Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Showing posts with label Herb Garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Herb Garden. Show all posts

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Brr! Spring yet?


We woke up to a windchill (feels like) 19°F this morning, and snow on the ground.  My poor green onions.  They were looking so grand, and now I'm concerned with any pear and apple blossoms (which I have yet to determine).  I'm hoping the fruit trees are behind, and will be bountiful this year.  I am sure the red raspberry and black berry bushes are okay, but now I'm concerned about my spring harvest of herbs.  Good gravy!

Both of us hunkered in last night, as the sun disappeared, and the gray skies appeared.  The cold has not moved out just yet.

Stay warm friends.  Looks like a perfect weekend for some popcorn, movies and handiwork.  Or some card playing and sipping hot tea.

Our town's Easter egg hunt started this morning at dawn for ages 6 and up.  They will be freezing cold, and no, there is no sun today.  As of this post anyway.   Gosh, I remember doing an Easter egg hunt in our backyard, and there was a lot of snow, when the kids were younger.  

I'm going to go brew a hot steamy pot of organic coffee, and start breakfast soon.  Enjoy your weekend, no matter what your weather is.  Hopefully, it's not as crazy as our weather.

Brr!  Spring yet?  © Mar 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart

Saturday, March 9, 2024

What's Growing in Early March

 Once again, weather is all over the map these past few days.  First the rain moved back in, and now they say we may see snow flurries.  Winter is still hanging around.

A few scant tulips the moles did not eat.

Lots of different daffodils and hyacinths.

Chives in the herb garden.

More daffodils.

Green onions in the herb garden.

Bunching onions.


Fall planted garlic.  It's under wire to protect it from rodents that might find it tasty.  Once it's up, we'll remove the screen.

I did not get a photo of my peppermint and spearmint (in pots), but I'm hoping they will spring back to life.  I'm almost out dehydrated spearmint for tea making.

Monday, February 12, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday


A sunrise from last week.  We've been blessed with some beautiful sunrises lately.  We actually grilled out on Sunday.  It was slightly chilly, but the sun was out.

Do you remember my post on the Butterscotch Sugar cookies (from a Joanne Fluke book)?  I froze some of them, to see if they froze well, and they do!  Just sharing in case you like to have something in the freezer for unexpected guests, or need to quickly take a treat to someone.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather. . .

Highs in the 40's and lows in the 20's for the week.

Right now I am . . .

Making a pot of coffee.

Thinking and pondering . . .

Butter beans.  Do you use butter beans?  I do.  I have to order them online, as our stores here do not carry them.  Weird right?  I see that Meijer sells them (via looking online), but they add sugar to their canned beans for some reason.  Do you have access to butter beans (organic, non-gmo)?  I currently by Eden Butter beans (USA grown, only contains Kombu seaweed for better digestion).

Just when I am thinking of purging some writing books, a "freelancing" article comes up in my reading list today.  Hm.

So many blogs I follow/followed have ended or are coming to an end lately.  I go to where my reading page is and there is mostly blogs on crochet or writing anymore.

How I am feeling . . .

Coffee made, music on, and ready to tackle the day.

On the breakfast plate . . .

-Breakfast:  Egg/Sausage/Cheese breakfast sandwiches, coffee

On the lunch plate . . .

Maybe chicken salad/boiled egg, grapes.

On the dinner plate . . .

Chicken quesadillas possibly.

On the menu . . .

-Southern Beefy Skillet (Eating Well Recipe, formally from Diabetic Living), but the recipe does not list the tomato sauce in the ingredients, so read the entire recipe and instructions first.

-Pork loin, roasted green beans, and wild rice blend, made with organic stock and pre-blanched kale.  Home canned BBQ sauce to pour over the pork over rice blend.

-Mexican Lasagna, Crockpot Creamed Corn (using frozen off the cob corn)

Beverage:  a gallon of homemade iced green tea infused with dehydrated spearmint from the garden.  Did you know spearmint is good for helping memory?  I just learned this.

When the current Mediterranean Orzo salad is gone, I plan to make another salad.

On my reading pile . . .

Thanks to two 65°F days (and mostly sunny) that lured me to the porch to actually sit and read, I finished this book.  

Currently reading this:

I also borrowed some interesting books from our library. 

 The "swap" book has some very interesting ideas in it.  I'm still waiting on a Sally Fallon book, and it is taking forever to get a copy from the library.  I thought for sure I owned a copy, but I do not.  I'm hoping it comes in soon.

On the TV this week . . .

Movies:  The Ice Road

Looking around the house. . .

What I purged - 16 books, 1 pair of 1.50 readers, 1 cast iron griddle, and gave away the last of my nail polish Christmas tree ornaments to a friend who does nails for a living (she loved them).

The house is pretty tidy, as we had guests over the weekend.

I'm very slowly purging items from the office, which may end up not an office.  That is topic for "thinking and pondering" I guess.

I finished giving my quilt rack a fresh coat of paint, and it's back up on a wall.  I am looking for a new quilt now.  The current one does not match (it's a knock off, cheap version quilt)

The to-do list . . .

-put another paint chip in the home journal
-order propane
-place an order for items I cannot get in the grocery store
-dishes, run dishwasher

For the week (moved from last week, as I did not get it done)

-clean kitchen window, window blinds, wash curtains

-the hallway project is still on-going

From the camera . . .

I finished this lap afghan. It is packaged up to donate to the senior center.   I started another.  I keep getting notified (by friends) that there is a need for shawls for a group in our state called Shawls of Support for organ/tissue/eye donors.  One specific wanted purple ones.  I have yet to check my yarn stash, but the senior center was thrilled to get what I have already donated, I really would like to finish a few more lap afghans for them, before winter is over.  Then again, they may be able to use them in the summer if they have the AC on too.  Anyway, there are two great ways to help others with my yarn stash.

Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses. . .

It's not a prayer or bible verse, but a strongly written statement.   It's possibly encouragement to someone today.

Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday

 Happy New Year!  I do not write out resolutions for the upcoming year.  I started working myself  (physically, and there may be an update this new year, we'll see).  I'm just glad the holidays are done with this year.

On to other news . . .

A little homemaking tip:  I fill a small spray bottle with vodka (sanitizer) and add a few drops of lavender essential oil.  I spray our mattress when the bedding is being washed.  It cleans the mattress and leaves a lovely scent.

Self Care:  my self care this week was to buy myself a new set of casual dress boots (tossing out a very old, and very worn pair too).  I never find anything in the size I wear, so this is a pamper me moment.  A big bonus, was that the price tag said $55.00 and they were on sale for $14.99!  What did you do for yourself last week?  Or do you plan some self care next week?

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. 

The weather . . .

It rained all weekend, and we are so stinkin' tired of it.  We did not get any work done on the coop either.  Woke up to more rain, and a slight possibility of a snow shower today.  Temps are in the high 30's/low 40's here right now.

Right now I am . . .

Making coffee, and will be putting the Christmas tree in storage for the year.

Thinking and pondering . . .

I'm considering hiring someone to paint one ceiling, and possibly more.  It all depends on my energy level this winter, ha ha!  Also, the cost.  

I'm also thinking about changing my blog background/theme on blogger too.  There is much on the side bars that can be removed too.

How I am feeling . . .

Honestly?  Pretty good, and I feel on task too.  I got all of the Christmas decorations put away, other than the tree, and life in general is pretty good.

On the breakfast plate . . . 


On the lunch plate . . .

Not sure.  Maybe homemade cauliflower crust pizza with home canned sauce.

On the dinner plate . . .

Chicken Spaghetti using garden spaghetti squash for the pasta.  Garden green beans.

On the menu . . .

-One pan Pork Loin with Brussel Sprouts and Apples (new recipe to try - The Real Food Dieticians)

-Chicken Spaghetti using Spaghetti Squash (new recipe to try), roasted vegetables

-Crockpot Sweet Garlic Chicken, Green Beans baked with garlic powder

-grilled ham/cheese sandwiches, home canned tomato-basil soup


-Greek Hummus Dip (new recipe to try, for a summer dip when the garden is in full swing)

On my reading pile . . .

Top two books are borrowed from the library.

On my TV this week . . .

Anything but Christmas movies ha ha!

Looking around the house . . .

I know some people get upset when people paint wood, but these dark wood doors need to get a new look.  I'm back to priming and painting some interior doors.  One door is completely done and back up where it belongs, and another down on the saw horses for a new, and brighter look.

I got the drill out, removed an old curtain rod (missing a part since last summer), installed the new one and put the curtain back up.  Some days, it's the "little" unfinished, now finished jobs that make my day complete.

I've also filled two boxes of purged/no longer needed items to donate soon.  I have a small stack of books to donate to a free little library soon as well.  If not, the books will be donated to the library book sale.  

To-do list . . .
-wash a kitchen rug (I can only do one at a time, as they have to dry flat, and I only own one drying unit for doing that).
-put Christmas tree away, and other decor
-wash oven mitts (I try to do this once a month, but if I use them daily, then once a week - Homemaking Tip)

Use a clothes hanger with these hooks to hang dry your oven mitts.

Deep Clean for the week
-Clean oven and oven racks

From the camera . . .

In case you didn't see the recent post, my bunching onions are doing great!  I harvested some the other day.  they are larger than normal green onions, but seem to be hardy for this time of year.  Of course, all of this rain is helping, so I am harvesting more and enjoying them.

Devotional, Quote, Prayers. . .
No specific prayer requests at this time.

Happy Homemaker Monday © Jan 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart

Friday, October 27, 2023

Another Warm Day ~ Trampled Chicken Run Fence ~ Have Dehydrated Mushrooms?


Although fall is here, we had another odd warm day.  I took advantage of it again, and washed all the towels and put them on the clothesline.  There were lots of bugs again, but a good shake before tossing them in the basket did the job.  The weather is all over the charts, making coop building the most difficult job (more like the job not getting done).

Woke up to find that a deer had trampled my chicken run fence.  Looks like it got in by jumping the fence, and could not get out, so it took down the other side. By the size of the hoof prints left behind, it was a small one. I finagled the fence back up, but it won't last long.  Deer season has been very bad this year. 

I took advantage of one rainy day.  I caught up with shredding bills, and started unpacking more boxes from the renovations over the last year and a half.  We will probably be unpacking, sorting and purging for another year around here, ha ha!

I had enough potting soil to dig up, and bring in one of my rosemary plants.  I'll attempt the other one after I buy more potting soil.

Need ideas for your dehydrated mushrooms?  Well, there are so many ideas you can use them for, and I love to be able to just toss them in and let the crock pot do it's magic.  The last time I made this recipe was in 2020.  I was shocked that I had not made it again.  Well, I made it again, and the funny thing is, I roasted asparagus, just like I did back in 2020 (see blogpost).  Slow Cooker Chicken and Wild Rice Casserole.

Rosemary Roasted Asparagus - I simply drizzle my asparagus with olive oil, add salt and pepper, then grind the dried rosemary a bit and toss over the asparagus.  I roast at 400°F, and bake for 15-20 minutes (depending on how thick it is).

Note:  Next time I will add more garlic powder to the chicken dinner.  I may also just mince fresh garlic and add it to the shallot and celery prior to adding the rest.  It lacks flavor.

I've been baking us this breakfast a lot lately.  It's just so easy to mix together and bakes while I'm zipping around doing laundry or house work.  Cheddar and Chile Egg Casserole.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Stocking Up ~ Freezing and Dehydrating ~ Herbs ~ Bag Holding Hack (if you have a jar lifter for canning)


Our last 87°F day was yesterday.  Woke up to find one of my older hens has passed away.   We are on the downward slide to cooler weather, with a pretty chilly weekend coming up.

Feeling a bit better, I took advantage of the heat, and washed bed covers, bedding and other laundry.  I mostly washed the large bed covers, so they could dry outside.  The bedding smelled so good too!  

Someone else wanted to enjoy the sunshine.

I even unpacked (and washed) our holiday bedding, which I forgot about, and had not used for 2-3 years or so.  I mentioned it to my husband, and he was all for using them the next few months.

Okay, now on to other happenings here. . .

I don't see the price of any culinary herbs and spices going down any time soon.  I am busy putting my herbs into storage for winter/spring.

Bag Holding Hack:  Use a jar lifter to hold your freezer bag in place while you snip away or fill your bag.  I used a quart freezer bag in this photo.  Worked great!  I haven't tried this with heavier fillings, but if I do, I will update.

I dice and freeze my green onion and chives.  These two do not dehydrate well.  They just blow all over inside your dehydrator.  Trust  me on this, as I have tried it.  I am freezing these two in freezer bags this year, due to freezer space.  Otherwise, in the past I have used freezer containers.

I am dehydrating sage, yarrow, spearmint, peppermint, and more oregano, and thyme.  The peppermint this year is limited, as the plant is not that big.  I have my mints in pots this year.  I have yet to convince my husband for a medicinal/wild growing weed garden somewhere around this homestead.

My cilantro has gone to seed, so I am saving the seed.  My outdoor basil is still going strong, so I have taken a cutting for propagation, and the same with parsley.  My dill has also gone to seed, so I am saving dill seed as well.  Not one store in our area sold dill seed (for culinary uses).  We had to travel 3 hours to the Amish area stores to find any.  I will be sure to dry as much of our own as I can.

Mullein that grew up in a flower bed, but has not gone to seed/flower yet.  I will harvest it before our fall frost arrives.

I have been making notes in our garden journal, on new herbs to grow next year.   A few that I used to grow and for some reason just didn't get them planted, like Tarragon and Marjoram.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Rosemary Propagation

 I have never been good at keeping a rosemary plant alive during winter indoors.  It will not last outdoors in our climate, so they are dug up and brought inside.

I took a cutting from my outdoor plant, and put it in water, changing the water daily.  I forgot to write the initial start date, but....

It began to get one root in June.  That root took off, and eventually it fell off, and then I checked again, and it had 4 roots.  

I planted it indoors. Here's to hoping I can keep it alive all winter, and not have to buy new plants in the spring.  I figured, if I have a few extra plants, I have a better chance ha ha!

Here it is in August, and it has new life showing.  So happy!  By the way, the top turned brown at the beginning of potting this, so I cut back on the water.  I also used soil specified for cactus type plants.  If I can keep it alive all winter, I can start my own plants in the spring again, and not have to buy them.

Here is a photo of the current growth.  I'm so happy.

I enjoyed doing this, considering you could do this to sell plants, or share with family/friends too.  Maybe a barter?  With this day and age, we need to all help each other.  Everyone I know is broke right now, or struggling with the high prices.

I attempted to propagate a few more cuttings too, but I think the earlier in the season works much better.  It's in it's growing stage then, so your success rate is better.