Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday

 Happy New Year!  I do not write out resolutions for the upcoming year.  I started working myself  (physically, and there may be an update this new year, we'll see).  I'm just glad the holidays are done with this year.

On to other news . . .

A little homemaking tip:  I fill a small spray bottle with vodka (sanitizer) and add a few drops of lavender essential oil.  I spray our mattress when the bedding is being washed.  It cleans the mattress and leaves a lovely scent.

Self Care:  my self care this week was to buy myself a new set of casual dress boots (tossing out a very old, and very worn pair too).  I never find anything in the size I wear, so this is a pamper me moment.  A big bonus, was that the price tag said $55.00 and they were on sale for $14.99!  What did you do for yourself last week?  Or do you plan some self care next week?

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. 

The weather . . .

It rained all weekend, and we are so stinkin' tired of it.  We did not get any work done on the coop either.  Woke up to more rain, and a slight possibility of a snow shower today.  Temps are in the high 30's/low 40's here right now.

Right now I am . . .

Making coffee, and will be putting the Christmas tree in storage for the year.

Thinking and pondering . . .

I'm considering hiring someone to paint one ceiling, and possibly more.  It all depends on my energy level this winter, ha ha!  Also, the cost.  

I'm also thinking about changing my blog background/theme on blogger too.  There is much on the side bars that can be removed too.

How I am feeling . . .

Honestly?  Pretty good, and I feel on task too.  I got all of the Christmas decorations put away, other than the tree, and life in general is pretty good.

On the breakfast plate . . . 


On the lunch plate . . .

Not sure.  Maybe homemade cauliflower crust pizza with home canned sauce.

On the dinner plate . . .

Chicken Spaghetti using garden spaghetti squash for the pasta.  Garden green beans.

On the menu . . .

-One pan Pork Loin with Brussel Sprouts and Apples (new recipe to try - The Real Food Dieticians)

-Chicken Spaghetti using Spaghetti Squash (new recipe to try), roasted vegetables

-Crockpot Sweet Garlic Chicken, Green Beans baked with garlic powder

-grilled ham/cheese sandwiches, home canned tomato-basil soup


-Greek Hummus Dip (new recipe to try, for a summer dip when the garden is in full swing)

On my reading pile . . .

Top two books are borrowed from the library.

On my TV this week . . .

Anything but Christmas movies ha ha!

Looking around the house . . .

I know some people get upset when people paint wood, but these dark wood doors need to get a new look.  I'm back to priming and painting some interior doors.  One door is completely done and back up where it belongs, and another down on the saw horses for a new, and brighter look.

I got the drill out, removed an old curtain rod (missing a part since last summer), installed the new one and put the curtain back up.  Some days, it's the "little" unfinished, now finished jobs that make my day complete.

I've also filled two boxes of purged/no longer needed items to donate soon.  I have a small stack of books to donate to a free little library soon as well.  If not, the books will be donated to the library book sale.  

To-do list . . .
-wash a kitchen rug (I can only do one at a time, as they have to dry flat, and I only own one drying unit for doing that).
-put Christmas tree away, and other decor
-wash oven mitts (I try to do this once a month, but if I use them daily, then once a week - Homemaking Tip)

Use a clothes hanger with these hooks to hang dry your oven mitts.

Deep Clean for the week
-Clean oven and oven racks

From the camera . . .

In case you didn't see the recent post, my bunching onions are doing great!  I harvested some the other day.  they are larger than normal green onions, but seem to be hardy for this time of year.  Of course, all of this rain is helping, so I am harvesting more and enjoying them.

Devotional, Quote, Prayers. . .
No specific prayer requests at this time.

Happy Homemaker Monday © Jan 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


  1. I hear you about the Christmas movies! We watched one last night and I told the hubby it was the last one for the year but he would make no promises! lol We woke up to a covering of snow. I'm ready for Spring!

    Have a great Monday!


  2. Colletta, I am already wishing for garden weather here. No snow, but it is a bit colder. Just wish the rain would end.

  3. I read for 15 minutes and done my Bible study for my self-care today. I am focusing on bringing more peace into my life this year and this is what I intend to begin with. It sounds as though life is good for you, so I will you more continued weeks like this.

  4. I love your homemaking tips! Especially the one about cleaning the mattress! Although, my husband is a pastor and I don't know how I would go about getting vodka.... hmm. It seems like everyone is ready to put the holidays behind them, I'm with you on that one!!! Although I did fall for many post-holiday sales, I'm still ready to pack it away so I can be excited for new things next Christmas!
    I hope you have a wonderful week! And I hope someday we all see some sunshine!

  5. Carol, that is a great focus. More peace.

  6. Thanks Stacy, I hope your week is wonderful too.

  7. I watched about 8 Christmas movies and only truly liked 3 of them. It's so hard to tell if they are going to be good or just plain cheesy!

    I've never heard of bunching onions before! They sound really good though, I love green onions.

    Self care ..... well I put it on the calendar sometimes, but I rarely do it. I need to start though! congrats on the great sale on your boots!

  8. Sherry, I bought the seeds from an heirloom seed supplier, but forget who? I should start writing that down in my garden journal. The onions are larger than regular green onions, and grow well over winter.

  9. I'm so over the holiday, I really was not interested this year, glad they are over. I received 2 seed catalogs in the mail and placed an order. I could not find comfrey plants or seeds anywhere.
    Berlin Seeds has them. I really don't need any more seeds as I save them, and we are good for now. Grateful for the lengthening days, and spring on the horizon in its own time.

  10. Faith, I think Strictly Medicinal Seeds sells comfrey seeds online or from a catalog. I try to forage mine, but I only found one plant last year. I'll have to check on Berlin Seeds next time we are in that area.

  11. Happy New Year
    The book on mixes for beverages sure looks interesting.
    Great idea to start 2024 with self-care.
    Have a great week

  12. Luludou, thanks. The book had some great recipes.


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