Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Sunday, January 6, 2013

The "Old" Ways and Laminate Floors

(Tiger warming on the carpet in front of the corn/pellet burner)

My son asked me, "what does it mean to want to go back to the old days?  Do you really want to go back to horse and buggy?" he asked.

My answer is always yes.  No gas, no oil, no car repairs, no costs of new cars/trucks, no insurance, no car tags each year, etc etc. 

Yes, the horse will need fed, and the horse poo will need shoveled, but there are new inventive ways today, where horse poo can be used for heating homes.

I'm one of those people who are tired of handing out their hard earned cash, caught up in the hamster wheel of "get paid to pay bills, to back to work again."  Hubby is tired of it too.

So...could I possibly convince him to rip out the carpets and put in laminate flooring?   It may take several years to do both areas downstairs, but I'm definitely going to try.  I'm sure the carpet keeps the floors warmer, but here's my statement, and I'm sticking to it....

The Vacuum

~It runs on electric (we have the highest in the county)

~It is constantly needing repairs as it is used daily

~the current vacuum we have needs a new belt.  I went to 3 stores to buy belts that are said to be used on our model.  Not!  After burning up two of the new belts and one not even being tight enough, I had to resort to going on-line and buying one (with shipping costs) for $7.02.  You'd think this is no big deal, but with the daily use, and having no other option but on-line buying for parts, it's more bother and cost than a good ol' broom and dust pan.

~ a broom and dust pan cost me nothing but physical work, and we could all use that in our lives.

~with our allergies, the carpet is a magnet for allergens and all of us could use a break from it.

~with kids and dogs, and having to haul in wood all winter, it would be easier to clean.

~no costly replacement for new carpet in the future.

~no expenses on carpet shampoo or using an electric carpet cleaner, and we would have more space not having to store it.

~it will be safer to have in the rooms with the wood stove and corn/pellet burner.

~I am constantly saving old sheets and other fabrics, for rag rugs, so rugs would not be a problem if needed, and would not cost me anything but physical work and thread (depending on if I braided them or crocheted them). 

The end result - Simplicity.  

The downside?

What will I use to suck down all the spider webs? Ha ha ha!

Maybe I can convince him of one room first, and see how it goes.

.....adding it to the "wish" list.    




Saturday, January 5, 2013

Time . . .

Time goes so fast when gardening season arrives, so I am working double time to work on a writing schedule.  

It's been tough.  As soon as my feet hit the floor (literally), Tiger is meowing and under my feet until I feed him, and the other house cats.

But when I do that, I see barn cats peeking into the door for their food too.  Some times it's Aurora squeaking her paws downward, begging for her breakfast.

After that is done, I finally get the coffee brewing, and load wood to the wood stove.  However, to do this I have to go outside to get wood, as the last one up, did not bring any in.  Hmpf....

When that is completed, a half hour passes.  Or so it seems.

Then I finally sit at the computer, with work to start, and I hear the pitter patter of paws, and the jingling of dog collars.

I let them out to do their business, and when I finally sit back down, hubby gets up....."you ready to go to the gym?"

I think an office, far far away, would help me out right now.      

Friday, January 4, 2013

Excerpts from a Journal Junkie

from the family journal . . .

 ...we received a lovely sympathy card from one of my brother's and his wife.  The artwork on the card looks just like Gus. 

...two of the girls went sledding with friends.  They even tried to fit the dog pool in their car to take (didn't happen, ha ha ha!)


from the homesteading journal . . .

...still working on the goat stalls.  We can't wait much longer, as the roofing ripped off even more during the last snow storm.

...still researching more recipes that utilize our pantry/freezer stock.  A man my hubby knows has offered to teach us how to make wine from his nephew's pear trees.  It's not a necessity, so it's not really on the top of my list, but more so for a fun self-sufficiency experience.

 ...still hanging our laundry outside, despite the snow.  We have had good winds and sunshine, and it only took a few minutes to warm them in from of the fire.  Boy did my bedding smell good.

...adding up the egg totals for the remainder of 2012.

...used the last of my cooked (and then frozen) dry beans.  I need to get both crockpots cooking black and kidney beans this week.  This has saved us money and is so much healthier than using so many store brand cans of beans. 


from the handiwork journal . . .

...working on more Christmas ornaments.  A few can be seen on my S.C.R.A.P. Blog, but some won't be posted until next Christmas.

...working on sewing up yo-yo's with a large box of scrap fabric.  I am so thankful to receive these scraps from a dear friend.

...dug out my "unfinished" project list to work on as well.

from my personal journal . . .

...the lymph node in my neck is still swollen, but reduced in size.  It seems like it's taking forever, but the organic teas and oils are helping.

...I've been organizing my printed craft patterns again.  I got side tracked and now they are neatly being put into their 3-ring binders, and I even have tab dividers to separate the types of projects (and crochet and knitting projects are in separate books too).

...purchased a planner to keep track of my writing in this year (deadlines, contests, words written etc).  It's a good motivator. 

from the gratitude journal . . .

Today I am thankful for...
~ for warm slippers that hubby bought me for Christmas (am thankful for these to wear during the day when dogs drag in snow, and thankful for my gifted red knitted pair to wear at nightfall).

~ for my warm cozy bathrobe 

~ for the propane that is still in the propane tank

~ for beautiful winter sunrises, filled with gorgeous colors

~ for the eggs the chickens keep providing, and the delicious meals I can make with them (not to mention desserts)

~  for the library, and all the resources they provide.

~ for the delicious coffee's, hot chocolates, teas, and wine we received for Christmas.

~ for today's sunshine.

~ for God's Promises.


from the exercise journal . . .

...still doing a weekly weigh in, and keeping fit on a regular basis.  I have more weight to lose, but it's slowly coming off.   

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Baking with Homemade Ingredients and Real Magazines

I don't subscribe to many magazines, but I do utilize my local library.   Just before the library closed for the holidays, I picked up a few of my favorites.  I also picked up one that I typically don't read - Ladie's Home Journal.

In this particular issue, I found another unique recipe, and one worth trying. Luckily, the recipes are also on-line, so I don't have to type it out, and I can direct you to the correct source.

Fruit Jam Crumble Bars
(Adapted from Ina Garten's Raspberry Crumble Bars)

I used the idea of Ina Garten's recipe, but utilized my home canned pear jam and homemade granola.  I initially wanted to use my canned wild black raspberry jam, but we ate it all.

I did not have sliced almonds and could have used more of the crust mixture, for the topping, but these were wonderful.  It was almost like eating pie with your fingers.

I used an 8 oz. jar of jam also, even though her recipe calls for a 10-12 oz jar.

And of course, my ultimate goal is to some day, use my own homemade butter.

Here is the link to the recipe for the granola.  It was in our local newspaper, and submitted by another writer who belongs to my Christian Writer's group. 

It was also one of the homemade gifts I gave this past Christmas.

Good Morning Granola

We are taking a trip to the library today.  They closed their doors just prior to Christmas and are opening them again today. 


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Angel Cookies and Real Books

As you know, I am a very low-tech, or no-tech person.  I do not read books on electronic devices, nor read them on-line on my computer.  I like to hold the real thing in my hands, and enjoy it without batteries.  That's just me.

(note:  In no way, I am writing this to be hurtful to those who do use electronic reading devices.) 

Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

Our family gatherings are over for 2012, and the Christmas decorations come down on the 1st of the new year 2013.  We box up the tree lights, the outdoor lights and the Santa cookie jar.  We box up the stockings and homemade ornaments...until next Christmas.

Happy New Year!

Have a blessed, safe, and prosperous 2013!


Crazy for Cookies

I finally got some time (and cash) to bake a few cookies.  This time, I utilized some oranges that a family member gifted us.  I made White Chip Orange Cookies.   These were delicious!