Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Monday, June 5, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday

 Although the weekend was another hot weekend, and no rain, most of the garden was tilled, and all the tomato plants were tied up.   I think we are on about day 15 of no rain here.

Sunday was our Monday.  Hubby worked, so I got most of my regular "Monday" stuff done already.

I worked up another hat pattern, but this time using some Red  Heart yarn I had, and I asked my husband for his opinion.  He said he did not like the "feel" of the yarn.  He preferred the Bernat yarn I used.  Do you all have a preference?  I have a lot of Red Heart in my stash.

By the way, the above pattern is free online from the Friendly Fox, called the Mountain Ridges Hat.  It uses more yarn, and is thicker than the last hat pattern I used.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  I will link up when she posts.

The weather . . .

Whelp, a possible rain this coming weekend.  We shall see.  It's going to be cool at night and highs in the high 70's or low 80's.  60% chance of rain Sunday.

As I look outside my window . . .

Honestly, it looks like it could rain.  It's dreary looking right now, but the sun is not up either.

Right now I am . . .

Making coffee, and posting this blog post.

Thinking and pondering . . .

Changing our watering sprinkler system next season.  Adding another house to water both areas at the same time would speed that job up.

Listening to . . .

80's rock

How I am feeling . . .

Just frustrated with my husband's long work hours.

On the breakfast plate . . .

Steel cut oats with apples/raisins/cinnamon

On the lunch plate . . .

Either chicken salad or a turkey/cheese sandwich

On the dinner plate . . .

Pork Chops, Beets

What I am wearing . . .


On my reading pile . . .

On the TV this week . . .

A Simple Favour on Amazon Prime

On the menu . . .

-chicken salad (a new recipe from Mom's cookbook)
-crock pot pork chops, roasted oven beets with rosemary
-Apple/Pecan salads with chicken and roasted asparagus for a side

Looking around the house . . .

I still have a pile of craft supplies to donate.   I have more to go through though.

On the to-do list . . .

-water gardens
-purge another craft box
-muck coop (on any non-windy day here)

From the camera . . .

Devotional, Verse, Thoughts. . .


R's Rue said...

Have a beautiful day my freind.

Faith said...

I tend to be a yarn snob I suppose. I like the same ones and stick with them. I really like Caron Super Soft, and Hobby Lobby I love this yarn, & Secret Soft. I have a little stash of both. I don't buy yarn unless I intend to use for a project.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Thank you R's Rue

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Faith, I bought that color for a hat for myself, and then decided I didn't like the texture of the yarn for a hat either. Bernat's seems so much softer. I'm just trying to use up some yarn that was leftover from other projects.

Rebecca Knox said...

Hello, Kristina! It's been a long time since I've had the pleasure of visiting. I discovered my reading list on my dashboard today (for the second or third time...I find it then forget until I discover it again) and lo, and behold, everyone is there! WOW! Hopefully, I can remember this time!

I love the hat! That color of green is gorgeous!

We're hoping for rain here, too, but not much chance of it in the ten-day. We're in the fourth year of drought and, last year, our county was the driest in the state Looks like we're headed there again. Big patches of my grass is brown and crunchy. It is cloudy today and pop-up showers are possible. I hope we get something soon. I'm praying for rain for all of us that need it.

Have a great rest of the week! Glad I found you today!


Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Rebecca, thanks for the visit. We really need rain, it is so dry here.

Luludou said...

oh, the link didn't work on HHM but I keep your blog in my favorites :)
Now I need to make some steel-cut oats! yummy

Have a great week

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Luludou, I just tried the link and it's working. It takes you to a crock pot oatmeal recipe. It was an "overnight" recipe, but my crock pot would over cook it even on warm all night, so we make it during the day and reheat.