Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Pre-Weekend Update ~ Finished

The weeding continues daily.  I have to make decisions on which is more important, and sooooo mucchhhhhh needs weeded.  It's a battle of water one day, weed the next, because it's been getting fried here on a constant basis.   

If you've ever weeded carrots, you feel my pain.  Pictures to come soon.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Dry Days ~ Heat Wave to Return

The rain, that was in the forecast kept getting pushed back and back, until we got about a 5 minute sprinkle.  Unfortunately, that meant a full blown morning of watering everything here.  I had to drag 200 feet of hose from the garden to the flower beds and herb garden, which wasn't fun, nor easy.

The grass went from can't-keep-up-with-mowing, to it dead and crunching under our feet.  Watering everything meant no weeding time either.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Midweek Tidbits

Youngest is finally home, after a 5 day camping, roller coaster riding, swimming and what not summer vacation.  I'm glad she got to go.  Tiger (her cat) has been so happy to have her back home.

I got the third load of wood unloaded and stacked.  One more truck load to pick up.  I think between the battle of the weeds everywhere (especially the  condition of the garden), the heat and working with wood, I've been a bit crabby.  I made a nice nettle tea infusion for both Hubby and I (for exhaustion).

The only thing getting cooked or baked here (besides meals) is a big batch of whole wheat blueberry pancakes.  Now we don't have to make breakfast the rest of the week too.  It's been hot again - heat index of 95°F.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Another Hot Day

I started in the garden about 7am, then moved onto unloading the wood.  I got all the tomatoes staked, with only  a few left to tie up.  It was only 80°F, but working in the direct sun wore me out and I quit at almost 10:45am.  

Having nothing in my stomach but coffee and a slice of toast, I donned my apron and made a large batch of egg and bacon scramble for the week.  I also multi-tasked and got dinner in the crock pot too.

However, a full kitchen of dirty dishes loomed.  Laundry had to be done.  You know how it goes, right?

Monday, July 9, 2018


We worked on the tomato patch all morning Sunday, and it's still not done.  And it was also a load, unload, and reload day.  We have one more load to pick up.

Thanks to my younger brother, we have a good start on wood (or will - one more load to pick up).  He cut some trees down, even borrowed our splitter and had it already for us to pick up.  Woohoo!

Both of us were exhausted last night.  Definitely a good sleep night.

I even got another 1/2 cup of red raspberries in the freezer.

Today it will be another hot one.  It's outside I go, early today.  I have a full truck load of wood to unload, tomatoes to stake and tie up, more weeding, and of course inside work.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Red Russian Kale ~ Randomness

Red Russian Kale was the first kale for us to plant at our homestead and is still the one I like to plant.  

Did you know that one serving contains 206% of vitamin A, 134% of vitamin C, 296 mg of potassium, 9 % of calcium, 2 grams of protein, and 7% iron?  According to the facts I'm reading.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Taco Pasta ~ Popcorn Topping

There have been days when I just think ice cream sounds good for dinner, and I don't want to cook.  However, one night I threw together a pasta dinner with what was on hand (too hot to hit the grocery store for restocking).

We still have some corn and beets in the freezer, so veggies are still supplying us, but I had to be creative with the pasta dish.