Wednesday, January 3, 2024


 I picked up some local orchard apples, so I baked us an apple pie.  Not the healthiest way to start the new year, but I did.

I freeze my pie crust crumbles, so all I have to do is add the ice water and roll the dough (recipe is online with King Flour's website).

The recipe is from a very old book of mine - Farm Journal's Complete Pie Book, printed in 1965.  I haven't bake an apple pie in a long, long time.  I used to can apple pie filling when all the kids still lived here.  The pie was not a pretty thing, but tasted okay.  I have only baked Dutch apple pies if I remember correctly.  I will bake it again, but not too soon, and tweak the recipe. 

I also realized, I only have one pie cookbook on my homesteading bookshelf.  Do you have a favorite pie recipe book that you use?  Do you have a good old fashioned apple pie recipe?

I have gotten tired of breakfast sausage and bacon lately, so I switched things up, dug into the freezer, and baked us a breakfast pie. I tossed this together with eggs, Canadian bacon, mushrooms, and a few more ingredients.  There are no potatoes in this, so it's healthy, and we won't be eating it for 3 days, like our scramble breakfast.  We are due for some greens on our breakfast soon too.

As you can see, the news around here is a bit boring.  The rain left us, but the colder air is with us.  

It doesn't look like much, but I finally got around to using some thawed spaghetti squash.  If you follow my blog, I roasted all of our garden spaghetti squash and froze it.  I tested it out with a combination of healthy ingredients.  I call it chicken spaghetti.

What's in it?  When it's sort of like the recipes I found online for using an instant pot (don't have one), but I baked it in the oven.  If you google for recipes, you will find many recipes to give you ideas.

I cooked the chicken the day prior in my crock pot, and shredded it.  I thawed 4 cups of frozen spaghetti squash, added tomatoes, cooked onion and garlic, seasoned it all, added some sliced bunching onions from the herb garden, tossed in some cheeses and baked it.  

It turned out very good, although, we both were him-hawing on adding some flavor to it.  Maybe some jalapenos, possibly some "fire powder" or even homemade taco or fajita seasoning.   I may add some black olives too next time.

I have written it all down, to also tweak, but we are very happy with the thawed spaghetti squash in this vs. pasta.  I am also happy with the thawed spaghetti squash.  I didn't have a lot of liquid in it, as I drained it prior to freezing it.  Overall, happy I froze it the spaghetti squash.

Kitchen-ness © Jan 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


  1. Happy New Year Kristina,
    I don't really have a favorite cook book. I have cookbooks, but I use my recipe cards mostly. We buy apples at the orchard in the summer months, we peel, cut and flash freeze them, then I put them in ziplock bags, for pie.

  2. Faith, I have done that too. One year I did that with pears for ginger pear pies. My my, I have not made the pear one in a few years. Maybe we'll get pears on our tree this year.

  3. ooh ginger pears? That sounds lovely. I'll have to look into that. I've a freezer shelf full of fruit for pies, we'll be using that up before summer comes.I hope my Rhubarb comes up this year, it is the 2nd year. Thank you for responding to my post about the pastry cloth. I looked up the link you provided & they have a nice blog which I'll be parusing today, they are talking about home made noodles right up my alley.

  4. Hmmm, I never thought of freezing the baked squash. What a great idea.

    God bless.

  5. Faith, you are welcome. I will look to see if the ginger pear pie recipe is on my blog. If it is not, I will look for that and see about getting a post up for you.

  6. Jackie, I had many spaghetti squash from the garden, with no really good way to store them. I decided to roast them all, drain the water from the squash, and freeze them. This was the first time to thaw and cook with it, and we liked it.

  7. Faith, I found the recipe for the pear pie. I posted the link and photo on my blog. It is called Gingersnap Pear Pie:

  8. We like to have a breakfast casserole once every week or two. I shredded and froze a lot of zucchini that I throw in the breakfast pies for extra nutrition.You can't taste it and I feel like I'm serving something that is somewhat healthy and nutritious!

  9. Debi, we do too. I am going to start adding it to anything we make with tomato sauce too. Very healthy for sure.


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