Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Last Day of June (Already?)

 Despite our efforts with solar alarms and solar rodent alarms, the rabbits got the green beans (again).  I know we have to fence the other area, but it's just not in the $$ pocket book right now.  I should have planted a squash plant at the end of every row.  I guess we were really lucky all the years we've lived here and not fenced it.

The birds got all our blueberries.  I just didn't make it to town for netting yet.  It's been on my list, but I have to figure a way to cover the bushes without it touching the plants, and easy to remove.

I need to replace my mandolin this year.  If you have one that you really like, let me know in the comments.  The one I have is 15 years old, and has limited thickness for slicing.  It's not sharp anymore, and the case broke years ago.  It's just time to upgrade.

June went by way too fast.  It really depresses me to see the summer go by so fast, as we have not gone camping one single time yet.  It seems that we have such busy weekends most times, with battling the weather this year, I feel like we haven't lived life to the fullest this month.  Of course there was my fractured foot that set me behind on all things too.

At least I can say I didn't let the month go out without some fun.  We did take a weekend to the island and we recently visited a car and truck museum (which was worth the admission to see).

Are you doing anything fun for the last day of June?

Plans for July?  Maybe.  It's the hot time of the year, so camping can be a bit uncomfortable.  I should write out a few options to motivate me.  

As for home repairs and checking off the honey-do list, my husband knocked 6 off his list of 11 yesterday.   He actually installed the mole chasing windmill, that we purchased over a year ago.  He also replaced 3 more electrical outlets, and put a new bottom seal on one of our doors.  The hallway is not complete yet.  It's also on his list.  We just need to finish one step and install floor trim on half the hall.

There are two very large items in our garage, so I do have plans to have a delivery day and return them to their owners.  Not sure why we still have them (or even why) but I do have plans to get them out of our garage (space wasters, and not ours).

Last Day of June (Already?)   © June 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


Shug said...

I am with you....where has this month gone. The summer months seem to pass by so fast. I think for me it is because my daughters (teachers) are home and it makes me sad when they go back to school. I enjoy them. So difficult to watch your crop being taken over by the little critters. Especially when you have plans for harvesting. The Summer time sure makes it hard to cross things off the bucket list. Way too hot where we live to do anything outside. Good for your husband....sounds like he worked hard yesterday. Hard to believe we are only 6 months away from Christmas and the end of 24.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Sounds like one annoying creature after another eating your plants.

I couldn't think what a mandolin looked like so asked Google and was shown a guitar, knew that wasn't right tried Google again and yeah it is the same type of slicer I use, knew it sounded familiar.

Yeah July has arrived in flash kicking June to the kerb thinking she is a better month but here in Australia it is our coldest month

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Shug, yes, June went way too fast. I am hearing that rabbits are terrible everywhere this year for everyone we know. Including those not even growing a garden.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Jo-Anne's Ramblings, yes by mandolin I mean the slicer.