Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Sunday, January 22, 2012

When the Kids Don't Feel Like Watching TV

That's a shocker title - "Don't Feel Like Watching TV."  You'd have to wonder what's wrong with them.  Even though I try to limit what they watch, for them to say that, is a rarity in this house.

I guess it's proof that your kids watch what you do, and I do a lot of handiwork here.  I do think that "craft" got a bad name somewhere along it's lifetime, and we often hear people say "I don't craft."

If you think about it, even cooking can be a "craft."  It's a skill using your hands, and it's a bit sad that "crafting" has been stereotyped.

Okay....back to my story.  After a long day of working out, shopping for groceries, and picking up one kiddo at an overnighter, I was ready to relax early.  I decided "jammie" hour came early and began to knit in my room. 

All the sudden, kids started coming in and going in an out of my closet (also the storage area for most of our crafting supplies).  I watched and wondered what they were up to.

"I need to do something to expand my creativity.  I feel like my brain is rotting."

Out the door she (my 15 year-old) went with the box of paints.  Then she came back.

"Do you have any large paper?" she asked

"Of course I do," I proceeded to explain where I had it stored (I still have large paper I bought over 3 years ago at a S.C.R.A.P. store in Michigan).

Out the door she went again.

About an hour later, I was being shown paintings that my 17 and 15 year-old daughters painted - finger painted.  They were all giddy and laughing and having a good time.  My younger two daughters were also painting.

Then my 10 year-old walks in, "do you have any bows in there?" she asks pointing to the closet.

"No, those are all in the garage now."

She goes into the closet.  

"Oh, I know what I can use!  Ribbons!"

She later hands me a letter and a wrapped gift.  The letter told me how much she missed me when she stayed overnight at a friends, and the gift was a recycled valentine's heart candy box (small) painted with foam figures and beads glued to it.

I'd say my kids are full of creativity.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Chopped and other updates. . .

We've been watching the "Chopped" Foodnetwork show, and the kids love it.  Last night our 12 year-old begged for her own box of food to cook with.

We gave her 2 boxes of black wild rice, a jar of pimentos and a bag of mini-marshmallows.  I had no idea what to get, or how creative she could be.

She cooked the rice, added the pimentos and added leftover diced chicken we had that she marinated a bit in soy sauce.

She made a dessert with the mini-marshmallows and crushed rice chex cereal.  She added raisins also.  It kind of tasted like rice krispie treats, but tougher to chew.  She did pretty good.

I think they had so much fun with this that I may purchase items for her and her younger sister for another round.

Gus came home late afternoon yesterday.  He's doing good and getting lots of pampering.  He follows my son everywhere now.  The vet told my son that the growth/lump was very deep, black and very nasty looking.  My son agreed to have it tested in a lab, so we will know for sure.  However, my son felt another lump in another area, so he'll be watching that too.  Thank you for all you prayers for Gus.

The weather is a teensy bit warmer, and we got more snow last night.  The pipes finally thawed by late evening last night - YAY! We get showers!

Although yarn and quilling paper has arrived in my mail, I continue to knit and crochet daily.  I am amazed how fast I can knit know compared to last summer.  I can remember days where I could not knit when the kids were home.  I literally had to take entire knitted block apart, because I lost track of rows and stitches.  I'm not an expert at it, but much better.  Now, when I get back to tatting, I'll probably have to re-teach myself again.  Ha ha ha!

 A recent sunrise from my front porch.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Meet Gus - Surgery Today and Wooden Drapery Ring Christmas Ornaments

This is Gus.  He's about 11 years old.  We went to the humane society to find a kitten or cat, to play with our long time cat Mattie (oldest daughter's cat).  When we got there, I was busy looking at the cats, and my husband disappeared.  I found him in the dog section.  

We walked through, and every dog was barking except Gus.  That was his name at the humane society also.  He just sat in his cage and looked at us.  

I kept thinking, what did someone do to you? I really thought his ability to bark was not there.  He was so quiet and so calm.

Poor Gus, and another dog, had been left out and abandoned by someone.  They just moved out, left the dogs tied up outside, and left them there.  Horrible.

I once wrote on a topic for a Web site on family pets.  You can read the original story about our pets here:  I do need to update it, but you can read about how we ended up Gus.  

Gus is basically my son's dog.  They spend a lot of time together.  A few years ago my son was playing with his dog's lips and laughing, but felt a lump in his jaw.   Thankfully, for his play time with his dog, we had the lump removed.  Now, my son has found a lump on his leg, which he has been chewing on and biting off hair.  

Today, Gus is having surgery to remove the lump.  We don't know if it's cancerous yet or not.  Gus has been biting it too much to take a sample prior to the surgery.  The good news, is that he'll get his teeth cleaned today also.  That will keep him healthy.

Gus is very much like those dogs you see plopped on the front porch on a hot summer day.  He loves to bathe in the sun, and if we are lucky, we can get him to run around with the other dogs.  

Gus isn't a ball and fetch kind of dog, but once in a while he'll play tug-o-war with a rope, and the other dogs.

We think that Gus may have have been a hunting dog at one time, as he is the only dog (other than Sadie chasing birds) that can catch a gopher.  

We are praying today the Gus recovers quickly from this surgery today.  He's been a huge part of our life here.  He's made us laugh and he's taught the kids to love.

I finished the wooden ring Christmas ornaments.  The complete story is on my S.C.R.A.P. blog:

A close up of the quilled holly leaves and berries drying.

I'll admit, I wish I had more of these rings.  These were fun to make.  I am creating two more in pastel colored yarn and will post those when they are finished also. I was lucky to find these rings for $1.00.  I looked on ebay and other places and they sell for much more.

We woke up to frozen pipes in half of the house today.  Good thing we have water on hand (in jugs) to flush toilets.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Library Book Heaven ~ Or Dilemma?

Well, most people were right.  All of the those library books got me into a lot of trouble - ha ha ha ha! UGH!  I found soooo many ideas I want to make for friends and gifts and family and and and and......

Check this crochet project out.....

This could have been my "best friend" when I was sick!  These are super cute and handy.  I wonder if these would be useful to women in nursing homes?  The pattern for these are in a book titled Big Book of Crochet, by Leisure Arts.  This book is packed with ideas! 

And that's just the beginning.  I have already started writing book titles and projects into my "crafting journal."

It seems like I am adding projects every day now.  I did have plans to make my Mom some notecards from wallpaper, and did not, so those are on the list again this year too.

Speaking of projects, my 9th grader is working on a box assignment for Art class.  The box is a cigar box and they are filling it with items the represent a place they like.  She came up with ideas and of course headed to my closet - the craft/clothing closet in my bedroom.  It's not small, but not real big either.  

When we moved here, the closet was added on between the bedroom and the garage, so the walls (most of them) are block walls.  There was no hanger bars for clothes hangers either.  It was simply wire shelves on the walls.  

In my prior home I had organized all the supplies in labeled containers, and most of them had fit into this closet.  Many tubs of beads, and material went into the garage.  I often forget what's out there too.

Anyway, she started with a crackle paint to create a barn look on the outside, and then asked for other supplies (I'll post a finished picture later).  This is where we both laughed.

"...but what can I use to make chicks or eggs with?"


"OH! I know! That clay stuff I put in your closet last year!"

"Are you kidding me?" I shrieked.  "I'm not sure I can find anything in there!"

So....we ventured into the closet and finally found the clay she was needing, the popsicle sticks and more wood scraps she could use. We ooh'd and ahh'd over things we found in containers, including the tiny wooden clothespins I had.

And guess what?!  I found the roll of applique I had been looking for!  Yay!  Two days of searching and found it.  

You can bet that I'll be spending some time cleaning that closet today.  After I clean a few drawers in my refrigerator too. 

Not only did I find the applique, and items she wanted, but found a tote bag with two unfinished crocheted dishcloths in it. Aiyeeee!  Yep....there's that word again.  I  guess there won't be any moss growing around me feet too soon.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Pumpkin Butter Bread and My Day "Off"

If you are like me, and have leftover pumpkin butter you need to use up, you may like the recipe we tried.  I baked a Pumpkin Butter Bread. Although it wasn't our favorite, they ate it up.  I didn't have raisins and walnuts, and that may add more flavor to it.

This year I am trying to give myself a day "off."  We do honor the Sabbath on Sunday, but I really need to give myself a "break" and tend to  myself for a day.

It's been slow going on this.  However, it's only been two weeks of initiating it also.  

Ha ha ha!  A day "off" is a good day to bring home library goodies and browse books.  I found a few great ideas for using up my yo-yo's for Christmas ornaments and some great gift ideas.

I also finished (YAY! I can say the word now) the last of the cat flour sack towels.

I am also making progress on my mixing bowl re-purpose project. Somewhere around the house I have the original magazine article on how to make these:  Garden Mushrooms

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Excerpts from a Journal Junkie

from the homesteading journal. . .

I made another batch of homemade dishwasher detergent. This has saved us money and kept the chemicals off of our dishes.

Although many of the kids are not willing to try my homemade deodorant, I can say it holds up to a full workout at the gym, followed by an afternoon of wood splitting.

The snow has melted and the rains have arrived again. The yard looks like it flooded already, so the laundry is being dried inside. . .

{scrap fabric drying on my indoor clothesline}

from the baking/cooking journal. . .

I used to cook from my pantry to keep foods from expiring, but so often I am cooking from my freezer.  With the increased amount of garden and fruit frozen versus canned, I searched for recipes that can use up my shredded zucchini, and blueberries.  

I baked two loaves of zucchini/blueberry bread, and realized that I could also utilize any applesauce I have frozen as well (in place of cooking oil).  I had to smack a few hands from snatching my frozen blueberries.

I also finally canned Cinnamon/Cider jelly for our own family.  Now that the Christmas holiday is over, I can catch up on chores for my own family. 

from the crafting/handiwork journal . . .

I worked like a mad woman all weekend, to try and finish up or at least work on unfinished projects.  While I continue to crochet my sherbet colored afghan, I started painting mixing bowls.....
 {soon to be posted on my S.C.R.A.P. blogspot}

. . .I picked up at a thrift store almost 4 years ago.  I boxed up a few finished ornaments, and finished a few re-purposed projects.  

I finished another scarf. . .

While cleaning up my craft supplies (which could take me weeks), I found yet another unfinished project. . .

I worked a little on this yesterday, and when it's finished, this set of towels will be completed.

The list continues....

from my personal journal . . .

Two kids are home sick, hubby has been having stomach trouble (still went to work), and I am coughing with congestion, sinus pressure and once again the dreaded mucus.  I was so hoping we were all over this, but this is the pits.  

Today I am thankful for:

1. my washing machine
2. mail delivery to my home
3. my kid's jobs
4. the income I earn from writing
5. hot tea
6. essential oils and Vick's Vap-Rub
7. kleenex
8. my Bible
9. God's Love
10. paper   

Friday, January 13, 2012

Snowin' and a Blowin'

We are getting some snow right now.  Everyone of course, is a bit disappointed that there wasn't enough for a school delay - ha ha!

I am continuing to work on projects that I started last spring. While digging through my craft supplies, I discovered a lap afghan that I started and never finished - tsk tsk.

This is my project every evening.  During the day, after chores, I work on other projects too.  I'll have some photos to share soon, regarding the ornaments that I am making with the wooden rings.

Crafts are not the only thing that remains on a list.  I have many cooking/baking items I want to try this year too. 

Today I am Thankful for:

~ God's Mercy
~ on-line Bible studies that I can participate from home
~ surprise mail that makes me smile
~ books!  My entire family loooves to read books.  We utilize non-fiction for so many reasons and I learn from them each day.  
~ our animals...all of would be so boring without them.
~ my Uncle!  He is awesome! He gave us his treadmill and I can walk every day for health reasons.  My kids use it too.
~ my Aunt!  She is always upbeat and positive and keeps my crankiness at bay.
~ my Mom! She reminds me so often of the things I am good at.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I Got "Notered"

"Dear Mom,
I hope your day is rockin and fun, I miss you but I know inside my heart your there!"

I Love You,

Not only did I get "notered," but I also was given a piece of candy that she won at school.  It sure made my day.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Full Moon and Other Tidbits

I attempted to photograph the sunrise this morning, however, I ended up catching another moon photo.

It was just starting to go down behind the trees.  I missed the sunrise by running back to get my camera.  The pink clouds were so pretty this morning.  Maybe I'll get a another chance to get a picture of it this winter.

Although I now I should be writing out my seed orders for the garden, I keep taking an inventory over my projects.  The most important ones to finish this winter, will be Christmas presents.  Those are a must to finish now.  Summer gardening, as large as our family is, will be very time consuming this year.

If you have a chance, stop on over to my S.C.R.A.P. blog. . .

I was inspired by another blog I follow, and with her mini-wreath pattern, we created a S.C.R.A.P. Cereal Box Gift Tag. 

Cereal boxes can be recycled in most cities now, but you can use any food box you may have also.  Or use the cardboard from light bulb boxes, clothing, curtains, etc.

I am now on day 4 of trying a herbal oil mix for our immune system.  I am simmering it so that the entire house can benefit from it.  So far, we are seeing results.  Instead of being irritable with sinus pressure, we are seeing many runny noses - the same results of some over the counter allergy medications.  I am also using garlic oil drops for my ear.  I am on day 4 of those too.  I still don't have my hearing totally clear yet, but continue to use the oil.  By day 14 I will know if they worked or not.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Weekend Wonderfuls

I finished the prayer shawl, and two more hats over the weekend.  I am now slowing down to finish some larger, unfinished projects.  I still have ornaments and a few other smaller projects, but I am happy with my progress.

I need to can jellies soon, but today is my "all-out" house cleaning day.  I like to start the week off with a spic n' span clean house.  However, I need to exercise first.  I am slowly working back up to a 4:30am wake up call (I do much better when I exercise first thing in the morning).

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Homemade Deodorant and Slip-Sliding Down Project Runway....

My first granny square scarf.  I had fun with this and plan to make another one for gifting.   This one went to the same daughter, that this hat (another finished project)....

Husband Funny

Conversation between me and hubby (and a daughter):

".....go show you Dad your scarf and hat I finally finished.."

(she goes and gets them and returns)

"Wow honey!!! You should sell those! That is ....."

"You know I have a blanket over there I have to finish, a shawl over there, and......"

"Well why don't I have a hat like that?"

"You have a hat and a scarf I made you."

"Not like those...."

"What color?"


"So I have your permission to go buy more yarn?  I don't have any leftover in that color."

"Yes............I mean NO! One of these days I'll wake up and find yarn stacked to the ceiling....."

Ha ha ha ha ha!  So, he wants a hat and he wants it in a color I don't have. Hmpf.  Guess I'm buying grey yarn.....adding another "project" to the project list....

I'll be back to post more finished projects. 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Tired and Wired

The kids came home wired up and tired.  Is that combination even normal? Ha ha ha!  The first day back to school was good for all of them.

Today....this post is short.  I MUST attack my filing cabinet and clean it out for a new year.  This year, there is much less paper to file. Thank goodness.

I'll be back when I dig myself out of the mess that piled up when I got sick.  Thankfully, many items in the "pile" belong to other people in the house.  So....they will be treated with a "pile" of their own to sort out.  Phew!  I can't wait to have it all organized again.  I have so many other projects that need finished.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Snow ~ Project Runway ~ Back to School

We finally got snow.  The younger two girls have been playing in it, getting pulled around in sleds, with chasing dogs behind them.

Today the sun is trying to peak out, but the wind is swift enough to dry my larger items outside on the line.  The rest are on drying racks in front of the wood stove.

And if you are wondering if our family motto is really true or not ("Eat it up, Wear it out, Make it do, Or go without.") check out those pink flannel sheets on the line.  Those used to be mine as a kid.  Mom gave them to me several years ago, and now my own kids are using them.  The elastic is giving out on the bottom sheet, but they sure come in handy in this old farm house.

As for the "Project Runway" part of the post, think "projects."

I have a list of more crafting projects that need finished or completed, and I'll post them as I complete them.

Over the school winter break, I finished a set of cup coasters, a few ornaments and dishcloths.  I also crocheted one of the girls a hat.

and a pair of slippers. . .

I didn't really have a pattern for these.  I just kind of "winged" it.  Either way, I managed to finish them and use leftover yarn in my "stash."

I also ironed transfers onto 5 shirts, 2 lunch bags, one bible/book cover, on tote bag (actually two, but will add that in a minute), and one bandanna.

I guess I deleted the photo already, but my advice is to never play a guessing game with five kids while ironing on transfers.  One transfer was ironed on upside down. Ha ha ha ha!

Today, the kids are back in school.  I overheard them this morning, while waiting for the school bus.

".....I know....they'll ask what are your resolutions..."

"....and what did you do over break..."

"...I know....and they go one at a time.....what did you get for Christmas...."

This was all said in high pitched sarcastic mimicking voices.  What used to be fun to share in elementary, is not so fun for middle and high school anymore.  I got a chuckle listening to them imitate teachers.  After they left, I had one more to put on a school bus.  Only her conversation was:

"....I know Tig.....I don't want to go either...."

She was talking to her cat, giving him lots of love, and dreading the return of school.

Monday, January 2, 2012

For the Birds

My son gifted me another trailer.  Isn't it cute?  I will be putting this in the tree just in front of the house.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year! It's 2012!

The new year aftermath - indoors. Ha ha ha ha ha!

The new year aftermath - outdoors......I'm sure the barn cats are trying to figure out what that funny string stuff is. Ha ha ha!

Despite one daughter having to work at 4am the morning of New Year's Eve, and my son working New Year's Eve and this morning, I think they all had a good time last night.

We added more healthier foods to our festive night this year - a fruit tray.  

Growing up, Mom always had tables full of snacks she baked for Christmas, Chex mix was a must, and punch in the punch bowl.  As a tradition, we would all sleep underneath and around the Christmas tree.  In the morning it would come down.  It was a real tree every year.  I look forward to putting up a real tree here (once the cats learn not to climb it).

When we took down the tree, and after the ornaments came off and were put away, we would take down (what we called) the tinsel.  You know, those tiny slivers of silver that you can decorate your tree with?

We used something very similar, if not the same brand, as the one above - Icicles.

Not only would we put these on one at a time, but we'd take them off one at a time, and put them back in the box for the next Christmas.  We still laugh about that.

We didn't keep that tradition in my home today, but we do take our tree down January 1st.  It's a struggle to get it all back in the boxes they came out of, but we some how get it all put away.

It's a happy-sad day - January 1st.  It's the start of a new year, the start to start over, and the end of the holidays.  

Here's to a great start with the new year!