Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Monday, October 22, 2012

Dollar Store Finds ~ USA Made ~ Stocking Up

Waxed paper - $1.00 (65 Sq. feet).  Made in the USA.  If you bake, especially over the holidays, this is a great price too.  If you have kids, it comes in handy for craft projects.  This sells for $1.29 at Menards.   I found this waxed paper at a store called The Dollar Tree.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Key Chain Collection

(Soon to be on my S.C.R.A.P. Blogspot)

I have a another collection that I started collecting around 1981 (best that I can remember) - key chains.

Despite living a more self-sufficient lifestyle, key chains are still an inspiration for me.  I try to buy one from every place I visit.  Some of them were also gifted to me.  Some I make myself.

This one I made recycling an empty pill bottle.  I'll try to get the directions written on my S.C.R.A.P. blog soon.  I won't be using this keychain, as it contains shells from the last island trip with hubby.  It's more of a "memory" key chain.

I wonder if the Pioneers collecting anything?  Possibly marbles, dolls or buttons?  Our world today in America is "more."  Everything is in abundance. 

I do have plans to display my collection.  The "where" and "when" hasn't been decided on yet.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Storm rolling in

 (Sky above a few of our old barns)

Yesterday the weather started out with a nasty downpour.  Although there wasn't any thunder, our youngest dog still had anxiety.  

We've ordered him a Thundershirt, and it's on the way.  It's a jacket that applies pressure to naturally calm the dog, when they have a fear of noises (thunder, fireworks etc.).

He wasn't born like this, he was out on a walk during a very bad storm, and it thundered loudly.  Ever since then, he's been horrible afraid of the noise.

I'll update you on the progress of the jacket, as it is natural, and requires no pills.  We first heard about it from the woman who sells homemade pet treats at the Farmer's Market.

The rain kept me from doing any outside work yesterday.  However, by the afternoon, it cleared up.  By that time, I was already deep in another project.  Funny how that works some days.   

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Nostalgic Barn and Silo

I took this photo when I was lucky enough to be with hubby, and he was driving.  I had my camera too.  There have been so many barns that have been torn down, when I wished I would have stopped to photograph them.  I hope to take more photos.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fancy Pen ~ Dehydrating

Here is another one of my fun pens.  This one lights up in the bottom, and flashes different colors when I write.  I can also turn of the light.

Hubby and I went to a choir concert last night.  Two of the girls were in it.  However, this morning they are grouchy.  Anytime they have an event on a school night, it wears them out.

I'm not sure what's on today's agenda today, other than cleaning up the mess the kids left in the kitchen, and laundry.

Yesterday I filled the dehydrator with more green peppers and one tray of jalapeno peppers.  I stocked up the dried ones and ground the cayenne to a powder.  Next on the list is making my own onion powder.  I'll have to wait until next season to make my garlic powder (unless I can find USA grown garlic here).  I re-planted my remaining garlic.

I also made a batch of breakfast burrito filler, using up more green peppers and onions.  I still have more in my garden basket too.

If the farmer is far enough away today, I will pull more garden plants, and weed the flower beds.  And of course, I'll be writing also.  Now that we have the goats dried up, I buy organic milk - $6.99/gallon.  We'll need the extra cash if we want milk this winter.



Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Thrift Store Finds ~ Corn Crops and Allergies

As promised, here some thrift store finds I found recently.  I set out in search for a nice pair of dress pants for one of the girls.  We did find a pair for $1.00.

I found the hot iron transfers for $.50....

 A seat cover for my desk chair - $3.00.  These sell for $12.00-14.00 each in stores.  Even Big Lots.  It didn't take Tiger long to find it.

 A vintage hankie for $.50....

 And this vintage recipe binder, complete with tab dividers and extra paper - $1.00.  I really didn't need to buy this, but after reading about avocado green and harvest gold, at Pat's blog Corn in my Coffee Pot, I just had to buy the thing.  It was just screaming "buy me, buy me."

I'll be locked up inside, nice and tight today.  The farmer is taking out all the corn crops that surround our property.  There won't be any laundry on my line today either, as this stirs up dust, allergens, and a mass of teeny tiny black bugs.

They started taking them out late last night, keeping me up, with that "beep, beep, beep" every time they backed up. Ugh.

Today I woke up with sinus pressure, a sinus headache, ear drainage and such.  I've already had my elderberry tea, so I hope to battle this out today.   

It would have been an excellent day to pull more plants form the garden and make a visit to the front porch.  

Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday Ramble

I had a nice blog post all ready, but noticed I was typing it up on my S.C.R.A.P. blogspot.  When I tried to copy and paste it here  - poof!  It was gone.  So here's this morning's ramble....

~all the goats were loose this morning, my daughter forgot to latch a door.  All are safely back in their pen.

~had to call the sheriff to remove an abandoned vehicle that was left, with the end of it sticking out in the highway traffic.

~crock-pots and Monday's are synonymous here, and I already have beans cooking for dinner.  

~it's cleaning day, but after finishing one bathroom, the mop broke.

~the dehydrator is working overtime with green peppers again.

~this weather is playing havoc on my allergies again - itchy and watery eyes.  I'm still drinking the elderberry immunity tea.

~managed to created a fun Christmas tree ornament - check it out on my S.C.R.A.P blogspot.

~I made a trip to the thrift store over the weekend.  I'll post some of the goodies tomorrow.