Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Life can change in an instant.....

We got our sad news about Patty while we were on a camping trip last weekend.  We relied on our cell phones to make arrangements from the camper.  We are thankful we visited her the day prior.  Enjoy your family and friends.  Life can change in an instant.  Although her nurses took precautions (mask, gloves the whole sha-bang), Patty contracted covid from a nurse in her home.

As for the camping trip?  Well, it was interesting for sure.  It was so windy we had to put the awning back up, and could not make a campfire until the morning we left.  We were thankful that the campground had a cement slab for our door way and chairs (we moved our chairs to the campfire the morning we cooked a campfire breakfast).  It rained the entire first night, but we still had a good time.

I made a few things for the meal for Patty's celebration of life.  It took some work, but we got someone to do the main meal for us (so very very thankful for that help). I baked a double batch of honey roasted caramel corn, a double batch of chex mix, and made two pans of cherry delight.  I'm glad I did though.  Only one other family member made 2 pies and all desserts went fast.

In fact, Monday we were so busy that we both forgot to eat lunch and dinner ended up refried beans and organic tortilla chips.  If someone had offered to deliver us a meal, I would have gladly accepted. It didn't happen though.

We are all totally mentally and physically exhausted.  In fact, daughter K left the meal early, and upon getting home felt sick.  She immediately, based on her symptoms, went to Urgent care.  She tested negative, but has a random virus.  We are keeping her upstairs, sanitizing and what not.

I joked that I'd tie her medications on the collar of her dogs and send them up to her.  Meanwhile, I'll get the diffuser out and have it going downstairs (now that we don't have a cat down here and we put a curtain on the stairway).

We had a beautiful weather day for the funeral.  Today, the thunder is rolling in with rain.  It's been over a week since I have been in the garden, and it can wait now.  There are still plants to pull, and hopefully some greens etc. to harvest and put up.

Now we are back to homestead work, and sadly my coop door broke.  It's been one thing after another.  My sink is over-flowing with dirty dishes, so it's first on the to-do list today.  I told my husband let it sit until today.  We just needed a bit of rest.  He is back to work today.

Thank you for all your kind words, thoughts and prayers regarding the passing of my husband's sister.  Had covid not been here, she would have probably out lived us all.  She has been through a lot in life, but also brought much love and laughter.

Monday, October 18, 2021

In honor of Patty, I will be out for a few days.....

 My sister-in-law, Patty, has passed away.  I will not be posting for a few days.  Patty is in heaven now.  

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Baking Donuts and Tidbits


I dug out the donut pan and baked some pumpkin/cardamom donuts.   

The results?  Well, they were good and dense.  However, I felt the recipe I tried, lacked in flavor.  I'd add more cinnamon and nutmeg to it.  They were very easy to make, and I'd consider trying other recipes, just for kicks  This recipe used a small amount of butter, and I used half whole wheat flour.

It's something "fun" for a gathering, or when you need individual servings and don't want to bake bread and slice it.

(Recipe is online with Kitchen Addiction)

I sat down yesterday and wrote a letter to my only living Aunt.  I realized I have not been in touch with her.  I am glad I kept stationary now.  Although it's much quicker to type a letter, I do love the ol' pen and paper.

The weather is beautiful, but it appears rain is possible towards the weekend.  I don't have much to pull from the garden.  The rest is in grow bags.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Mom and Patty

 A big thank you to Vicki at Mom's Scribbles.  Your help was much needed.  We are in the works getting meals delivered from the local hospital (specifically designed for Mom's health), and she'll be getting a home health aide to come help with her legs and do blood draws in her own home.  

Mom's memory is not that great, so the extra "eyes" on her and medical help will be great! 

Update on my husband's sister.  Not good.  She has covid pneumonia as of yesterday.

Sorry for the short post.  I baked English Muffins yesterday to distract my brain, but they didn't turn out that great.  I should have been cleaning and prepping again for the floor project instead.  Anyway, I'm working on perfecting those buggers the next baking day.  I'll update on that when it happens.

I didn't want to deal with yet another strainer full of hot peppers either.  I sent them with my husband and he gave them to a co-worker.  We saved a small amount of fresh jalapenos though.  We've been chopping them and adding them to the beans I cooked up.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Some things I learned and other ramblings . . .

 I was watching a foraging video on making dandelion pesto, and the person mentioned using "soaked and dried" nuts (unroasted) or seeds for the recipe.

I had to google it, and yes there are video's on doing this process.  Apparently, it helps you digest them, brings out their flavor and nutrition.

I did not even know that re-usable freezer bags, that use a handheld tool, existed.  The tool removes the air from the bag.  They re-seal and are washable.  I bought one (not the one I wanted, as I don't think it is being made anymore), but trying it out to see if the bags keep the air out after months of being in the fridge.  I hope it works out well.  I just put hot peppers in the freezer.  I can take out a bit, re-seal and put back in the freezer.  I love the fact that it will cut back what I spend on ziploc bags.

Monday, October 11, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday


Beautiful sunrise this morning.

I had to frog the second cardigan sleeve.  Not sure what is wrong with my brain, because I know how to crochet.   I will put it off for another day and get back to it.  

An odd sighting on Sunday - a man jogging down the country highway with a USA flag.  A car was behind him with hazard lights on, but I couldn't read what was on the side of the car.  I'll admit, I lifted my spirits to see him doing that.  I would have had a photo if I had my phone in my hand, but I had a cup of coffee in my hand instead.

Daughter E came out for a visit.  That was a blessing, considering my husband and Daughter K were both working.  She took more of her belongings, and we chatted for a while.

I called the General Store, where I may be selling one of my items.  They have not yet emailed or called me back.  I know they are busy with fell festival stuff, so I may need to call again this week.  Or I may stop in with the items.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. 
I'll link up after she posts this morning.

The weather . . .
86°/65° F, sunny

How I am feeling this morning . . .
Exhausted, but mostly because my husband worked all weekend, so I worked at the house.  Not having a weekend to sleep in is exhausting.

On the breakfast plate . . .
Frittata, coffee.   Lots of coffee.

On my reading pile . . .
Nothing, again oddly

On today's to-do list . . .
-boil pinto beans for bean dip and freeze most of it
-pick peppers from the garden
-freeze more hot peppers

On my tv . . .
Whatever we find interesting on Netflix

On the menu this week . . .
-Leftover Chicken Spaghetti
-Baked walleye, veggie
-honestly, have no idea yet, ha ha!

From the camera . . .

The rain gave us more hot peppers.  Maybe fire powder for Christmas gifting?  I really don't want to can, but I may be canning hot pepper mustard sauce.  I guess canning first.  There won't be any family holiday gatherings again this year.

Looking around the house . . .
My kitchen, for once, is beautifully cleaned, tidy and a fresh breath of air.

To relax I will . . .

Something I want to share . . .

Look what I made!  Oatmeal/vanilla soap.  I can add soap making to my craft show days next year.  I'm so excited I tried a kit first.  I think the smaller bars will be great for people who rent out homes for Airbnb or similar.  Question.  What is the best source to buy a goat's milk soap base?  I found some on Amazon, but wondered if there is a lower priced base elsewhere?  

New Recipe I tried or one I want to try. . .

I've printed this out for the next time I need it. Thought I would share.

I also tried a homemade "fritos" recipe.  I adapted organic ingredients.
I want to try a smashed brussel sprout recipe soon too.

Devotional, Inspirational, prayer list or Bible verse . . .
Husband's sister Patty (covid), Mom (she's getting a bit better)

Sunday, October 10, 2021


My husband surprised me by getting off work early.  We took the hot rod out and visited Mom and took her dinner. My younger brother was there too.  Mom is doing better, and walking more.  It'll be a while before she is completely back to herself.

We visited Patty too.  We went around her house and waved in the window.  I guess we are allowed to go in with a mask, but we did not want to with her having covid.  She was happy to see us, especially her brother.  We didn't stay long.  The excitement of seeing us gave her a coughing fit.  She is doing okay though, so thank you all for your prayers.  I believe my husband said she is 74 years old.

Oh, and Michael?  He is doing very well now.  He had to get those antibody injections, but is recovering very well, so thank you for all of your prayers.  Their baby is doing well too.  Unfortunately, he was not paid while home sick.  So sad to hear this when they are a newly married couple with a baby to care for.