Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Thursday, March 30, 2023

This and That


I've been terrible at meal planning, but we brought home some tomatoes from our recent trip, and sliced them up.

We made BLT's.  I have no idea for the rest of the week yet.  Other than I boiled eggs for egg salad.

I managed to get that air mattress into the bag it came with.  It's not shutting all the way, but it's in the bag ha ha!

I think my husband and I decided we need a complete day off.  It may happen this weekend.  We'll see, but that would be nice.  I feel like we've been working on the house for the last two years now.  There are so many people jealous of our updates, but it all started because it needed to be done, not by random choice.

I'll admit, I am exhausted daily lately.  I don't even have energy to read a book, let alone crochet our blanket.  I was excited about garden season, but lately?  Not.  We do deserve a break now and then.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Update on Upstairs Flooring


I was told this is the best urine odor/stain remover for carpets, and other flooring.  I have been using it on the upstairs flooring, but you have to wait 24 hours to re-treat spots.  Our daughter was terrible at taking her dogs out.  Anyway, it's working, but we still plan to paint kilz on the flooring after I have the spots treated well.  We removed all of the carpet, so I cannot give a  review using it on carpet, but you can go to their website and read them from others.

I'm so busy downstairs, I often forget to go up there and treat spots.  Hopefully, we will wind down and get things in order, but this week is a whirlwind of activity.  

Yesterday was the perfect weather day to work out in the garden, but the ground is still too wet.  It's never been a problem, but has been the last few years.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Tuesday Tidbits


Although it is super foggy this morning, the sun is trying to shine.  Yesterday was a very dreary, dark and misty day.

I managed to accomplish a breakfast.  I'm still painting trim, so I get to multi-tasking and list writing.  I scrambled a dozen eggs, made sausage patties, and Einkorn waffles.  I used a random recipe online, but want to try the recipe Jovial has next time. I just didn't have yogurt on hand.

I boiled a half dozen eggs for egg salad.  I guess that will be tonight's dinner (egg salad), while I work on the menu plan.  I also put another dozen eggs in the fridge for future boiled eggs.

Daughter K's waffle iron, which I didn't like, and the recipe wasn't that great.  The recipe also said 1/3 cup of batter, and it was not enough.  I have to double the recipe.  I am reading reviews to look for a waffle maker for myself now. 

Our state has a law, that says you must purchase a minimum of 6 chicks.  It was created to avoid people buying them as Easter gifts/pets.  Dumb law, and if you look at the coop kits in front of most farm stores, they are not fit for the size to hold 6 chickens.  

Anyway, I picked up 6 new chicks, in hopes that a family member will need a few more.  I just wanted about 3 more.

The best news!?

We got our bed up and got a very good night's sleep.  We are far from being done in that room, but the bed is back up and so are the night stands.  The dresser and other furniture are still in the master bath ha ha!  We need room to paint trim, install the wall trim, work on electrical boxes, and finish installing wall paneling on one wall.  Oh, and we still need to install the closet door since we cut and framed a new one.

We still have carpet to remove out of the walk-in closet, so that will also affect the finale of this room.

More good news?!  Tiger's blood work came back and his kidney's look great.  Daughter said he has more energy now that before his procedure, but she is instructed to only feed him wet cat food from now on.

Speaking of cats, we had a stray come to one of our doors last night begging for food.  It dawned on me that it is kitten season, so I am wondering if it is a stray pregnant female.  No sign of it the cat morning however.

I'm hoping for good weather to wash, and dry a bed blanket and bed skirt on the clothesline today.

Monday, March 27, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday


Everything is at a stand still today.  I cannot do anything, other than paint the door trim, and I'm even limited to that due to space and the amount of saw horses.  I'm okay with that, as my back is very sore.

Rain is in the forecast today, and we'll see much more of it this week sadly.  It's warmer, but the rain is keeping us out of the garden to prep it for a new garden season.  The ground is soaked.

The new closet door was cut and framed.  We do need to install the door yet.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

I'll link up when she posts.

The weather. . .

46°F/29°F for today, and rain.  Rain about every other day this week.

As I look outside my window. . .

Dreary and cloudy.

Right now I am . . .

Brewing coffee, because I forgot to pre-set it last night.

Thinking and pondering . . .

Going to town for one errand or adding it to a list.  Hm.

On my bedside table . . .

Nothing!  It's still in the master bathroom, while we continue to paint and renovate the master bedroom.  It has been a whirlwind of work, because we continue to run into issues with the terrible work the past builders did.

On my TV . . .

Whatever grabs our attention.  We are too tired by evening to even really care.

Listening to . . .


On the lunch plate . . .

Probably a ham and cheese sandwich.  

On the dinner plate . . .

Have no idea.

On the menu . . .

It's on the to-do list. 

On the reading pile . . .

Not sure yet, as the bookshelf has been boxed up for the bedroom re-do.  However, I finished this book on our last road trip.

On my to-do list . . .

-write out a menu plan
-write out lists for errand day
-laundry (still living out of a suitcase)
-sweep and mop master bedroom (where I can)
-paint door trim for master bedroom
-pay a few bills, and open remaining mail
-Spray urine treatment on spots on upstairs flooring (got behind on this job)
-mail in rebates
-move a bookshelf upstairs and worry about painting it next year

Plans for the week . . .

Honestly, I have no plan.  The master bedroom has been so nerve wrecking due to the disorganized decisions.  My husband is all over the board, so I never know what we are doing in there until the next weekend arrives.  Although is sounds like I am complaining, we have gotten some things done, but yesterday I had to empty a lot from the walk-in closet in order to cut and hang a new closet door (current center of the longest wall made no sense and difficult for furniture placement).  Also, we need someone to come help us move an electrical line in the attic, in order to move the closet light switch (access is smaller than normal to get up there).

I'm thankful for. . . 

-ceiling and walls are painted
-most electrical boxes have new covers, still need to install two boxes
-new closet door is cut and framed
-I primed about 4 pieces of door trim so far
-one piece of floor trim has been installed

What I am creating . . .

Old photo, but still working on our own blanket.  I got it out a few days ago and had to frog several rows.  I need to finish the gray color section and start back on the last color section of off white.  I may get time today, as my husband is at work, and the only thing I can do in the bedroom is paint those 4 pieces of trim (there is much more to paint, just limited to space where I paint).

My simple pleasure . . .

Amish cheese curds.

Looking around the house . . .

It's a hot mess!!!  Utility room stuff is in living room (explain that later), 1/2 my bedroom closet is in living room, air mattress is in living room, kitchen is full of stuff we need to donate and is where our suit case is, floor is covered with paint cans, hall has part of the bed, more tools, bookshelf, paint cans,....bedroom now has half the closet.....HOT MESS!  I cannot wait until it's done, but like I said, this room/closet has got to be the most head banging work we've dealt with right now.

From the camera. . .

Nothing exciting here today.  I bought this back when we first started with the kitchen floor repairs.  We are close to filling it in, as we find which goes to what with repairs.  I'm losing one electrical box, but gaining one in a new spot on one wall.  It's been a challenge for sure.  The new circuit directory actually comes with a plastic pocket, so I can start filling it out now, and slip it into the pocket vs. a sticker to the breaker box.

Bible Verse, Prayers . . .

Prayers for Tiger.  His blood work reports are due to come in today (Daughter E's cat).

Sunday, March 26, 2023

What started with just removing the carpet project.......

 Saturday was a challenge.  We had to drive one hour to get some supplies that were sold out in stores near us.  The weather was an issue. It was cold and the wind was recorded up to 74 mph in the area.  Power went out in many cities nearby, but thankfully not ours.

Hauling supplies in the back of a truck was not fun.  When we got home, the trim had been blown downward and was almost out of the bed of the truck.  We got it home and in the garage thankfully.  Yes, it was tightly strapped in, but like I said, high wind warning.

One ceiling fan is down, and not because we wanted it down.  You can see the original wall paint color of "country white."  Ceiling is painted.

New paint color for the walls.  We put 3 paint samples up to figure this out, and we did not go back to Home Depot.  We went to a local store, where we could get a more professional assistance on getting the right color.  The problem with Home Depot etc. is that they are constantly hiring people, and they have no knowledge to help correctly.  Anyway....

It's sort of difficult to show the wall paint color, but it is a gray.  One ceiling fan is completely down, so the light is not great in there for now.  Whoever installed the ceiling fans installed them incorrectly.  You should be able to remove the screws to pull the ceiling portion down to paint, and they installed them, so when you unscrew the very top, the entire fan comes down.  

One wall in the bedroom contains the walk-in closet.  The builders installed the door to it, dead center of the long wall.  It prevents us from putting the bed anywhere but one wall, because the bathroom in there is built in one corner of the room.  Yeah, it's been fun.

Guess who wants to cut a new door to the very side, so we can move furniture in a better layout?  Yep.  My husband.  The closet is FULL of the dismantled bed and other stuff from the bedroom, so that has to come out in order to do that.  Talk about stressed and overwhelmed right now.  In order to set the bed back up, we have to finish moving the closet door, and install trim.  Updates on that later. 

Meanwhile, I'm trying to set up a brooder, but have yet to find the pullets I want.  The eggs are over flowing due to take out and less home cooking.  I guess that needs to start again.

I'm thankful for the "little" things right now.  I'm thankful for the homemade lip balm I keep in my purse, because I cannot access mine, that I keep in my bedroom night stand.  

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Painting progress and other tidbits


I'll admit, I have been terrible at cleaning the ceiling fans in the bedroom.  After dusting with the swiffer duster, I had to wash them with soap/water.  You can see the dust left on them after dusting them.  I'm also going thru to many duster refills, so I invested in this...

The blue cover slides off, and is washable.  The unit can be attached to your extender handle you use for painting ceilings with (if you have one).  Works great for weekly dusting on these types of ceiling fans.

My hands are cracked, dry and sore.  My back is sore by most evenings.  My fingernails are worn, torn and look terrible.   I'm climbing ladders unsupervised most days, but progress on the bedroom is starting to happen.  

In order to paint, I had to climb into our walk-in closet like a monkey holding a flashlight.  I had to get our "paint" clothes.  Mission accomplished.  Oh, the reason for the flashlight?  Well, the switch in there is a motion sensor switch, installed behind the door (builders did some dumb stuff), and it is not working.  It's on the to-do list with everything else.  

When our bed was dismantled, it ended up in three places - the master bath, the hallway and the walk-in closet.  Hence the monkey climbing.

The ceiling fans had to be cleaned, as they were covered in order to paint the ceiling.  Today, it's wall painting day.  It's also the day Tiger is to get out of the emergency vet.  We have not heard any update on his condition, so I am stressed and worried it will not be good news.

Daughter E has been keeping herself very busy at her salon, but also with her boyfriend.  She however, became even more stressed yesterday when she found out her boyfriend's Grandpa passed away.  Instead of her focusing on her cat, whom she loves dearly, she focused on her boyfriend.  She made him a basket. 

It made us tear up, that she was so very thoughtful, when she was so mentally stressed over her cat.

It's been cold and raining here, and today high wind warning.  I guess I'm thankful for the little things right now, considering our "living in the wild" during this process of renovations.

I'm thankful for leaving a sweater on a hook in the kitchen.  I cannot get to my bathroom, which I left on the back of the door in the master bath.

Friday, March 24, 2023

Whirlwind continues...


Tiger when he was a baby.  He is under emergency vet care until possibly Saturday, depending on his prognosis.   He had an emergency ultra sound, which found crystals in his bladder, causing a blockage.  He was in miserable pain.  He is not being treated, but there is the possibility for kidney damage.  We are in touch with daughter E for updates.

The painting progress on the bedroom is slow going for now.  It takes two people to just do the ceiling edging.  Our ceiling is 8 foot, 9 inches tall, so a tall ladder is required, as well as someone to hold the paint tray, and yes we will be needing to cover the entire bedroom floor with plastic.  There are two ceiling fans in the bedroom that need spring cleaned before we cover them with plastic to paint the ceiling as well.  I feel like this room is the one that will make me lose my marbles.

I just want my bed back, so I'm hoping for at least the paint work done this weekend, in order to put the bed back together.  The air mattress is messing with us getting a good night's sleep.

There is so much going on right now, it's nuts!  I have now moved drying racks to my living room, and I feel like the entire house is chaotic.  I don't do "chaotic" very well.

On top of everything going on, I am stressing about getting the new coop started.  It's rained here for days, and the ground is mushy mess.