Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Showing posts with label Breakfast Scramble. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Breakfast Scramble. Show all posts

Friday, May 17, 2024

Too Many Eggs?


I have not baked an angel food cake in a few years.  There were just not enough eggs.  However, with my foot fracture, the eggs multiplied here at the homestead.  I decided to bake us one, and it is delicous!  I also now have a recipe for a frosting for the future (family recipe).  We are enjoying this one as it is, but a drizzle of fruit or whipped cream will be nice too.

On a side note, I checked my blog, and I last baked one in 2022, and guess what?  It was raining, ha ha!  Well, it wasn't raining yesterday, but it is today.

I saved all of the yolks, as I was already making us a breakfast scramble, and added them to the scramble. You can save the yolks for pretty much anything.

I used another dozen eggs for the breakfast.

From the freezer - garden green bell pepper, diced ham from the last holiday, and I thawed some dandelion greens and added those too.

In the end, I tossed in some chives from the herb garden, and some tomatoes.

I saved the egg shells for the vegetable garden.  However, too many egg shells is not a good thing for your garden.

I have another 2 dozen eggs in the refrigerator, that I will boil soon.  I love having them on hand for snacking, a quick meal, egg salad, or adding them to other meals.  I'm shocked that so many new chicken owners do not know you can boil them. We keep the coop clean, and the roosts as well.  You just have to wait it out a week or two, so they are older, otherwise they will not peel when you do boil them.

We woke up to more rain, and I am not mad or sad about it.  It will give me a break from weeding the flower beds.  I am making progress, but at a slower pace this year.  It will be nice to give my back and knees a break.

If you got to the end of the post, I can share a little chicken story for you.  My husband has been working double shifts (3rd midnight and 1st shift back to back).  He finally got back to his regular work hours, but fell asleep early.  I went out to put the chickens in for the night, and found out that 3 had flown the coop!  Ugh.

I chased and chased.   Mind you, my foot is fractured.  Ha.  There was no way I was going to wake up my husband.  I finally got them all in, but was exhausted.  I went back out and rigged the run fence.   So far, so good.  Sigh.

Too Many Eggs? © May 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Teabag Tidbits

Just a little teabag quote for the day.

Started a jar of comfrey infused oil.  I haven't decided yet, but I'll either use this as an oil or make a salve, to topically treat my varicose veins.

Made a breakfast scramble with collards, jalapeno and bacon.  Of course eggs, potatoes and green bell peppers as well.  I felt bad Hubby had no breakfast nor lunch to pack on Monday.  We grilled out Sunday night, and had been busy outdoor Sunday morning.

Baked Bourbon Blueberry Banana bread.  Snacks for the next day or two.

You know when the weather really is wacky, when you have this much asparagus, and no snap peas to go with it (when I normally do).  Peas aren't even planted sadly.  I roast the asparagus with rosemary and olive oil.

Today is our youngest daughter's last day of school. 

Considering our weather the last two years, I've asked Hubby to put building a green house to the top of the to-do list.  I can't survive with out it now.  It's imperative in order for us to eat healthy and stock up for the winter and spring.  The weather is definitely a struggle and I have a bad feeling it will happen more often than not.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

This and That

I'm slowly trying to get order of the homestead.  Thankfully we hired our biker friend to mow the almost 6 acres on the only sunny dry day, while we were gone.  Whew.  

While I put loads of laundry on the line (cold but windy), I picked the asparagus.  It's still doing well for us.

Also, while the washer hummed away, I cooked up dandelions, potatoes, onion, bacon, jalapenos and eggs for a scramble.  Poor Youngest was complaining about missing my cooking.  Not that I was in the mood to jump back in, but it was done.

Hubby is back to work, and in full swing.  It's that time at work where they shut down and work double shifts, 16 hour days for 4-6 weeks.  

Not the greatest picture since it was super windy, but my bleeding hear is in full bloom right now.

A late bloomer.  Nice.  I hope it keeps spreading.  It's the only purple one I have right now.

Our youngest was being bullied (was threatened by a student) at school prior to leaving on our getaway.  So far things are good since we contacted the school, but I still want her to learn to fight.  I refuse to tell my kid to sit there and not fight back (if needed).  Things have really changed in school these days, and they do have outside cameras, but it's still a problem in schools. One girl was suspended and one in-school suspension, but that girl is back in class.  We'll see how the week goes.