Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Showing posts with label Blueberries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blueberries. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Crochet Tension Ring ~ Garden Tidbits ~ Date Syrup ~ Einkorn Flour Pancakes


Interesting info for anyone who crochets . . .

I received a few different crochet tension rings, and have yet to give them a try.  I have heard of them, but have never used one.  Very interesting concept.  The ring holds the yarn tension as you crochet, vs. wrapping the yarn in between fingers or around your hand.  

I never did get any comments on the best row counter.  I'm still looking into that.

 As for the lack of posts?  Well, I'm busy weeding gardens.  However, yesterday I realized I forgot to trim back the lavender plants and they are already starting buds.  I believe I am too late this spring.  I will wait for blooms and maybe trim what I can after that.  The plants are becoming too big for the flower beds.

We are slowly working on a plan to get the vegetable garden planted.  

I'm glad to say, I am back to using our clothesline, but using it is hit or miss around here.  The rain comes and goes often lately.  The electric bill however has reduced to an all time low now.

I baked us some pumpkin (einkorn flour) muffins recently, and swapped the maple syrup/honey with date syrup.  We both like them, but I will most likely make them again, and try it with the honey.  These did not cause a sugar spike with my husband, using the date syrup.  I thawed pumpkin puree I froze from processing last years garden pie pumpkins.  I'll be back to update you on using honey in this recipe.

I tried yet another einkorn flour pancake recipe. I found this one online with Nourished Kitchen.  I added frozen blueberries I thawed, cinnamon and nutmeg.  We both loved these!  The recipe is small batch (a huge winner) and no sugar or sweetener in the recipe.  Of course, that all depends on what you also put on top of them, but the actual pancake recipe is a big keeper for us.  Pancakes are nice, but not when you have to eat them all week long. 

The recipe requires buttermilk, so if you are avoiding the fat, this recipe may not be for you.  However, like I said, it's a smaller batch recipe too.  I did use butter on the griddle to make them as per directed by the recipe.

The extra ones stuck together in the container, so the next time I make them, I will line waxed paper between them, to store in the refrigerator.

Question. . .

I need to replace my only single muffin pan soon.  I have looked at what America's Test Kitchen suggests, but they are expensive, and I cannot find any other reviews.  I don't want silicone or silcone lined pans either.  Any suggestions (non-stick)?

Crochet Tension Ring ~ Garden Tidbits ~ Date Syrup ~ Einkorn Flour Pancakes © May 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Another Way to Utilize Frozen Blueberries

Do you freeze your home grown blueberries, or freeze locally picked ones?  We are unable to grow the plants, due to the limestone here, so I hunt down produce stands that sell blueberries grown in the area or in MI.

I've been looking for more creative ways to add nutrition, protein (not protein powders), fiber and whatnot into our breakfast. I look for more ways to utilize what we have in the freezer, like blueberries.  My husband was intrigued at this idea for the blueberries.  It looks like blueberry jam, but it is not.

I used a slice of sourdough (or use what you like), topped with the freshly ground peanut butter (peanuts only) we purchased, organic hemp hearts sprinkled (to get 1 full Tbsp. I need to sprinkle some on the peanut butter and then on top of everything), and finally topped with frozen blueberries heated with organic cinnamon mixed into it .

I used about 1/3 cup of blueberries.  Yum!  Healthy.  Fills us up. I just heated the blueberries, smashed them down with a fork, sprinkled some organic cinnamon, and gave it a stir.  I let it cool a bit before spreading on top of all of it.  It was pretty good.  Do you have a unique idea to utilize frozen blueberries (we freeze ours during blueberry season in our area).

I have had two people, in the last two weeks, tell me they were diagnosed as pre-diabetic.  Sigh.  There is sugar, dextrose, fructose, etc in almost anything processed in stores.  Be careful, and read labels. 

By the way, if you do not can jam, and have a hankering for it on a piece of toast or a PB and J, this method of mashing blueberries (thawed and heated from the freezer) works great.  When you let it cool a bit, it becomes a spreadable delight.  No sugar added.  I may add a tiny bit of nutmeg the next time I do this.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

I tired it recipes, so you don't have to. . .


First, here is the link for the Pumpkin baked oatmeal with toasted pecans (The Real Dietitians). 

One of my biggest challenges has been to cook and bake without white flour, sugar and pasta.  Per my husband's doctor's strict instructions (for the last 7 years), I am trying my best, but as a baker and cook from scratch gal, it's been a huge challenge.  Hence, the new recipe trials.

I found this recipe on social media, but have no source for it.  I'm thinking someone just tossed stuff together.  Anyway...

  1st - I added cinnamon and nutmeg, and I'm glad I did.
2nd - they are a bit on the "dry" side, any ideas on what to add that is healthy?
3rd - they need more blueberries
Notes:  I used 1/3 cup monkfruit (I feel monkfruit is sweeter than real sugar), and used homemade vanilla.

I tried this recipe first, as I had frozen (vs. fresh) blueberries, and plain greek yogurt.  Oven bake times may vary, as you see mine are a bit toasty on top.

Mix 3 cups of almond flour with 1 Tbsp. baking soda.

In another bowl, whisk 4 eggs, 1/2 cup Greek plain yogurt, 2/3 cup swerve (or your choice of sweetener), 1 tsp. vanilla.

Mix wet with dry ingredients, and fold in 1 cup of frozen blueberries.  Bake at 375°F for 25 minutes.

I have another recipe that calls for milk and fresh blueberries to try soon as well.

Southern Beefy Skillet.  Delicious.  Uses beans vs. pasta.  Recipe is online with Eating Well (previously Diabetic Living).  Be sure to read the instructions first, as they left out the tomato sauce in the ingredients list.

I didn't quite follow it 100%.  I added a bag of frozen thawed, diced yellow squash to it as well.  I used home canned tomato sauce, the oregano came from the herb garden, and the bell peppers and jalapenos also came from the freezer (from last year's garden).  Sadly, I am out of freezer garden tomatoes.  Other than the addition, and using my homegrown sources, it was very good.  I will be saving this recipe.  I keep cans of organic butter beans on hand on a regular basis.

Butter beans, sausages and kale pesto.  A nice wintery dish. There are a few different recipes online for this, and they never specify exactly what type of "sausages" to use, so I decided to slice and cook turkey sausages (original recipes say to cook whole sausages).  It was delicious.  Next time I will serve a side vegetable too.  I have some kale pesto leftover, so I'll either be freezing it into cubes, or using it for a chicken dinner.  

My blog has once again compromised (or was anyway).  Why?  To annoy me?   Most likely the same person, however, did you know you can report an "issue" on your Google account?  You can. 

Enjoy!  The sun is out again today!

Friday, July 28, 2023

Laundry/Dish Day ~ Garden and other tidbits

 It's been pretty "busy" here lately.  So busy, that I baked a Georgia Peach Crumble with the oven off!  Multi-tasking at it's worst ha ha!

I kid you not!  I thawed the last of the peaches in the freezer, and turned the oven on, but forgot to hit the "start" button (which is required for it to actually turn on).  How I didn't notice it when I put it in the oven, is beyond me.  Other than I have been up to my eyeballs in garden work, harvesting, and then when it comes inside, it of course has to be dealt with.

(full of stems, leaves, etc.)

It was another race-against-the-clock sort of day.  Hurry and get the bedding and laundry on the line, so it will be dried and put away, bed made etc. before my husband got home.  Hurry and get the dishes washed, dried and put away, so I can take the blueberries, that were flash freezing, out of the freezer and bagged.  Hurry to process some green beans and freeze, and hurry all of everything to get out to the garden for a look-see (which we all know there will be zucchini and cucumbers).  Oh boy!

In the midst of busyness, I pulled several canning recipe books from my cabinet, and finally found a recipe for sliced dill pickles.  It's on the to-do list.  I also found a recipe for pickled green beans.  It's on the only-if-I-have-a-ton of green beans try it list.

The race was on, so we could pick up more wood for the new coop.  Ha!  We totally got off track with that, and did not bring the wood home either.

Still on the to-do list.  It's held up by the branches themselves.  However, it's towering my lilac, so I have no idea how we'll take care of this without  harming my lilac bush.

Quick question before I forget:

Have you ever made zucchini "chips" in your dehydrator?  Were they good?  What seasoning did you use?  

One thing I am not canning this year - hot pepper mustard sauce.  It has way too much sugar for our diet plan this year.  I'm on board to support my husband, in his goal to get off his diabetic medication.    The recipe is on my blog, and it requires 36 hot banana peppers, and 6 cups of sugar.  Here is the recipe:  Hot Pepper Mustard Sauce.  I am not even sure I planted enough hot peppers this year to make hot banana pepper relish.  I guess we will find out soon enough.

It's going to be another very hot day in the 90's.  Hot and humid.  Rain and thunderstorms are also in the forecast, and today they are forecasting them earlier than predicted.  It's so hot here, they are asking some towns/cities to conserve energy.  

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Rain and Heat ~ More Squash! ~ Motherhood Moments


(this was a few days ago)

Me to my husband:  Sure looks like it's about to come down out there.

Husband to me:  Oh great!  Another 1000 green beans (ha ha ha!)

We have been getting rain off and on.  We are also getting heat.  We canceled our first camping trip as fast as we booked it due to the heat.  What's the fun in camping, if you can't enjoy a campfire meal?  Not only will the heat be here this weekend, so will thunderstorms.  

I decided to only freeze shredded zucchini, and not diced this year.  I prefer to be able to squeeze the water out prior to freezing.  

I sent a large bag of squash with my husband to work.  I also picked more, and reduced the numbers by about 10 of them with some baking and cooking (and freezing).

The muffins are delicious, but a bit sweet.  I may make them again and swap the honey for maple syrup, and only use half amount.

Although we recently got a small bit of rain, it was not enough for the garden.  I will be watering this morning, so I must get this posted and get busy.  We are getting into the 90's this week, and it heats up pretty fast out there.

I did not get any answers regarding the cucumbers, so the chickens are getting the treats for now.  I will try and do more research today, but I have very little free time right now.

I was talking to a friend, who travels to upper MI to pick blueberries.  I told her I have never purchased a box with so many un-ripe berries, stems and leaves.  She said they may have switched to machine picking them due to lack of help.  My husband and I are not happy with them this year.  We are unable to grow them on our property due to lime stone sadly.

On the motherhood front, we are worried about Daughter K.  She has a doctor appt this morning due to high blood pressure.  If you get a moment, please send prayers for her.  It is not normal for her to be experiencing this, and the doctors so far have not (even with an ER visit) treated her with any medication.  

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Random Chit Chat ~ Einkorn Berry Crisp


I haven't knitted in a long, long time.  I have only knitted a scarf, and most of the time dishcloths.  Socks are still on the bucket list, but I realized how sore my finger tip can get.  I found these at the Dollar Tree for $1.25!

I've been focusing meal planning on what needs rotated out of the freezer and pantry.  Other than fresh fruit on the menu.  You know like the canned ketchup, frozen blueberries, frozen bell peppers, frozen green onions - just anything put up last garden season. 

I use home canned ketchup, and frozen bell peppers in Four Beans and Sausage. A one meal in a crockpot recipe.

A random breakfast dish I layered with cooked sage sausage, cooked (from the freezer) garden bell peppers, and added green onions I froze last summer.  Oh, I chopped to jalapenos I froze last summer, and boy it was delicious.  I also freeze the cheese blocks that go into dishes like this (grated), so I checked that supply as well as butter.  If I have any extra cottage cheese or sour cream, I also add that to these.

 I got 6 cups of blueberries out of the freezer yesterday.  My husband was a very happy man.

Einkorn Berry Crisp!  I used monkfruit in place of sugar, but I do not add 1:1 ratio.  Monkfruit is much sweeter, so I can use a lot less of it in recipes.  I linked the online recipe, but I added extra cinnamon and some nutmeg.  So good!

Of course, cooking/baking results in stacks of dirty dishes.

'We finally replaced this light socket in our stairway.  Only took us about 14 years,  but the kids were too rough and ripped on the pull cord.  We are getting some smaller jobs done while we wait for warmer weather.

I started working on the clutter/tools etc. that landed in the downstairs hallway. Once trash picks up, I have a few things to toss out that landed in the hall (from the kitchen floor project).  They got buried under a stack of tablecloths (already put away), and tools.

The staple gun and staples finally made there way to their home, but golly, my husband needs to gather and put away tools, screwdrivers, screws, nails, and all sorts of stuff. We are waiting on a good weather day to get the garage cleaned up and re-organized as well.  We will have nice weather mid-week, but it will bring rain with it.

There is a few cut pieces of living room trim that need put away today, a few stray garden tools, and a few pairs of shoes.  It's getting there, slowly, but surely.  I have started yet another box for donation.

Friday, July 22, 2022

This and That

The blueberries are all done for the year.  I canned a small batch of blueberry cinnamon jam, and froze the rest.  I picked more green beans, tied up more tomatoes, and had a mound of dishes.  I mucked the chicken coop, and boy was it a hot day.  I did a check on all of the tomatoes and thankfully, only found one tomato worm.

I came inside and snapped a photo of the flooring going in for the bathroom.  Sigh....look at those seams!!  I sent the photo to my husband how immediately got in touch with the men doing the work. They were putting the seams way too close.  Oh my gosh, by the way, the two men were arguing the entire time.  


It was taken out and fixed.  Sorry for the bad photos, I took them with my phone.

It's hard to get a good photo, due to lighting and time of day as well, but we discovered there is matching trim, so we'll possibly be returning the trim we did buy and buying matching trim.  Hopefully, the bathroom will be done next week.  There are a few more pieces of flooring to install, the rest of the shower needs installed, more work on the walls (we are doing something different), then vanity, mirror, all trim, and toilet needs installed.

Daughter E had an outdoor yoga class, and they had a you-pick flower farm near by.  She drove all the way out to our place to gift me them.  I love flowers!

We finally got rain last night.  I do have to fix one tomato stake, but it may be too wet to walk in the garden this morning. I guess I'll find out.  It will be another scorcher of a day for us.  I do not lack weeding work, so I may be weeding flower beds after this rain.  I have several areas that badly need it.

There is a chance my husband will be stuck working 2nd or even 3rd shift due to work.  I am praying he is off at his normal hours.  We are so over this already.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Blueberry Season and Chit Chat

Yesterday was horribly humid and hot.  We had a heat index over 100°F.  There were sever thunderstorm warnings and we literally got a few drops of rain.

I drove my 62 minute round trip to pick up 10# of Michigan blueberries.  I did not get the chance to plant potatoes this year, so I also picked up some potatoes, more peaches, and garlic.  If you read my blog, you'll know that we are pretty sure I forgot to plant my garlic last fall.

Anyway, I spring planted my garlic and two entire grow bags have zero garlic, so yes, I could have, and yes it may be a squirrel problem.  I'll be picking up some 1/2 in. wire to cover the grow bags this fall.

Daughter K sent me a message she loved the zucchini I sent home with her, and we decided to use some for our favorite side dish (to also use up corn in the freezer).  The recipe is no secret.  It's online with AllRecipes called Corn and Zucchini Sauté I think.

Wednesday, my day completely changed gears.  I was heading out to the tomatoes and saw our handyman getting the mower out.  Back inside I went.  It was a day of putting blueberries in the freezer, making Einkorn blueberry pancakes and a pitcher of spearmint iced green tea.

Friday, July 17, 2020

Blueberries ~ When it's too hot to eat a hot meal ~ Tidbits

I wasn't sure I'd even get blueberries this year, as it was a dry spring.  Strawberry season was short too.

However, I was on top of it, and brought home 10# of blueberries.  We cannot grow them here, so I'm tickled pink we can re-stock them.

I made this the other day.  It's a side dish, but I made it a "main" dish for a hot day.  It has black beans in it, so that counts as a protein.  So good too.  It's Tex Mex Pasta and the recipe is online at Spruce Eats.  You can utilize your garden goodies for this recipe.  Oh, I forgot to add the fresh cilantro from the herb garden.  Will add that today too.

Do you know what these are?  Hard to see in the bag, but Hubby surprised me.  French waffles.  A country nearby town had a food truck.  Woohoo!  We helped someone out financially, and filled my tummy with some yummy fair food (I know it's not healthy, but it's once a year ha ha!).

Got up early (again) and watched the sunrise.  We have some patchy fog here and the heat returns today.  We didn't get that much rain yesterday.  As my Mom said, "we got spit on" basically.

I have much to do today.  First water, then weed, and a lot of other stuff today.  Have a great weekend! 

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Time for sweet corn and blueberries

Monday was not about the garden, it was about dropping another $200 for Youngest - school uniforms, photos etc.  It will still save us in the long run, but man.  School is not cheap.  That doesn't include her shoes, supplies and other necessary clothing.  They told us we'd spend only 1 hour there, but ended up spending 2 hours, and it was a 30 minute drive there and back.  We didn't get home until almost 2 pm.

Rain was in the forecast again, but the weather man has been wrong this year.  So wrong.  We need more, so I was hoping they were right for a change.  We didn't get any, and it's in today's forecast too (slight chance).

I had food to freeze, and a lot of it.  Despite rain and dry/hot weather, the cucumbers, zucchini and other stuff needed dealt with.

Three bags (slightly short of 3 bushels) brought home.  We'll need a tractor to plant this much sweet corn in the future.

The fun started.  

Youngest and I shucked the first bag while Hubby went to work on a call out. Tuesday I got a double batch of corn frozen, but we have two more bags to shuck yet.  Here is my recipe to freeze corn - freezing corn.

I finally found not one, but two sources for MI blueberries.  The last time we were able to obtain them, the 10 lb. boxes were $31.00.  The price this year, despite a bad blueberry year was $27/10 lb. box.

Twenty pounds of deliciousness.  I'm so happy to find a source and so happy to restock, but like I said, things are all happening at once.  It's a good deal too.  They were selling them $7/qt.

The minute I started working on the corn, Tiger was meowing like crazy.  To get him to stop, I gifted him a cleaned corn cob, and he loved it.  Soon after, he was napping peacefully.  He's such a cutie.

The chickens got to clean off some corn cobs too, so everyone was happy.  We even had some corn on the cob with our dinner last night.  

Today is going to be super busy, packed with work, so I'm praying I can get it done.  I'll have to clean up and then make dinner too.  But first, the garden.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

The Garden and other bits

Zucchini continues to produce nicely, but our yellow squash has mold. 

And since it was 90 degrees with 70% humidity, and outdoor work slowed for a blip in the week, I made a cake. 

Zucchini snack cake with lemon butter cream frosting.  

Hubby's favorite, and made only once a year.  It requires fresh blueberries.  We haven't found them in bulk form yet either, so these were not cheap.  This cake requires fresh blueberries, hence why it's only baked this time of year.  Although, as Hubby has graciously reminded me, we sometimes find organic blueberries later in the season.

Here is a close-up photo of the drying radish seed pods.  We are tickled pink.   It's the first year our plants went to seed.

What we'll do without this season?

Monday, February 27, 2017

Bourbon Blueberry Banana Bread

Say that three times - Bourbon Blueberry Banana Bread.  Ha!

I made up the recipe.  Sort of.  I whipped up a loaf of it, and frosted it with an oh-so delicious, bourbon-y frosting.  Not kid friendly, but a guaranteed way to make your bread last longer if you do have kids. 

Oh, and I forgot the oil, but because I added blueberries, I was lucky it added some moisture to it.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Blueberry Bourbon Barbecue Sauce

I've been cooking with booze (again).  This time it's with blueberries.  When Hubby whisked me off to Kentucky, we visited a restaurant that had the best steaks.  They also served salmon with blueberry bourbon barbecue sauce.  It was delicious.  

I had to try making it myself.  

I thought it would be best to measure all my ingredients prior to starting.  Jalapenos were from my garden, and boy are they hot this year.