Monday, July 8, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday

Anyone else up at 4:57am?  Just to wash the bedding, dry it and remake the bed before your night shift working husband gets off work, and because you can't remember where the second set of sheets are and you are too tired to look for them?  Now that's one long run-on question.

Once again, a wren (at first I thought he was a chickadee) is building a nest in the same flower pot as last year.  They don't even care that I'm on the porch either.  They have their babies and they are gone instantly after the kids can fly.  He landed right on the chair next to me yesterday morning.

Sunday was the looooongest, most boring, dreary day for me.  Although it was much cooler, it was too wet to weed just yet.  Maybe I'll get some done later today.  Depends on the amount of time it'll take to get new tires on the car. Another day interrupted, but it needs done ASAP.

Today I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. Enjoy!   I gotta get things done around here and it's a busy day today.

If you are wanting the Homemade Buttermilk Ranch Dressing recipe, go to this post to get the link.  

On the breakfast plate . . . 
..along with some much needed black organic coffee.

The weather outside is . . . 
Cooler - woke up to a 64°F, with a high of 81° and no chance of rain.

Right now I am . . .
Writing this post as the dryer (gulp! have no time to dry them outside until I find the second set of sheets) hums away, and getting ready to make a second pot of coffee.

On my bedside table . . .
A total mess - ruler, cup, notepad, pen, reading glasses, homemade lip balm.  Need to tidy it up after Hubby is off nights.

On my reading pile . . .

Movies I watched . . .
Sahara, Law Abiding Citizen

On my TV . . .
Mostly Hulu or Amazon movies

On the menu . . .
-Grilled burgers, corn on the cob, leftover bruschetta salad and melting potatoes (maybe)
-Apple/chicken/Pecan/Cranberry salads with homemade pomegranate vinaigrette
-Grilled chicken pesto/tomato kabobs or possibly Drunken Chicken with garlic mashed potatoes or crock pot chicken alfredo
-leftovers hopefully

On the to-do list . . .
Everything ha ha ha!  Can't do much until Hubby is off of night shift.
-wash bedding
-take car in for new tires
-sweep and mop kitchen
-tidy up kitchen
-tidy up front room

What I am creating . . .

A set of pot holders in this color.

Looking forward to . . .
Hubby off of night shift, no long 12 hour shifts for him, and an overdue and much needed trip to the island.  I have to remember not to bring up subjects like building a new chicken coop during this work schedule.  Hubby is a bit on the grumpy side, as well as me.  No need to poke the bear right now.  Conversations are kept to a light topic for now.  

Looking around the house . . .
Another total mess.  Brand new sweeper and haven't used it since I'm too tired to do it when Hubby gets up (and too tired to use it before he gets home).  I have to open the new shampooer and put it together too.  Papers need filed, office area is in disarray, and so on.  Not to mention recycling needs dropped off (we are too far out in the country for any sort of "pick up").

From the camera . . .

One of my simple pleasures . . .

An afternoon cold coffee with a splash of Bailey's and Kahlua (homemade is the best) in it.  I little adult afternoon pick me up.  Don't worry folks, this is a very rare occasion.  It just may have happened on Sunday.  I may very well happen again today. 

Prayers . . .
Our weather, farmers, Hubby and his long hours, my sanity


  1. Beautiful pic, Kristina! Aren't the wrens fun? I've had Carolina wrens and house wrens both nesting on the porch and oh! What a joy they are! Glad your dh is off the 12 hour night shifts. Those are rough! Your menus looks good and love the potholders! Have a blessed week ahead! <3

  2. Beautiful photos! Such a cute little Carolina Wren. One of my favorite little birds. It would be rough to be on a night shift schedule. Hope things change for you soon. And that you have a wonderful week!

  3. Thanks Rebecca. Hubby won't be off work until Thursday, but we will both be glad for a break.

  4. It has rained ALL day long here. The grass is getting high but we haven't been able to mow! Have a great week! I hope you can stop by:


  5. Bruschetta salad..mmmmm Love the sunset or is it a sunrise pic! While I was up at co 4:57... I wasn't doing laundry.. just couldn't sleep. Have a great Monday!

  6. Your food sounds amazing but what got me was the Bailey's and Kahlua in the iced coffee. Oh MY!!! I need to make some too.

    Your opening statement made me laugh, I don't think I've ever been up that early to do laundry lol

    Have a blessed week.

  7. I like your pick me up :) Hope you have a great week

  8. Thanks Sandra, it was a very long day, so the cold coffee was a big welcome.

  9. Swinging through from HHM, running late but that's the story of my life lol.

    Sometimes a little adult pick-me-up is needed, especially when the days are as long as yours sounds right now.

    Hope y'all are enjoying the 12 hour night shifts being over for the time being.


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