Thursday, January 4, 2024

Honey Roasted Cashews ~ Oven Baked Frozen Garden Green Beans ~ Gingersnap Pear Pie (old post link)


Winner recipe!  New recipe tried!

I had just enough cashews to use up, and the oven was already on, so.....

Of course I used my homemade garlic powder in this recipe.

Perfect for a chacturie board for any occasion.
Delicious as a snack.
The recipe is free online with The Southern Lady Cooks.

A bit sticky for a travel snack, but pack it up and enjoy it at your accommodations with cheese/crackers and a bottle of wine.

It would make a nice gift too, along with some other creatively made food items, a bottle of wine, or specialty cheese/crackers.  The ideas are pretty endless.

I've been experimenting with our frozen garden green beans.  I recently just tossed a bag full (maybe 3 cups) into an 8 x 8 baking dish, added 1/2 tsp. homemade garlic powder, and drizzled it with some organic olive oil.  Gave them a toss with some tongs, and baked them at 400° for 30 minutes.  I then sprinkled some parmesan cheese on top of them.  Oh my gosh!  Delicious, and so easy for a winter side dish.  

I had a blog follower interested in the ginger pie, so I went on a search and found it.  We did not get pears from our trees last year.  The proper name for the pie is Gingersnap Pear Pie.  Gosh, I haven't made this in many years.  I have frozen the pears for this pie before, and it still turned out delicious.

(photo from November 2017)

Here is the post for the pie:  Gingersnap Pear Pie

Honey Roasted Cashews ~ Oven Baked Frozen Garden Green Beans ~ Gingersnap Pear Pie (old post link) © Jan 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


  1. I love gingers snaps, this looks delish.

  2. Faith, it is very good! I typically only bake one with the tree gives us pears, but now I may have to buy pears this year, ha ha!

  3. We love roasting green beans. My husband loves gingersnap cookies so I may give the gingersnap pear pie a try for him. Thanks for sharing the recipe.


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