loaded it with wood.  Sunday, we got the truck back, and wood re-stocked.

. . . made another batch of ginger ale syrup, and another batch of homemade shampoo.

From the Gratitude Journal . . .

Today I am thankful for:

~my husband's job
~my camera
~God's Love

From my personal journal . . .

. . . according to medical experts, it could be another week before I feel better.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Resting ~ A Rug from Rags

One braided rag rug finished.

Rest is a difficult thing for me to do.  I am always doing something - laundry, baking, dishes, paperwork, animals, kids,etc.  So, I rested, and rested.  And finished my very first braided rag rug.

The rug contains 60 feet of 1/2 inch braid.  It consists of old sheets, pillow cases, and even an old fabric shower curtain.    I wanted to make it traditionally as possible.  It measures approximately 26 inches by 19 inches.  This is underneath hubby's bathroom sink, and I absolutely love the look of it.  So much better than store bought rugs that appear to be braided.  It really makes the house feel like a home.  So it only took 50 hours or so, but it was worth it.

I will be posting this on my S.C.R.A.P. blog later, along with how I made it.  I do not know anyone that has made one of these, so I relied on books and research.  I'll be sharing tips of what I would do next time also.  I will also share what didn't work for me.

Since I rested all day, and did a lot of much needed sleeping (sleeping off a low-grade fever), the laundry piled up into the size of a small mountain.  I really need to wash my bedding, and get the "crud" out of my bedroom. The sun is shining today, so I will shovel out my clothesline and get some fresh air.  

Just don't tell Nurse Hilda.  She's already taken my temperature in both ears (ha ha!) and has it recorded on her "chart."

One last note.  The kids have stepped up and over the past weekend, the older girls cleaned my kitchen.  I mean, really cleaned it.  My son re-stocked the firewood, refilled the chicken's, horse, and goat's water, and did three errands for me.  I didn't think the ladies at the library would want my cooties coughed all over them.  Hubby turned down over time last night so he could bring me hot soup and crackers.  

Secretly, I think they are all anticipating my complete recovery.  When I don't feel good, I am a grouch.  A fire breathing, eyeball dart shooting, dragon grouch.  

I better get started on my bedding.  I need to be back in my bed before Nurse Hilda gets home. 



Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving Sunrise ~ Bringing in the Christmas Season

Up early, to start the cooking, I glanced outside to see the most beautiful sunrise.  

While taking a few photos, I noticed a jet flying right through the clouds.  Imagine what those passengers saw in their window.  Gorgeous.

 I put together a cute clothespin ornament over at S.C.R.A.P.  I hope to have a few more before the special day arrives.

 Yesterday, while crocheting in my reading chair, I glanced out to see two cardinals in the evergreen tree.  By the time I got out there, I only got this one photo.  They were singing and flying around together.

However, while I was out there, I noticed the lack of highway traffic, and the absolute peace and quiet.  Although I won't be able to drive south on the highway (due to the next little town hooking up to city water and sewer and roads closed) without a detour, I will enjoy this quiet time.  Every day, cars, trucks, and semi's pass on a constant basisNow, we have long breaks from even seeing a vehicle pass.  Oh, I am so going to enjoy this time.  Detour or not.  

Happy Thanksgiving! 


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Key Chain Collection

(Soon to be on my S.C.R.A.P. Blogspot)

I have a another collection that I started collecting around 1981 (best that I can remember) - key chains.

Despite living a more self-sufficient lifestyle, key chains are still an inspiration for me.  I try to buy one from every place I visit.  Some of them were also gifted to me.  Some I make myself.

This one I made recycling an empty pill bottle.  I'll try to get the directions written on my S.C.R.A.P. blog soon.  I won't be using this keychain, as it contains shells from the last island trip with hubby.  It's more of a "memory" key chain.

I wonder if the Pioneers collecting anything?  Possibly marbles, dolls or buttons?  Our world today in America is "more."  Everything is in abundance. 

I do have plans to display my collection.  The "where" and "when" hasn't been decided on yet.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Reading Back in Time, Sunglasses and Other Tidbits

Here are two copies of our local paper.  The one in the back is from 1995 and the smaller version is from this week.  Over the years, the pages have gotten smaller, and the newer paper even has less pages.  The price?  Today, this paper will cost $.75 an issue.  Back then?  I'm not sure yet.  The first half of the 1995 issues are missing.  I know it would be less than $.50/issue.  

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Saving Money ~ Thrift Stores

Typically I like to take one day "off" and do something fun.  However, my hubby called from work and was having problems with his eyes.  He was using his last pair of contacts and they were causing problems.  He called to say he was heading home and asked if I would join him - road trip.

Here are the fun thrift store finds from yesterday. . .

I found 5 vintage jello molds ($.35), a top 30's Country Hits record album ($.25), and a pack of playing cards still in their original package ($.25).  My plan was to make pin cushions with the jello molds, however, they are so nice (and a good size) that I may even use them in the kitchen.   We plan to play the album, and it even has Johnny Cash on it.  The playing cards are for game night and camping. If we ever lose any, I can always re-purpose them too.  They have a fun flower pattern on them.

I could not resist buying this bag of scrap ribbons ($1.00).  Underneath the bag are 3 pillow cases ($.50) with country fabric patterns.  I plan to re-purpose the pillow cases.  The cost of fabric in craft stores these days, can cost too much.  I have already started a S.C.R.A.P. project using the ribbon.  Those will be posted as soon as they are finished.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010

My Mother's Day Gifts ~ Handmade

The top photo is a picture my 18 year old son did with drawing pencils (on mat board). He is so talented and I plan to have it professionally framed. Below that are two bracelets. The "Go Mom" was made by my 8 year old daughter, and the macrame one with pink beads was made by my 13 year old daughter. I'm so glad I encouraged them to participate in a "homemade" Christmas last season, and that participating in the Farmgirl Connection merit badge program encouraged me.

My 16 year old daughter went to a birthday overnight party, and the first thing she asked was "what can I make her?" Needless to say she made a Paint Splatter gift/storage box for two gifts (for two parties). I'll post the instructions on S.C.R.A.P.

I'm glad the kids have been influenced to be more creative and to live more "green" around here. They have so many talents they don't even know they have yet. The macrame bracelet was her own pattern, and not from a book too.
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