Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Excerpts from a Journal Junkie

from the Homesteading Journal. . .

We stocked up another truck load of hay for the goats. Speaking of goats, my 15 year-old said she could feel Peanut's baby kick.  She is due to kid in about May. 

(sorry for the bad photo - bad lighting)

I am trying my first batch of "budget" baking mix and we made Monster cookies.  They were pretty good too.

I've found another way to add kale to our meals - mix it in with garlic mashed potatoes. Note to self - plant more Kale in the garden this year.

I've also been looking for ways to utilize our stocked up blueberries and ricotta cheese.  Both are future goals for us - produce enough home grown, chemical free blueberries to stock up, and make homemade ricotta cheese from our own raw milk.  I've been adding both ingredients to pancakes and topping with a homemade honey syrup.  Every time I bought a bottle of pancake syrup (when real Maple syrup was too expensive), I would cringe.  To my surprise, the homemade honey syrup is delicious, healthy, affordable, and utilizes our raw honey we purchase locally.  Raising our own honey bees is on our future goal list also.

The kids cleaned their room, and one decided she did not want this pink vintage suitcase anymore.

I claimed it as mine.  It's too small to really pack clothes for a trip, but I could use it to store books or games for camping trips.  Possibly use it to store craft supplies.  Not sure yet.

My son invested in a charger to charge AA rechargeable batteries. Although electric, it should save us money on batteries when we need them.

We recently found out that we can dump our wood stove ashes directly to our garden.  We've been adding some to the compost, so it makes sense, and easier too.

from the craft journal. . .
(before framing)

I finished the shadow box that I was framing my Grandmother's 1924 Valentine in.  I quilled the top two corners and added a few quilled hearts around her photo.

I finished 3 pairs of dice earrings for my 10 year-old (who has been begging for a pair).  She saw them at Claire's (6 pairs for over $8.00).  I told her I could make them, and did for a lot less.  I purchased dice beads for $2.99 plus 30% off, and have more to make for all the girls.

I finished  three pairs of pink dice earrings I made from pieces of a broken, elastic kids hair band.

I also finished a few more bottle cap magnets.  The kids have been asking for more, to use in their school lockers. 

I also finished two other projects that can be read on my S.C.R.A.P. Blog:

 from the family journal. . .

I surprised the kids with another "Punch Bowl" Friday punch and cookies.  I am working on more new family traditions.

from the gratitude journal. . .

Today I am thankful for:

1.Cartoons - they make me laugh.

2. my stove

3. Music

4. the extra drying racks that Mom gave me, I've been using them a lot this season

5. God's Promises



Monday, January 30, 2012

View from My Porch

Take time to watch the sunrise each morning.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Homemade Baking Mix ~ Vintage Hairbrush Set ~ Sneak Peek at Shadow Box

The last couple of days we have had a thin layer of snow each morning.  The problem is that it's over a layer of rain that froze, melted and froze again.  The school closed yesterday and today they have a 2 hour delay.  

I mixed up my first batch of "baking mix" that will be stored in those two containers you see in the photo.  Last year my Uncle gifted us with some dishes and those containers have been very useful.  The mix will be used to do baking with, and to see if it's useful for us (in saving money).  I am a whole wheat flour kind of person, so this is a real test for us.  If you haven't seen Candy's blog, this recipe can be found here:  Lazy J Bar C Farm.

I'm starting to work on my "family history" projects (in teeny tiny steps), and remembered that Mom gave me her mirror and hand brush set last year.  This set was given to her in 1956 for my Grand parents.  It is completely unused and in perfect condition.  The question now is, use them or store them?  Honestly, they are so pretty, that I may be using them.  What a treasure these items are.  The box can be used as a jewelry box, but it's been a wee bit smashed in over the years.   It has a lock and key on it, and lined with red velvet. 

Yesterday I posted about possibly framing my Grandma's 1924 Valentine in a shadow box.....and I did.  Here is a sneak peek at the quilling that I have started for the upper two corners.  Behind it is old wall paper.  I am using an acid free scrapbooking adhesive to attach the card and envelope.  I was actually considering cutting the writing from the envelope, but kept it whole.  Just this much quilling took about 1 1/2 hours.  I'll update it when I have it finished.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

True Love on the Farm and More Projects

Jasper and Tiger were playing and fell asleep right afterwards.  Jasper is sleeping with his head directly on top of Tiger's head.  Both are sound asleep.  Awwww!

 My 15 year-old and her Billy goat.  It takes a lot of love to love a Billy goat.....

Good barn kitty!  This doesn't show the love that this cat has, but she is a wonderful mouser.  We have 3 barn cats and they are so loving to us.  They can kill a mouse one minute and curl up underneath our chins the next.  Aurora (pictured above) can purr very, very loud.  She's truly one of a kind.

If you've been following my blog, you know I've finished the egg beater rack, the strainer plant pot, the garden mushrooms, and the drapery ring ornaments.

You also know I still working away on the sherbet colored afghan, and a knitted block blanket.......well, guess what? 

I've added more "projects" to my list.  I have a wonderful idea for using yo-yo's for a few more Christmas ornaments.  I have an idea for something I haven't even found yet in thrift stores, and about 3-4 more gifting projects.  Crazy isn't it?!

I also have a beautiful Valentine's Day card from 1924.  My grandmother won it in a drawing contest at her school in the 6th grade. My wonderful Aunt mailed it to me.  I am working on what I am going to do with it.  I'll post that when I finish it too.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Finishing Up More Unfinished Projects

If you get a chance, zip on over to my S.C.R.A.P. blog to see the latest finished, re-purpose project.  It started with an old hand egg beater:

I'm working on more later today if I feel good enough.  Yesterday, I found out I have an ear infection and sinus infection.  The antibiotics are making me very sick and very tired.

Oh...and for my "list" I have added more projects (LOL!)

Last night we tried Spicy Tuna Melts, and they were a hit.  So easy and very healthy.  We had a salad for the side dish.  Tonight, I have no idea what I'll be making.  They family is counting on me, now that they've had a week of really good food.  Maybe western style ribs in the crock pot?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Mac n' Cheese Please ~ Health Update

We have tried a few healthier versions of Macaroni and Cheese, but haven't really found one we all like.  Of course, this is a tough dish to replace that ooey, gooey cheese sauce we all like.

After searching the Internet, I found a few that may taste pretty good.  I baked Sweet Potato Mac' n' Cheese, and we loved it!  It doesn't have that cheesy taste you get with a cheese sauce but my kids devoured this. 

The ingredients are simple, and some day, I hope to be making my own cottage cheese from scratch (or ricotta).  I know we will be adding "sweet potatoes" to the garden this year also.  For our dish, I used whole wheat penne noodles. Very simple, and very good.  I had broccoli as a side dish.  

I've had two good meals in a row, so the family is counting on me.  I'm back to searching for clean eating dishes, and hopefully find a delicious dish again.

As for the update, hubby and I have been back to the gym for over a week now.  I continue to walk on the treadmill at home and we are already feeling much better. However, I am going back to the doctor today and hopefully, they can finally put an end to my ear trouble and sinus issues.  

Recycling updates:  I've been collecting plastic cheese bags for the school.  I  hope to be sending in our first shipment this week.  The school receives $.02 for each one I ship in, and the landfills will be a cleaner place.  

Monday, January 23, 2012

New Twist on Fries

I am trying to add more vegetables and fruits to our meals, so I made Rutabaga Fries to go with baked Tilapia and peas mixed with carrots.  

These were okay, but nut spectacular.  We used a recipe that required fresh chopped rosemary and onion powder.  They were good, but not really good.  

There are so many recipes available for baking these.  I may try using a garlic herb mix on them the next time I bake them.