Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Showing posts with label Herbal Teas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Herbal Teas. Show all posts

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Powerful Herbs ~ Learning as I go

We are to heat up to the 80's today.  They sky is looking strange this morning.  One direction looks like a storm brewing, and the other, the sun rising with very dark clouds above it.  We had very bad wind yesterday.

Once again, you are being entertained with a blog draft from June of 2017.  To be honest, I don't remember buying the book.  I think a blog follower sent me her copy, but anyway, a very old draft to entertain you with.  It does have me thinking about other herbs now.  I have, as of last year, started to harvest our wild growing goldenrod.  I had to laugh reading this draft, because I do not remember growing Gotu Kola seeds indoors either.

We are blessed with a lot of wild growing herbs and weeds, but you do have to know what you are picking as well.  Stinging nettle requires some very thick gloves, or your hands will be pricked by the stinging part of the nettle.  

When we had barn cats, I never had a problem finding wild growing catnip.  I dehydrate it for my homemade bug spray (which does work, but has to be applied often or you just sweat it off).

Do you have a favorite herb?  Do you have a favorite herb resource book?   Do you infuse a regular herbal tea for health reasons?

I hope you enjoy this today.  I think I have reduced my drafts down from 80-something to under 30 now.  

Remember this book?  I actually bought it after borrowing it several times from the library.   It's half full of recipes, has pumped me up in the way of adding more herbs/spices to my meals.  I do already, but this has pushed me to a new level.  

I've learned a new word recently - adaptogen .  I'm researching herbs for a brain booster tea, or infusion, and keep coming across ingredients such as "Rhodiola."  When I looked up this ingredient, I see it is a plant grown in the arctic, but not enough research for me.

So far my list of herbs for a "brain booster" tea I've collected are:

~Gotu Kola, and herb grown in India (new one for me, but Mountain Rose Herbs carries this and I also bought seeds and have started them indoors this year.
~Ginseng, an adatogenic herb

Other herbs I'm considering:
~sage, my research has found it in "thinker's tea" recipes
~Green tea

I'm checking out more and more books from the library.  I hope to find a tea recipe that is suitable and with ingredients I can trust putting in my body. 

So many of the books I want to read are printed in the UK and only on Kindle.  Hmpf.  I don't want to read books on my computer and I don't have a kindle.  Kind of frustrating, but my library will still get my business.

I just learned about eyebright and goldenrod too.  Both are good for spring/fall allergies.  I'm reading as much on these as I can, and have plans for the goldenrod this fall.

I have also been experimenting with different herbs for a hot cup of healing tea.  I felt the second tube that was horribly and very roughly put down my nose and down my throat last winter, damaged my throat.  It hasn't been the same.  I've been drinking a hot tea (off and on) with a bit of sage, thyme and chamomile.

Powerful Herbs ~ Learning as I go  © April 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Teabag Tidbits


Not a teabag, but works like a teabag.  Another new tea infuser I bought.  It fits into any regular size canning jar.  However, when I went to infuse a quart jar, I realized that the tool is not large enough to hold the amount of herbs I use for a quart.  It's great for a pint though.  Easier to do that straining with a fine mesh strainer and coffee filter.  

So that's the "bits" for today.  Short and sweet.  Yesterday went way too fast and dinner time snuck up on me like a fish flying out of the water and slapping me.  There are many things on the to-do list that didn't get done, so I'm up early to hopefully earn a day off this week.

Monday, August 27, 2018

I have a tea for that . . . hormone balance

First, let me just say this.  I am posting only from personal experience (blog has a disclaimer).  I know that internet "experts" will say don't follow "advice" from blogs, but I'm posting anyway.  I can't really say it's "advice" either, as it is simply my experience.

Today, I realize how much nettle tea balanced my female hormones.  I truly went gun-ho, in drinking it, in desperation to grow my hair back.  When I stopped drinking it so often, I felt depressed/fatigue, had mood swings as I turned another year older.  Once that happened, and weight came on vs. off (despite exercise and healthy eating), so I thought back to what I had been doing.

Here are a few teas that I have found very helping in hormone balance in women (aside from herbal supplements you can buy):

Stinging Nettle (Grows wild)
Raspberry leaf (Grow your own)
Tulsi/Holy Basil (Grow you own)
Rooibus (Red tea, a drink of South Africa)

I purchased my Rooibus tea (organic).  I wanted to experiment with the tea and see if it would help. 

I have found all to be helpful in hormone balance, and the best time to drink Rooibus tea is in the evening. I find it helpful with a getting a good night's sleep as well.

I'm using a rotation of these teas, but I'm also making other changes.  Hopefully I will have updates using the other changes I've made in a month or so. 

You can also put a few drops of thyme essential oil into a diffuser for hormone balance.  It not only helps with hormones but kills off bacteria etc in the room (suggested for rooms when someone is ill and resting).

Also, I found eating a good rotation of hormonal balancing foods has helped ward of any menopausal symptoms too.  Foods such as asparagus, broccoli, dark leafy greens, a rotation of legumes, nuts and seeds, and using coconut (organic) oil to fry potatoes or pop my popcorn.  

I had noticed, after asparagus season was over, and broccoli not on yet, that I was gaining weight regardless of exercise.  Once I added them back into our meals, I started to lose the weight, and felt great.  It's just tough to find organic asparagus in the stores, but when I do, I freeze it now.

The older you get the more iron women need too, so I keep organic sunflower seeds on hand now.  Of course you can also get iron (and hormone balance) from black beans and other sources.

Sharing this all from personal experience.  Also, remember that if you are taking any prescription drug, getting chemotherapy, or other care, check with your doctor before trying any herbal tea.  They can interfere with your treatment.

Thursday, April 5, 2018


A tisane is basically an herbal tea (used medicinally or for enjoyment), created the same way you make an infusion or decoction.  They can be enjoyed hot or cold and may be for simply enjoyment or medicinal purposes.  The only difference I have found with a traditional tisane, is that it is made with barley.  

I made my first "tisane" using two simple ingredients - cardomom pods and anise star.  I cracked open 6 organic cardamom pods (green), and used 2 anise stars.  Basically a "seed" tisane.

Anise star is good for aiding digestion (bloating, constipation, gas).  It's also beneficial in treating colds and flu.  I use anise star to flavor canned pear jam, and I use cardamom in my homemade ginger ale.

There is a lot of sickness going around again, most likely due to the change of weather from warm to cold, to warm to cold rotation.  The long winter hasn't helped.  I am hearing of people with the flu, sinus infections, colds, swollen lymph nodes, etc.

The tisane has a pale yellow color when it's all brewed.  I first wanted to make this for a "wake me up" morning drink, but it has so many health benefits too.  It's not something you want to sip at bed time, or you won't get any sleep.  It's an invigorating tisane.

If you have experience brewing a tisane with barley, I'd love to hear about it.  

Thursday, March 29, 2018

I have a tea for that. . .

My family makes jokes about how often they hear me say, "I have a tea for that."  I say it often, because I truly do have a tea for what ails them at the time.  If I don't, I go searching for what I can give them.

Hubby is a true believer after I gave him a hot cup of freshly grated ginger tea (fresh is the best vs. a teabag from the store) for an upset stomach.  One daughter drinks raspberry leaf tea for her cramps (PMS).  

My Dad used to ask me "Is it Tea Time in Tanganyika?"  In my earlier years, when the kids were toddlers, days were often pretty busy and chaotic.  He was typically a babysitter when I needed to go shopping or run an errand.  He was often over for dinner too.  When he noticed I was chopping potatoes or onions a bit too roughly, he'd jokingly (smiling and laughing a bit) ask me if it was "tea time in Tanganyika." 

I've been a tea drinker (and coffee) all of my life.  When I started to grow my herb garden in the city, I became more interested in herbal teas and cures (and nutritional benefits).

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Tincture Time ~ Eye Strain Relief

In the past, I have used a poultice to place on my eyes for eye relief.  I believe I made it from chickweed. I'd have to read over my past blog posts, or read my homesteading journal to be sure....

I'm now experimenting with a tea with a combination of goji berries and chrysanthemum buds.  

Friday, January 19, 2018

Friday One Liners

Plantain tea (1 teaspoon dried plantain weed, 1 cup of boiling water - steep) is good for an upset stomach.

Comfort food - Pumpkin-Sage Macaroni and beets.

Friday, November 17, 2017

How to Make a Sore Throat Tea and Tidbits

I woke to a sore throat (a few days back), and found I was completely out of marshmallow root, so I threw together the following ingredients for a "sore throat" tea.  

I am simply sharing my experience with this tea.  Please keep in mind that all herbs/roots etc. may have side effects, and some may interfere with some medications.  There are many books and internet sites for you to research the benefits as well as the side effects.  Please research before trying anything.  I have a disclaimer on my blog (I am not a doctor).  I am sharing what worked for me.  Marshmallow root has been used for years for sore throats.  In the past, I have also made a tea with sage, peppermint, ginger, or mullein.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Random Tidbits

First off, I just want to say that I don't write my blog to brag, boast, nor compete with any person.  I simply share my experiences we go through in maintaining a self-sufficient life, processed food free, healthy, using natural remedies, and sometimes funny homesteading life.  I consider myself unique, one-of-a-kind, and love to learn from others. I am inspired by others, and I hope I myself, create inspiration to others.  

This morning's sunrise.  Another beautiful start to my day.

The weather is cold.  Brr.  Not cold enough to turn on the heat, burn wood or get out the carhartts, but it's cold.  

Garden work resumed, but with less hours, and no digging.  Hubby promised he'd help after work a few nights to ease the strain on my back.  He is always so tired when he gets home. I am trying to get it pulled for a few hours every day this week.

Meatballs were restocked.  They'll last a lot longer now that we are down to 3 meat eating folks living here.   I now have 72 meatballs for future meals.   I just need to be reminded to do this when my freezer isn't so full (ha ha ha!). Whew!  Getting things done this week is reminding to slow down in the afternoons.

Sauerkraut was started. Hubby and I eat this more than the kids, but I'm putting more effort on getting fermented foods in my body.  First thing he said yesterday was, "how long until it's done?"

. . . the start of a nettle tea infusion.  I haven't made one in a few weeks.  I drink this as an iced tea, so I can still enjoy a hot cup of whatever tea I like in the afternoon.

I enjoyed a late, but cool, afternoon tea on the porch.  Ginger-mullein was my choice.  I had a sore throat (slight), runny nose, and I coughed a few times.  Hm. Gotta nip this "bug" in the bum and shoo it away.

Last night we encountered sickness with one kiddo.  She is still not feeling well today. I'm using my thieves oil spray to keep the germs away, and praying she recovers quickly.

My treadmill has died.  Literally.  The parts to repair it will cost more than to buy a new one and we can't afford a new one.  I am looking at used ones, but for now it will be early mornings at the gym I think.  So sad and frustrated about this, but things like this don't last forever, and I have put many miles on it.  This morning I am really missing my workout.  I will have to convince Hubby to join me, or I may be driving to the gym myself.  It's just that we'll have to get up much earlier to do this now.


Friday, May 19, 2017

Nettle ~ Lemon Balm ~ Allergy Tea and Me

I'll have to start getting outside much earlier to pick nettle.  I was out a 7:30am, but the bees were already awake and swarming.  It appears ants like nettle too.  I salvaged what I could.  Then it was a full workout inside, then back to the garden and flower beds.  I managed to un-bury the raspberry bushes, and clean up the roses out by the roadside.  I brought in a very large tick also.  I had a hat on, and it fell from my hair (also tied up) and onto my shoulder.  Thankfully, I saw it before it attached.  It was very large, and I never get ticks.  I had forgotten to put on my tick oil (won't do that again).

The temperature heated up to 87°F so I

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Book ~ Herbal Teas

There have been so many people asking me for tips on teas for bronchitis, coughing, and pneumonia lately.  By accident, I found this book (published in 2016).

I just started reading through this book (like I have the time, ha ha!). I borrowed it from the library.  There are tea recipes for antispasmodic bronchitis, cough, and more.  It's worth a look for those who make teas, tinctures, syrups etc.  I learned plantain can be used as an expectorant.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

The Garden and Random Tidbits

The current tea of my choice - freshly grated ginger and freshly squeezed lemon.  Hot tea on a hot day sounds odd, but it was good.  Today, I'm delegating iced tea making to a daughter.

My ladies got a recent treat - mushy banana and over-ripe apples. They love the bananas!  Today, I'm most likely crushing ice for them.  The heat will be high today.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Stray is Named ~ Homemade Ginger-ale

This young guy has been seen off and on since last winter.  We thought he was housing up in what's left of our largest barn, but wasn't sure.  

Well, my Vet Tech-in-training, has been able to get the cat to come to her, let her hold him (a bit reluctant), and will come to the house to eat the cat food.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Signs of Spring ~ Herb Bread

The daffodils and hyacinths are up and about to bloom.  No signs of tulips, except at my little garden alongside a log.  I hope to start bringing in fresh flowers soon. Once again the weather people were wrong.  The high 70's that were forecasted for early this week?  Not happening.  If we are lucky, we'll get up to maybe 60°F today, then drop to the 40's and 50's for a few weeks (or so they say).

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Stress Relief Cookies

Baking with herbal tea leaves. . .

I had to read this recipe three times to make sure I read it correctly - "contents of one tea bag." 

The recipe was delivered to my inbox, and I could not locate it anywhere online, so I'm sharing it here.

The tea you will need to buy, is made with organic herbs and is non-gmo. 

Yogi tea brands are available in most stores.  This is not to advertise their teas.  I'm just sharing, because the recipe intrigued me.  You need Honey-Lavender tea. 

Friday, January 29, 2016

Fennel Tea ~ Lemongrass Tea ~ Tidbits

I used Hubby as the "guinea pig" for this tea - fennel tea.  I crushed organic fennel seeds, then made a tea with the crushed seeds.  I have read that is a natural antacid, so I did my research, and it was safe for him to take the tea.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Random Homestead Happenings

 Good Morning!  Rooster's Crow Farm is covered with sunshine after a wonderfully, beautiful sunrise this morning.

The ladies have been generous lately, so we had breakfast for dinner - egg/sausage burritos.  The vegetarians cooked up some extra firm tofu (organic/non-gmo), and added that to their burrito.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Random Tidbits

You were not graced with a talkative blog post yesterday because I was out beautifying myself.  I got a hair cut.  I had it layered, and I do love it!  Youngest did a "job shadow" day with the hair salon, so I thought I better get one while I had someone home to watch the pups.

Youngest learned a lot at her job shadow day.  First, she learned working a full-time job out side the home, is a long day.  She got to answer phones, sweep hair, help with rollers, clean combs and brushes, and more.  I'm glad she had the opportunity to experience the atmosphere of what she really wants to do when she gets older.  Unfortunately, the school makes this "mandatory" job shadow day when they are only 14 years-old.  I think it should be when they are approaching 16 years-old.  

Herbal News!  I ran out of lemongrass.  Sigh.  I had to buy a bag of organic online until spring arrives.  I love the tea.  It has so many benefits, and one being a "calming" tea.    I don't even add honey.  It's tough each day to decide what tea to drink anymore, they are all so good.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Chilly Temps ~ Get Well Soon Box ~ More snow

The school put out a 2 hour delay Sunday night, for Monday morning, but I couldn't figure out why they closed.  Not until I took the pups out the second time, did I realize why.

They were jumping and romping and loving the snow one minute, and holding up their back feet the next - our temperature was "feeling like -8 degrees" outside.  I didn't feel it of course.  Having had -26 over the past winters, I guess I was thinking it was somewhat decent out, ha ha!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Rainy Days ~ Herbal Winter Illness Prep

I got the joy of filling out the large stack of papers the school sends home the first day.  Hubby was too tired after work, so I got the glorious job.  At least it was only for two kids this time, and not six.  The school however, has been sending me emails, containing a PDF files (letters on every subject you can imagine) and they kept coming throughout the day yesterday.

It's been continuing to rain off and on, so I have not yet been able to check the tomato situation.  It's kind of a relief not be out in the heat this month (or canning).  It's actually not even comfortable to sit on the porch (too humid).  However, the weather man says it will cool down this weekend.

I'm still taking advantage of, not only having the extra time, but a reason to be working indoors.  I found more scraps of yarn hiding in different places, but still have not found my #3 crochet hook, ha ha!