Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Showing posts with label Crocheted Lap Afghan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crocheted Lap Afghan. Show all posts

Monday, June 10, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday


I had a few extra minutes in the kitchen, as my husband was called into work on Sunday, and our outdoor work took a back seat.  I made them in between flash freezing the last of the strawberries.

I made these healthier version of a peanut butter "cup" from a recipe online (no bake peanut butter oat cups by Hungry Happens).  You keep them in the freezer, but they do not freeze solid.  They are good, but I'm not sure I'd make them again.  I used a non-gmo dark chocolate for the top.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

This will be my last link up/join with this.  The new link asks me to sign into facebook or something to link my own post.  Enjoy it as the last post in this manner.

The weather . . .
Strangely cool, and no sun this morning.  Temperatures range from 67° to 93°F this week.  The low tonight could be as low as 49°F and that is very cold for June (and not good for the garden).

Right now I am . . .

Sipping coffee and writing this blog post.

Thinking and pondering . . . 

I'm thinking, that having a phone book again would be useful.  Our internet has had way too many outages, and one day I could not get a phone number pulled up on my cell phone.  Not even with 5G (cell service outage?).  Way too many outages in our area lately.  We used to get a free phone book delivered, but have not gotten one in years.  We don't have a land line, so that may be the reason.

We are trying to connect with local farmer's market gardener's to see about buying their garlic for this year. I know it won't come in until later, but we are working on it.

I did however, ask one produce stand if they grew their own garlic, as I have purchased it from there years ago (which rotted very quickly).  I never asked, as I assumed (never do that) they grew everything.  They do not.  Always ask at the produce stands.  Many ship items in from other states, and the items are not fresh.

How I am feeling . . .

On days I am working outside for hours on the garden, I have zero energy to do intentional exercise. Does that happen to anyone else?  Or is that just me?  Is it even necessary, after all that labor?

My foot is still healing.  Some days it bothers me and other days it's fine.

On the breakfast plate . . .

Sweet potato/sausage and egg scramble.

On the lunch plate . . .

Chicken salad with boiled egg over swedish bread crisp. Blueberries.

On the dinner plate . . .

Not sure just yet, but it could be Southwest Quesadillas.

On the menu . . .

-sheet pan cod with vegetables

-grilled jalapeno popper smash burgers, grilled brussel sprouts


On the reading pile . . .

I have not had a lot of free time to read lately.  I finally finished book #3 in this series.  I have found that our library interloan system has the remainder of the books to the series, so when I get more books read off my own shelf, I can go back and finish the series via the library.

. . .picked this up for free at the library, so I'm currently reading this book.  I feel like one of my bloggers has met this author. It's not my typical fiction book, but so far, I am enjoying it.

I'm also reading online reviews for food processors and madolins.  I need both replaced soon.  Especially my very old mandolin.

On my TV this week . . .
Whatever looks good on netflix.

Looking around the house . . .
It's a hot mess.  It's garden season, along with strawberries and peaches to put up.  It'll take some work to get things in order for sure.

To-do list . . .
-sweep and mop floors
-water porch pots and house plants
-go through yarn for a daughter
-get the house back in order

From the camera . . .

I finished this lap afghan.   I'm suprised I did too.  Some days I am so tired after garden work, that I don't want to do anything.

Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verse. . .

Happy Homemaker Monday  © June 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart

Thursday, May 30, 2024

. . . from the handiwork journal

Thanks to the rain, dreary skies, and much cooler weather here, I have managed to get some handiwork done.  In fact, last night we got down to 47°F, after a full day of thunderstorms and downpours.  Crazy cold nights for May, but not unheard of.

The sun is shining today, but it will take a few days for the gardens to dry out.  In fact, a portion of one of our vegetable gardens actually flooded.  We have taken note, and plan to fill it in more with soil (but that will have to wait, as the price to have a truck load delivered has more than doubled).

. . . crocheted 3 baby washcloths.  I need to sew in the ends and block them.

. . .crocheted a bookmark.  I have blocked it, but I am wondering if I should starch it or dip it in 50/50 Elmer's glue and water?  I have made many bookmarks in the past, but I have never once stiffened them.  I feel this one needs it.  I just think if it was completely stiff it would be an odd bookmark.  

I only made it for gifting, and the pattern was in the 3rd crochet mystery book by Betty Hechtman - "By Hook or by Crook"

. . .started a new lap afghan for an extended family member.  

  By the way, all of the yarn was in my stash, so I did not have to go purchase them, but I sure hope I have enough to finish this one.  I don't have a label for one of the skeins, but I am pretty sure I know what brand it is. Anyway, this one is looking good with just what colors I had on hand from other projects.

I have already been using an ergonomic "I" hook, but I now realize that it says 5.25mm, and my old Boye crochet hook, says 5.5mm (hard to see in the photo).  I looked up the "I" hooks online, and some are now made 5.25mm.  

I wish I had used the slightly larger "I" hook, but will make notes on my pattern.  Are they changing all measurments on crochet hooks now?  I think I ran into this issue before.  The blanket will end up 2 inches shorter in width with this ergonmonic hook vs. the orginal "I" hook.  I hope that is large enough for a lap afghan or wheel chair blanket.  Not sure on the length until I finish it.

I have another perdiciment.  

I have put together another color combination, using yarn I already have, for the next lap afghan.  However, I don't have enough of this yarn.  Apparantly, sometime in the last 16 years I bought this Bernat Super value yarn in Pale Antique Rose, for only $1.59 on clearance.  They do not make this color anymore, and nor do I want to buy more right now.  

I will have to spin my color wheel and see if I can whip up another color to go with it (along with 3 other colors I have picked out).

. . . from the handiwork journal  © May 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart