Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Reading Back in Time, Sunglasses and Other Tidbits

Here are two copies of our local paper.  The one in the back is from 1995 and the smaller version is from this week.  Over the years, the pages have gotten smaller, and the newer paper even has less pages.  The price?  Today, this paper will cost $.75 an issue.  Back then?  I'm not sure yet.  The first half of the 1995 issues are missing.  I know it would be less than $.50/issue.  

While I was digging around on my bookshelves for my lost flash drives, I came across this book.  It is signed on the inside from my Grandmother to my mother in 1941. 

It was published in 1916.  I actually took this book to the porch and read it it.

The stories are based on teaching kids good and evil.  It's a shame these types of books are not in schools (or homes) anymore.  I enjoyed taking the time to read them.

The tulips in my garden are slowing loosing their petals.  In a few weeks I should be able to plant.  In the meantime, my "garden mushrooms" are giving the flower beds a bit of color.

The biggest news of all - I found my flash drives!  On a bookshelf.  They had fallen behind a book that was pretty sure I had already checked.  Oh what a relief that was.

I saw these in the flea market section of our thrift store.  The tag reads $19.99, but I only paid a couple of dollars.  I just had to get these.  

A Year of Quotes:

"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain."  ~ Dolly Parton


Katmom said...

hey K,
luv the Glamping Glasses... :>) and I luv the "garden mushroom! cute isea!

Sam I Am...... said...

I know I'm getting old because I love all things old but then I guess I always have. That mushroom is too cute! Is that a piece of wood with a painted bowl turned upside down? If not I'm going to make one that way. I love garden decorations especially homemade ones. You'll rock in your glamping glasses!
So glad you found your flash drives!!!!

Candy C. said...

How neat that you have that old book! I'll bet it is fun to read!

HOORAY for finding the flash drive!! :)

Patricia @ 9th and Denver said...

YAY! You found your flash drives... I know that is a relief and joy!
Love the glasses. I was going to try looking for some vintage glasses so when I get my prescription done again...I'd have something cute to wear. I don't like wearing them. So I thought if I found something 'outlandish' or be more than interesting.
I think your mushrooms are adorable.
I guess those are just some sort of bowls? are they stainless, cause you can't paint stainless can you?
...I may copy this idea. Sorry, it is just so cute!


Unknown said...

How'd you make your garden shrooms? Good for you finding your drive, now- backup, backup, backup :)

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

If you click on "Garden Mushrooms" in the post, you will be directed to my S.C.R.A.P. blog (directly to the post on how to make them). I did paint them with acrylic paints, but first sprayed the bowls with a matte finish.

Jan said...

Glad you found your flash drives! Cute blog, this is my first visit here. Good luck with all your projects.