Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Friday, March 29, 2013

Red Lentil Hummus

(the photo in the magazine article makes this appear more red than mine turned out)

I found this recipe (our snack) in the December 2012 issue of Health Magazine.  However, they also have it on-line, so I don't have to type out the recipe:  Red-Lentil Hummus.

Hubby and I love hummus made from chickpeas and wanted to try this one.  I finally made it.  I could not find red lentils in our stores here, so it was another item we picked up on one of our weekend trips (it was sold bulk in a Nature store).

I am sure you can buy them on-line as well, but it sure helps when you can buy your ingredients locally.

Aside from that, this recipe is very good.  Give it a try if you like hummus, and if you want to add more lentils to your diet. 

Note: After chilling this, the color was a teensy bit more red.

My family (those that enjoy hummus) raved over this recipe.  They enjoyed it more than my regular hummus recipe that uses chickpeas.    

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Grueling Week

Although I've had a strenuous week, and had goat duties to cover my daughter's absence, I got the chance to hold and kiss the cutesome twosome (my name for the twin bucklings).

I pampered myself with fresh roses and tulips.

Today is the last day for Driver's ed. classes, and the first day of spring break (for the younger ones). 

The younger two girls have already bombarded me with sleepover runs, and so forth.   

Sharing a update on "Dark Days Challenge"

Breakfast has been farm fresh eggs, along with homemade whole wheat bread we bought, topped with hormone free (locally made) butter, and my home canned jams/jellies.

    This is the easiest recipes I have come up with.  Last summer we were gifted home canned Pepper Mustard Sauce.  I was told it would be delicous over meatballs.  However, I simply placed organic chicken tenderloins in the crock, then topped it with a jar of sauce.  Wa-La!  Dinner is served!

I served it over organic brown rice, along with broccoli and cauliflower.  

Snack?  Well, you'll get to see that tomorrow. 

Oh...and I plan to can that Pepper Mustard this summer, so watch for a recipe too.  We very much enjoyed it, and I very much enjoyed a stress-free dinner prep. 


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Thrift Find ~ Clothespin Apron

(reversible, and handmade)

As promised to some folks, here is the photo of the clothespin apron I purchased for $1.50.  I found it at a thrift store, when I was really not looking for anything in particular.  I love it when I find useable thrift items.  I just have to keep the shopping prudent.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

You Bought What?!

"Please tell you are not buying that!" I scolded hubby.

"A guy at work is letting us give it a try.  That's all."

"Right!" I scolded in non-agreement.

"His kids are all in college and don't even use it anymore," he tried to coax me even more."

Two days go by.

"I thought you were just trying it out? I asked with eyes squinted.

Next thing I know, Hubby is out in that go kart and spinning wheels, with dirt all over his backside.  He comes back inside smiling.

"Uh, Honey? Can you wash this?" he asks.

(big long sigh from me)

Another day goes by. The kids have been driving it all over the farm.

"Mom, if you were driving it around when the bus pulls in, you'd be the coolest Mom ever!" exclaimed my 19 year-old daughter. 


Monday, March 25, 2013

Weekend Road Trip ~ More Snow?!

Now this is how you get your laundry dried!  Wowzers!  Check out that clothesline!  Hubby and I laughed!  I need one that big

Hubby and I took another road trip, but this one was for heirloom seeds, seed potatoes, and onion sets.   

We decided to do some relaxing, scenic driving before we returned home.

Speaking of home.  This is what we woke to this Monday morning.  

There is about a three foot drift in the center of our horseshoe drive.  I am so glad we got the goats moved out of the big barn.  I never expected more snow.  Snow is expected all day today, and school is closed. 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Early Delivery

Peanut gave birth to twin boys a week early.  It was a surprise to us all.  Go to my daughter's blog to see more photos of the little guys:  Life as A Teen Farmgirl

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Poo on the Shoe and Hair Loss

Writing is one of my passions.  It's also how I help support our income.

I successfully wrote a narrative essay as an exercise yesterday.  That was after two days of writer's block.  

I am back to writing daily.  It really means a lot to me.  As a child, I fell in love with writing poems and still have many of them.  However, today, l do not write poetry.  For now anyway.

I follow a few blogs, regarding writing for a living, more encouragement, motivation, and tips.

In following Rachelle Gardner's blog, she adds statements to "tweet."  Since I do not "tweet" I am reposting one on my blog today:

“The first key to making a living as a writer is VOLUME."

So, today I plan to increase my "volume."

Over the last 5-7 years, I have let many distractions pull me away from writing.  It's very easy to do, when you have a large (blended) family.  It's not all peaches and cream.  It's also poo on you shoe and hair loss.  

So, whether the kids like it or not, Mom is back in action.  Which means (reality moment: kids don't like responsibility) a messy house most likely - Family Meeting Friday.