Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Brunch Pie with a Twist

Temperatures remain cold here - 3°F with a wind chill of -15°F this morning.

I follow the blog Mennonites Can Cook, and they recently shared a recipe for Brunch Pie.  I can easily get distracted with new recipes, or they can inspire me to use up what I have (so I did).

I used canned mushrooms (we do need a lot of that vitamin D in the winter).  I need to dehydrate more next winter.  

Although the sun was shining for a few days, I'm not always out in it long enough.

I decided to try it next, but I swapped out the frozen hashbrowns with frozen rutabagas, that I froze last year.  

Also, from the freezer, I used my garden green onions, (I had fresh bell pepper) and added frozen and cooked watercress greens and a pinch of homemade fire powder.  Hot peppers are a good source for a lot of goodness for our health.

Not to forget about all the condiments I canned last year, we topped the breakfast with some home canned cowboy candy too.  

We added a side of fruit.

Brunch Pie with a Twist © Jan 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


  1. I follow them as well, but must have missed reading this post. Sounds delicious though. Those temps are really very cold. We were in the teens these past few days and that is way tooooo cold for me.

  2. Thanks for the recipe link. I might give it a try this weekend.

  3. Shug, they have so many good recipes. Yes, it's very cold here.

  4. You warm up out there Kristina? We are 22 here in NE Ohio, I'll take it. Mennonite girls can cook, found them years ago blogging, I'll have to add it my reading list. Good recipes.

  5. Faith, they have so many recipes I want to adapt to healthy ingredients and try soon. We are finally warming up, but in the 20's too. Crazy weather.


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