Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Early Spring

We all thought our winter here was strange.  Now we are shocked over this early spring weather.
My herb gardens are coming in faster this year.  Typically, I would not see my green onions looking this good (and needing thinned out) until April.

Even the chives are looking good in March.

My rosemary even shows signs of life.  In our climate, rosemary cannot withstand winter.  It has to be dug up and brought inside.  With last year's sickness, and stocking up, I never got around to digging it up.  The mild winter may have saved my rosemary plants.

Last year, I planted Swiss chard in my flower beds and herb gardens.  It is already coming up.  I planted some close to the house, so I could just walk out and pick some for breakfast dishes (and treat the female goats a few times).

Speaking of goats, my 15 year-old wants to plant a "goat garden" this year for her goats.  Then she can pick fresh produce to treat them.

...and speaking of my 15 year-old, she is back in school today.  Despite a horrible sore throat, bad cough, and not feeling well, we was diagnosed with a virus.  The strep test came back negative.    The good part is that she won't have to take antibiotics.  The bad part is that she will have to ride out the sickness.  Hopefully, she'll be over it soon.

Monday, March 19, 2012

After the flood

You can see the mud splatters on my daffodils.  The sun is shining and the flooding is over.

Short post today.....15 year-old daughter has been running a 102° fever all weekend.  

Have a Blessed Day!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Excerpts from a Journal Junkie

from the homesteading journal . . .

The seasons are changing again, so my daily chores are changing.

Peanut's getting closer and closer to her due date.  I admit, I am a bit nervous.

Spent a day sweeping patios and walks - tree buds everywhere.  We had excellent weather to dry all the bedding, then towels, then clothes - all in one day.

I am starting to clean out the flower gardens and herb gardens.

The garlic is up.

The daffodils and tulips are coming up. 

The thunderstorms came...and then the flooding.  For the first time ever, the field across the street caused flooding across the street, into our property.  It flooded all the way to the front flower beds, and then downhill to the creek.  Thankfully, a long, thin, flower bed kept the water from going further into our yard, and possibly up against the house.

We made signs out of cardboard and sticks, to warn drivers of the high water.  The state department of transportation had not come out this time, and we actually later had to call the sheriff.  They then called for the city to come out, and put up bright orange signs.  Even then, drivers barreled right through it, at an unsafe speed.

from the family journal . . .

..we ate ice cream cones on the front porch! In March!

 from the writing journal . . .

 ..started reading No More Rejections, by Alice Orr - very inspirational.  I borrowed the book Wicked Plants from the library - useful for writing too.

from the crafting journal . . .
...crocheting a Christmas lap blanket, and continuing to crochet dishcloths and my knitted blanket.  

from the exercise journal . . .
 ...still getting to the gym for a good work out with hubby.

from the gratitude journal . . .
 Today I am Thankful for:
~the table saw
~chicken wire
~the weather
~shovels and rakes
~iced tea
~my front porch
~my front porch furniture
~the gym
~cooking utensils
~God's Love

Saturday, March 17, 2012

We can't make this stuff up. . .

"Mom?  Do you know that "R" is putting the play station in the oven?"

 "Yeah, tell him not to blow up my oven."

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Buckwheat Waffles ~ Thrift Store Find

I made these buckwheat flour waffles for the family, and they were delicious.  The kids love to top these with natural peanut butter.  

A week ago or so, I found a set of TV trays with stands, at our local thrift store.  

I spent the afternoon cleaning the trays on my front porch.  These are wider than your normal TV tray and will be helpful with meals on the porch, and to take camping.  I had planned to spray paint the stands on these, but I may just leave them as they are.

I spent time reading a book of writing prompts, and got a laugh out of some of them.  The kids and I shared quick and short verbal stories with these.  I do have a notebook to hand write these in, but would love to "jazz" it up with a fun cover.....adding yet another project to my "project" list (ha ha ha!).

While cleaning a bit in my room, I noticed that I left two flowers pressed in my flower press (from last summer/fall).  I really enjoyed looking through my scrapbook of wild flowers, and adding the last two to it.  I plan to add more this summer.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Porch Furniture is Back

I was thrilled to move a few wicker rocking chairs back to my front porch again.  Not all of the furniture has been returned to it's rightful place, but enough for all of us to enjoy sitting out there.

The furniture will need a good cleaning, but for yesterday, and today, it will do as is.  The weather has been in the 70's, with cool nights.  It's been gorgeous and almost all of us took time to sit for a while, and enjoy the peace that the front porch brings.  Even the barn cats came to visit.

I finally submitted my most recent article.  This time it was a contest piece.  It sure felt good to be writing again.  I hope to be writing from my front porch today.

....of course that will be after chores are done.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Making Jewelry

 I dug through my beads and found a few that match the vintage necklace I bought.  The earrings are simple, yet elegant and will be perfect for a "date night" with hubby.

A Year of Quotes:
"The hardest struggle of all is to be something different from what the average man is."  ~ Charles M. Schwab