Sunday, July 7, 2019


Heat and humidity are still with us.  Sigh.  Gonna get more rain, even though we got more last night.  Almost makes me want to laugh, it's to that point of insanity.

We got more rain yesterday.  As well as through the night.

I have had a few more unsupervised days here lately.  I don't want to run the sweeper, in fear of waking up Hubby, so cleaning is not really getting done either.  Master bath seriously needs a cleaning, but it's off the bedroom he's sleeping in.  Garage needs recycling cleaned up, but it's too close to the bedroom too.  Which leaves me to unsupervised online shopping.

Ordered a new vacuum, carpet shampooer (badly needed), leather making kits to get started on a new venture (1/2 price), placed a small yarn order, printed out a new pattern (another new venture), ordered beeds, and a few more items for leather crafting.  Good golly get me off the computer.  What's next?  Possible unsupervised  (rescue) puppy shopping?

Dinner?  Grilled chicken/bacon ranch kabobs with homemade ranch mix, grilled butter/herbed homegrown french breakfast heirloom radishes and a bruschetta salad (unfortunately not my homegrown tomatoes just yet).


  1. I know what you mean about trying to be quiet while someone else in the house sleeps. Our bedroom is in close proximity to . . . well, the whole rest of the house (!) and I've always wanted a two-story house with bedrooms upstairs. Although they say sound rises so maybe that wouldn't work either. :o\ In the summer, especially, it's hard to find time on the computer to research and then find different things you want/need to order so I think you're making good use of your time. (Unsupervised though it may be!) ;o)

  2. Sorry for the still icky weather for you! Careful on the puppy rescue - could be trouble! Really, I admire people who take in puppies - they drive me crazy! We adopted Hoover at about 7 months and housebroken - that was puppy enough for me!

    Take care- hubby must be almost through this night work right?

  3. Mama Pea, it is difficult to do quiet stuff around the house. I can't wait for the weather and Hubby's hours to change.

  4. Debby, Hubby won't get a day off until next Thursday, and I don't know if the night shift will continue into the following week just yet.

  5. Kristina, thanks for the smile! But good sleep is important and good for you for protecting your hubby's.

    Your kabobs look fantastic! I need to hung around for your homemade ranch mix (did you post the recipe?) Sounds like just the right thing for kabobs.

  6. Leigh, I am not sure if I posted the recipe, but will take a look and see and post the link. If not, I'll post it.

  7. That would be great Kristina, thanks!

  8. Its always a joy to visit and be inspired by your delicious looking food. I did smile at your unsupervised shopping comment...

  9. mamasmercantile, glad you enjoy my posts and that you got a chuckle out of this one, ha ha!


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